sorear changed the topic of #riscv to: RISC-V instruction set architecture | | Logs: | Matrix:
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<klb> Hello! I'm new to RISCV but I'm finding a Linux payload to run on qemu-riscv64. Could you give me some suggestions?
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<sorear> klb: a lot of things run on riscv64 - what are you trying to accomplish? qemu testing?
<klb> I'm trying to run two VMs that share memory with ivshmem-plain.
<klb> If there's Linux running on VM it would be easier to confirm the result, I think.
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<klb> PS: ivshmem is a device model provided by QEMU.
<jrtc27> debian. fedora, ubuntu all have images you can just download like other arches
<klb> I expect something smaller than these distributions like initrd or rootfs... I'm not sure. But a archlinux port image may be the right thing. Thank you!
<jrtc27> I mean you could also go do some yocto thing I gues
<jrtc27> or alpine
<klb> Oh it helps. Yocto seems to be popular for a long time but I get to know it just now. Thanks!
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<mps_> klb: if you want small then use alpine linux
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<sorear> downloading something will probably use less of your own time than building yocto if you've never done it before
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<klb> Yes. I spent days on building and learning and building and learning... make little progress and feel depressed. I am working towards Share-Memory mech directly now.
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<courmisch> is it just me or the BPI-F3 kernel likes to reboot every so often?
<unlord> courmisch: I have not had that happen
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<courmisch> it looks like it does not like load
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<unlord> lu_zero has been taxing the board, ask him
<unlord> most of my work is very light
<lu_zero> courmisch: I built lots of stuff with it
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<lu_zero> never had problems
<lu_zero> are you using the nvme?
<courmisch> nope, eMMC
<lu_zero> did you add some cooling to it?
<lu_zero> with nvme + cool environment and my sort-of-case I never seen problems so far
<lu_zero> on the other hand I wish spacemit provides a public kernel tree with separate patches :E
<courmisch> they would have to learn to use Git
<lu_zero> courmisch: they know how to use it
<lu_zero> or at least from what I could poke from their gitee presence
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