sorear changed the topic of #riscv to: RISC-V instruction set architecture | | Logs: | Matrix:
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<courmisch> is there a trick to extract signs in RVV? I guess VSRA.VI (bits - 1) then VOR.VI 1 works as long as we don't care for zero
<sorear> an integer signum function?
<sorear> are you doing something that would be better expressed in terms of masks?
<sorear> there's also (x > 0) - (x < 0) (branch-free spaceship operator in three instructions) but slt works a bit differently in rvv
<courmisch> I need to inject the sign from one vector to another, but in integer
<courmisch> well, that's not the only way to do it
<sorear> what's the spec for copysign(+1, 0) or copysign(INT_MIN, +1)?
<courmisch> values are small and the value for 0 is basically irrelevant because it gets multiplied by zero
<sorear> compare, compare, mask-xor, masked-negate?
<courmisch> not sure if this works out better with 4 comparisons or with 2 comparisons on absolute values, TBH
<sorear> 8 iterations? somebody doesn't like vectors very much
<courmisch> sorear: video codec macroblocks have the size that they have
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<courmisch> and H.263 is almost 30 years old, so yeah, 64-bit vectors :/
<courmisch> well, technically, the calculation of d is in 16-bit arithmetic, so 128-bit vectors
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<sorear> i was thinking more "process several macroblocks at once"
<sorear> possibly harder with codecs from the last ten years where macroblocks come in a million different sizes and shapes
<courmisch> I don't know if that would be possible for deblock
<courmisch> for mocomp, I think it would totally fail because the motion vectors can change from one block to the next
<courmisch> also you may have one block depending on the previous one, which ruins parallelisation
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<drmpeg> courmisch: If you get tired of FFmpeg, here's another project for you.
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<courmisch> sorear: there's no magic trick to divide (toward zero) by a power of two, is there? :(
<courmisch> GCC gives srai;andi;add;srai in scalar
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<sorear> probably not. wonder why rtz didn't make the cut for vxrm
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