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<conchuod> courmisch: Did you ever run linux on the small core on the k230?
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<conchuod> Esmil: have you changed your mind on this?
<conchuod> Hmm either the fastest response to a thread ever, or we both looked at it at the same time...
<Esmil> conchuod: yeah, sorry. catching up after the summit
* bjdooks is happy to have gotten back to UK
<conchuod> At least you have a reason for being behind Esmil :)
<conchuod> Mines just being lazy
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<courmisch> conchuod: yes
<courmisch> conchuod: that's what the vendor SDK does , FWIW
<conchuod> courmisch: if it's not too much trouble, what's proc cpuinfo say about that CPU?
<courmisch> conchuod: it lies about supporting V, so it's useless
<conchuod> I'm less interested in lies about V and more about the marchid/mimpid values. Do you recall if they were 0?
<courmisch> haven't looked at them since the day I got the device, 9 months ago
<conchuod> Fair enough!
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<palmer> IIUC it's the same as the K1, just clocked faster
<courmisch> and more RAM
<ja_02> courmisch so ill drop [PATCH v3 4/8] RISC-V: Check Zicclsm to set unaligned access speed
<courmisch> uh?
<ja_02> conchuod sry
<ja_02> i was hopeing that there could be a way to skip speed probing as its quite slow
<conchuod> Ye, I guess. It was only really useful before you added the speed probing.
<ja_02> wdym?
<bjdooks> I finally got around to updating ivan's opensbi build updates and sedning them
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<conchuod> ja_02: That the Zicclsm test was only a useful idea before the speed probing was added, when all that was being done was testing for a trap.
<conchuod> Because it does tell if you misaligned accesses are supported
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<ja_02> ah i understand now. the supported part is fast though so it doesn't really matter
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<courmisch> using indirect branches to call VSETVLI zero, zero with different immediate vector types... seems about as slow as using VSETVL. Somewhat unsurprisingly
<courmisch> so only way to optimise functions with small fixed-size inputs will be to replicate them entirely for each hardware VLEN :(
<courmisch> (unless the function only uses a single VTYPE, but that's not so commonly possible)
<courmisch> unlord, haasn ^ but my benchmarks were not too thorough
<unlord> courmisch: hmm, I was seeing benefits on the dav1d stuff I thought
<unlord> I was setting vsetvl only once though
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<courmisch> you can amortise VSETVL if you loop
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<courmisch> but that will barely work if you don't loop[3~
<courmisch> and it just doesn't work if you don't loop and you need to change element size
<courmisch> well, it depends on the ratio of instructions per vsetvl, obviously
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<sorear> there's always "wait a year and see if performance characteristics of common cores have changed", I very much doubt c908 will have staying power
<courmisch> this is much more of an x60 than c908 problem
<courmisch> c908 has the issue, but it's kind of irrelevant because it's got the smallest hardware vector size that we care about
<courmisch> thus code that *works* at all on Zv128l should be optimal for C908 anyway.
<courmisch> But it won't be optimal for Zvl256b or larger. That's why I call it an x60 problem
<courmisch> sorear: and I agree that we should wait and see, but I seem to be alone in voicing that opinion in FFmpeg, dav1d, etc
<sorear> do we no longer care about dynamic LMUL for variable-length vector stuff on c908?
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<courmisch> if the variable length is iterated a lot, then computing VTYPE dynamically and using VSETVL is almost free, that's not much of an issue
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<courmisch> the problem now is small fixed-size inputs
<courmisch> for that we cannot use VSETVL, it's too slow
<sorear> vsetvl is actually slower than vsetvli on existing hardware? i didn't expect that to be a problem until next year and was worried the optimizations using it would all have to be reverted
<courmisch> it seems to be, but maybe I'm measuring wrong
<unlord> courmisch: most of the DSP functions I've been looking at in dav1d have loops after the vsetvl*
<courmisch> unlord: but don't they need to change SEW?
<unlord> some don't
<courmisch> for instance, if you need to clip s16 to u8, you have to change SEW (and therefore VTYPE)
<unlord> the blend ones for example
<courmisch> yeah in that case it's easy
<courmisch> but it's not always possible
<sorear> I wonder if any of the "clip s16 to u8" cases could be profitably converted into "clip s16 to s8" with a -128 offset transform
<courmisch> yes that works in some cases
<courmisch> but in the general case, it's adding one extra instructions (not counting vsetvl's)
<sorear> I'm thinking of cases where the "extra instruction" can be folded into the next pass at zero cost
<courmisch> converting the multimedia world to signed pixel samples, yeah, good luck
<courmisch> I don't know case where it could readily be done in isolation. Maybe there are, but I don't have the wherewithal
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