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<drmpeg> xypron: Have you had any luck chasing down that __wrpll_calc_filter_range bug in U-Boot for Unmatched?
<drmpeg> When I was trying to build the latest U-Boot, it seemed that applying different patches caused different results.
<xypron> drmpeg: I am currently debugging it. As adding print commands has left me without the bug I am using JTAG via OpenOCD. Here is the config you can use
<xypron> drmpeg: Yes adding unrelated patches makes the problem vanish.
<davidlt> Which U-Boot version has this issue?
<drmpeg> 2024.1
<xypron> The drivers have not changed since then. I guess the bug is still lingering in 2024.04
<drmpeg> I was building with the U-Boot tag at v2024.01 and the OpenSBI tag at v1.4.
<drmpeg> I tried some other patch to treat the extlinux.conf prompt and timeout fields to act as before, and got some other weird error.
<Tenkawa> drmpeg: do you have the error handy?
<davidlt> bisect?
<Tenkawa> I need to find a vendor around here for that board
<Tenkawa> Anything other than JH7110's seem to be hard to come by in the states currently unless someone knows a vendor I'm missing.
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<drmpeg> You want to buy an Unmatched?
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<Tenkawa> 8 weeks lead time still though
<davidlt> SiFive cooked a new (final?) batch of Unmatched in November IIRC.
<Tenkawa> I'm looking at other distributors now
<davidlt> Mouser is the official channel IIRC
<davidlt> I doubt it's available anywhere else.
<Tenkawa> I thought about the new Sophon boards but I still am not sure what to think
<davidlt> Pioneer?
<Tenkawa> Yeah
<davidlt> I have one, but I would avoid anything with C910/920
<davidlt> Especially if SG2380 / MilkV Oasis happens later this year
<Tenkawa> Yeah I have been reading that as wel
<Tenkawa> er well
<davidlt> There is also SG2044 to replace currenct SG2042 with C920V2 also happening this year
<sorear> is there an official changelog for c920v2?
<davidlt> In general I have cases were Pioneer spinning all 64-cores is slower compared to Unmatched
<Tenkawa> I like my Mars CM for a JH7110... is actually the fastest one I have... if only we had the mainline kernel adjustments for it heh
<drmpeg> Tenkawa: That Mouser link says 27 can ship immediately.
<davidlt> No, but I had the old datasheet and thus managed to compare them
<davidlt> Main changes incl. vector V1.0 support, Sv48, cache coherence protocol change, and similar.
<Tenkawa> oh.. yeah lead time if order is greater than 27
<Tenkawa> read it wromg
<Tenkawa> er wrong
<Tenkawa> I don't like Mouser or Digikey's info page
<aurel32> davidlt: tried to bisect the issue twice, but ended up with different wrong culprits. The problem is that we are sure of the bad commits, but not sure of the good one (and I tried each of the good ones with 3 different CONFIG_LOCALVERSION)
<davidlt> I see, it's one of those annoying bugs to hunt
<aurel32> yeah, just changing CONFIG_LOCALVERSION is enough to change the behaviour
<drmpeg> Heisenberg.
<aurel32> davidlt: I guess comparing the datasheets does not tell you the bugs that have been fixed (i.e. FPU one)
<davidlt> aurel32, ah, yes, but someone reported that it's fixed in C908
<gurki> aurel32: isnt there some errata?
<davidlt> I would assume they took time to fix that in C920V2 too
<gurki> id expect some appendix somewhere
<davidlt> T-HEAD doesn't publish a doc with errata IIRC
<gurki> :(
<davidlt> (I might be wrong)
<davidlt> there is also a bug that affects atomics
<davidlt> for build-farm workload SG2380 (16-core SiFive P670) should nuke this from the sky
<davidlt> not to mention starting price being 120 USD (no idea how they can afford this)
* bjdooks idly wonders if horsecreek ever got out
<gurki> i remember someone being quite unhappy about the sg2380 for architectural reasons, but i forgot the deatils
<davidlt> bjdooks, from SiFive announcement low quantity partners only IIRC
<gurki> details*
<davidlt> it's 4 clusters, one is lower clocked
<gurki> oh dear
<davidlt> Think P/E cores, Zen4/Zen4C, this is more like AMD, I guess.
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<davidlt> One cluster (4 cores) is more energy efficient, but it's the same cores.
<davidlt> JH8100-series is also 4+1+1 IIRC
<davidlt> I kinda like these designs, there are even rumors Intel could do 8 + 32 for Arrow Lake
<Tenkawa> I'll ask the group... is the revision of the HiFive Unmatched going to be a worthwhile board to do development on for a while?
