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<courmisch> meh, even vendor kernel with vendor DTS and vendor kernel config locks up
<mps> courmisch: on alpine mainline kernel (6.8.x) with some patches work fine and stable for months
<courmisch> mainline with patches sounds like an oxymoron
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<mps> yes, ofc. but that is what works
<courmisch> assuming 6.8.7 is the baseline, patch does not even apply
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<courmisch> I guess git is too simple and somebody really had to make patching as complicated as possible
<courmisch> mps: thanks but that's pretty much unusable TBH
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<mps> hm, I'm sure 6.8.7 is patched and works on alpine
<courmisch> well the patch in that source tree does not apply to v6.8.7
<mps> but it passed alpine builder, how then it doesn't apply
<courmisch> well git says it does not so it does not
<mps> ah, sorry, you are using 6.7.x
<mps> I can right now try to use 6.8.9 as base (anyway have to upgrade it to this version for alpine)
<courmisch> I suspect the problem is my boot loader being too old
<courmisch> then again, vendor has not released their v5.20.0 with 6.6 yet, officially still only support 5.15 and 6.1
<mps> now building
<drmpeg> The 6.9.0-rc7 kernel at works for me.
<drmpeg> branch jh7110
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<mps> drmpeg: I also think to use this kernel for alpine but didn't found time to switch
<drmpeg> It looks to be mainline with just PCI patches.
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<mps> yes
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<courmisch> alpine 6.7.0 jams too
<courmisch> silently though, maybe it doesn't have soft lockup debug
<courmisch> will try esmil's now but not holding my breath
<courmisch> well it does not have a defconfig, so chances of success are 0
<Esmil> courmisch: xypron fixed so you can use the ubuntu installer image and update your u-boot
<Esmil> courmisch: this is the config i'm using with the jh7110 branch, but you probably want to enable more stuf (like ext4)
<courmisch> Esmil: I am not sure what you are trying to say but that page says no PCIe, and that means I can't use that
<Esmil> are you talking about pcie in u-boot? because the ubuntu kernel does support pcie on the jh7110s
<Esmil> ..although with mixed results when it's not just an nvme drive and the usb3 adaptor
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<courmisch> Esmil: that Ubuntu wiki page says no PCIe, but I'm not sure what you mean with it in the first place
<courmisch> I can only guess that there is a step that everybody else has done other than build the kernel
<courmisch> like update DTS, u-boot, SBI or kernel cmdline
<Esmil> courmisch: hmm.. you can always use the ubuntu installer image and see what that does
<drmpeg> Here's my config, but it's the ginormous Ubuntu config with some edits.
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<drmpeg> and use olddefconfig
<courmisch> and I have a 4 GiB board
<mps> I wrote half year ago guide how to update u-boot to mainline
<mps> but have to update it
<mps> both needs improvement but hackers will understand them in current state
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<courmisch> no luck with 6.9.0-rc7 either
<courmisch> [ 12.418666] cadence-qspi 13010000.spi: Cannot claim QSPI clock.
<courmisch> [ 12.425688] platform 13040000.gpio: deferred probe pending
<Esmil> courmisch: looks like you're missing a clock driver
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<drmpeg> Esmil: I've noticed that "sudo shutdown -r" isn't very reliable with Ubuntu 24.04 on the VF2. About half the time, it hangs with the red LED flashing (and requires a push of the reset button).
<courmisch> Esmil: it's your config + initrd support though
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<courmisch> and now the board won't reach SPL, uho
<courmisch> drmpeg: never got reboot working here. Even halts jams 50% of the time before reaching Halted
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<drmpeg> It looks like it gets all the way, but just doesn't restart.
<courmisch> Esmil: okay, nvmd. had to turn off EFI, add initrd and change DTB
<courmisch> Esmil: thanks
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<courmisch> is it so that Ztso is always on (or not supported at all)?
<gurki> well the good news is that this cadence qspi is well documented, so should be fixable
<gurki> (unless they messed up the hw design, then youre screwed :D )
<courmisch> gurki: I fixed it already, DTB problem
<gurki> ah. very good :)
<gurki> congrats
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