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<jrtc27[m]> Finde: are you at the summit this week? I saw your name as a coauthor on a poster
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<naoki> linux GPIOMUX is cryptic...
<naoki> I cannot control LED on u-boot :(
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<courmisch> anybody understands the naming convention for the suffixes after v{w,n}cvt{,u} ?
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<ja_02> conchuod on [PATCH v3 4/8] RISC-V: Check Zicclsm to set unaligned access speed.
<ja_02> you said "Doesn't, unfortunately, say anywhere there that they're actually fast :("
<ja_02> do you want me to change the patch? or are you just stating it?
<ja_02> also fdt_nodename_eq isnt defined afaik
<ja_02> thats why i copied fdt_nodename_eq_ and put it in fdt_early.c
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<sorear> looks like <new type>.<old type>.<register type>
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<conchuod> ja_02: Nothing in Zicclsm says the the access are fast, but your patch sets the access speed to fast.
<conchuod> It just says they're supported.
<conchuod> So all that Zicclsm gets you is skipping checking for whether or not you trap, you can't use it to skip speed detection.
<ja_02> ok
<ja_02> as for fdt_nodename_eq?
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<conchuod> ja_02: I don't really get what you were asking w.r.t. that one.
<conchuod> Maybe I just typoed (or didnt read) and left the _ off.
<ja_02> basicaly i cant use the origonal unless i edit /scripts/dtc/libfdt/fdt_ro.c
<ja_02> and libfdt.h
<conchuod> I probably just didn't read it properly, that's all I'm saying.
<ja_02> ok
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<ja_02> nvm then
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<ja_02> conchuod does arch/riscv/kernel/cpufeature.c handle rv64imafdczkr?
<ja_02> * Before attempting to parse the extension itself, we find its end.
<ja_02> * As multi-letter extensions must be split from other multi-letter
<ja_02> * extensions with an "_", the end of a multi-letter extension will
<ja_02> * either be the null character or the "_" at the start of the next
<ja_02> * multi-letter extension.
<conchuod> It should do!
<conchuod> The rule is that multi-letter extensions are split from other multiletter extensions by a _
<conchuod> rv64imafdczkr only has one multiletter extension, so the _ isn't required.
<ja_02> oh
<conchuod> The parser should only advance one letter at a time, so it should reach the z and realise that there's a multiletter extension there.
<conchuod> And then that comment is talking about how it finds the end of the extension.
<ja_02> thx i missunderstood them
<ja_02> then*
<conchuod> nw
<conchuod> You should be able to just dump the contents of riscv_parse_isa_string into godbolt or w/e and fiddle with it there more easily than building and running something
<ja_02> or tcc the highlighting annoys me
<sorear> fun questions like "is sv39 an extension or version 39.0 of sv" and "is v0p7p1 version 7.1 of the v0p extension?"
<ja_02> :(
<conchuod> sorear: is that even allowed?
<conchuod> I thought only one p was permitted
<sorear> excellent question! sources disagree.
<conchuod> So I think it is actually version 0.7 of the v extension, and then version 1 of the p extension. Except p cannot come after a number, only a letter or a _, so...
<sorear> if parsing ISA strings weren't hopeless we wouldn't have switched to riscv,isa-extensions
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<conchuod> I should probably patch OpenSBI for that property, I've just been busy and don't usually do any development of OpenSBI so it has continuously slipped.
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