<davidlt> Tenkawa, no
<Tenkawa> ok I won't bother
<davidlt> JH7110 is already faster and way cheaper
<Tenkawa> I've got a "opportunity" for a purchase next month so I want to make sure I get the right one
<davidlt> Probably the best next investment is SG2380 / MilkV Oasis.
<Tenkawa> I have 4 JH7110's already
<Tenkawa> Best one imo (once kernel/drivers catch up) is the Milk-V Mars CM in my testing
<davidlt> Also JH8100-series upstreaming is ongoing thus shouldn't be too long before something gets announced.
<Tenkawa> VF2 is good.. Star64 is ... something
<drmpeg> Can you have a mainline kernel with VF2?
<davidlt> Yes
<davidlt> PCIe didn't land yet, that's annoying part
<drmpeg> Ok.
<sorear> the only noteworthy complaint with the sg2380 that I've heard in advance is that we don't know how the x280 / "AI" cores are going to be programmed, and they're not similar enough to the main cores to be used for task scheduling
<sorear> is there anything other than the PCIe patchset that's not mainline yet and needed for normal headless usage?
<davidlt> there are other patches IIRC, camera support (?)
<aurel32> not having the 1.5GHz patch upstreamed is also annoying, although it still works without it, just slower
<davidlt> aurel32, I kinda expected that to be resolved by now.
<aurel32> you mean we don't need it anymore?
<davidlt> Nah, I recall them saying that it will be fixed.
<aurel32> last patch is from august, and the github issue is still opened:
<aurel32> i don't get why it can't be fixed in u-boot instead
<davidlt> I am looking, and I see that opp-table allows 1.5GHz
<davidlt> Kernel was suppose to handle the clock IIRC
<aurel32> the opp-table frequencies assume a 1.5GHz PLL0, so the real cpu frequency is not matching the values in opp-table
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<aurel32> that's the table in the github issue. Without the patch, if you ask for 1.5GHz, you get 1GHz. If you ask 750MHz, you get 500MHz
<davidlt> So the patch exist, but it was never merged?
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<davidlt> It looks like StarFive folks dropped the ball here
<aurel32> there were some comments from Esmil, and I haven't found any new version since then
<davidlt> Just in case I will ping them
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<davidlt> most likely, I couldn't find anything recent
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<NicknameJohn> Hi. Got a question. So afaik there are only 3 riscv "laptops" models yet and I expected more. What may the main constraints be?
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<sorear> if anyone has a "complete idiot's guide to setting up a clang/lld cross compilation env for linux, ideally with enough libraries to bootstrap clang" lying around you can link to, that would cut a lot of steps off of riscv-non-isa/riscv-elf-psabi-doc#425 being mergeable
<sorear> NicknameJohn: demand, availability of suitable SoCs
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<Tenkawa> NicknameJohn: one major limiter right now to be blunt is GPU quality in the RISC-V area
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<jrtc27> sorear: if you're willing to do freebsd I can give you a two-liner...
<jrtc27> otherwise, does extracting the rootfs from a live image for a distro of your choosing not achieve that goal?
<jrtc27> (1. build clang+lld 2. extract rootfs 3. clang --target=riscv64-linux-gnu --sysroot=/path/to/rootfs)
<sorear> hadn't considered using a binary distro as a sysroot, that helps
<sorear> wouldn't say I'm opposed to freebsd but the only build machine I have handy is nixos and doing anything slightly complicated on it gets painful
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<gurki> sounds like you should put sth different on your build machinr *runs*
<gurki> machine*
<sorear> tell me that in 2020 and I'll be eternally grateful.
<meowray> sorear: i haven't read closely, but do you think your JAL_THUNK can replace the 2-byte table-based jump instruction (Zcmt?)
<courmisch> please don't incite people to break the spacetime continuum
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<meowray> sorear: i have some under-construction notes at for FDPIC. i think i get the high-level picture, but i probably need to work out the details by myself
<sorear> meowray: JAL_THUNK is a relocation used with the 4-byte jal instruction when you (1) don't care about t1 and t2 before and after the jump (2) have a section boundary within 1 MiB of the pc so that the linker can insert something without breaking up a section. it can be relaxed into cm.j(al)t under the same conditions as a JAL relocation, I don't see how it _replaces_ cm.j(al)t
<jrtc27> re nixos, yeah our magic build-all-the-things tool doesn't support that as nobody cared enough to figure out all the weirdness that needs handling
<meowray> ah, ok. i feel unfortunate if linkers need to support so many different jump instructions
<jrtc27> (we've had a grand total of one person try it and report that it didn't work)
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<xypron> drmpeg: The in-memory device-tree shows corruption when entering sifive_prci_probe(). See
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<drmpeg> Nice. You're hot on the trail.
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