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<davidlt> morning
<davidlt> Interesting, glibc build on Unmatched ~7:30, on Pioneer ~16:20 hours. Pioneer spent most of the time trying to write out RPMs spinning all 64 cores at 100%.
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<sorear> i'd ask then if can be lifted into a standalone benchmark which is notably slower on the c910 than on jh7110
<sorear> this does seem more plausible than the best theory I had several months ago, which was that the th1520 was slower in practice due to having half the LLC size; that theory is also testable since jh7110 uses the sifive cache which has a configurable way disable
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<conchuod> smaeul: you might be interested in "riscv: cache: implementation dcache for cv1800b" on the uboot ml
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<drewfustini> davidlt: wow, I'm surprised the SG2042 is so much worse than FU740
<drewfustini> I wonder if it is U74 vs C920 or some other aspect of the SoC design
<drewfustini> I had been hoping that the TH1520 could be inexpensive native builder for situations where there isn't budget for SG2042
<drewfustini> sorear: interesting, I had no realized the difference in cache sizes
<drewfustini> Btw, I was surprised to see news about a new SoC with 8 cores
<drewfustini> Very interesting
<drewfustini> "
<drewfustini> " first to incorporate the RISC-V K1 chip, developed by SpacemiT Technologies Ltd., designed in accordance with the RISC-V Foundation RVA22 standards."
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<drewfustini> "K1 chip features an 8-core 64-bit processor with advanced Vector in 1.0 technology, offering 2.0 TOPs of AI computing power."
<xypron> drewfustini: Let's hope that they care about upstreaming.
<xypron> Then it will be a great board.
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<drewfustini> Yeah, I hope so too
<xypron> Concerning Pioneerbox vs Unmatched: My experience with building Ubuntu'g glibc was 7 h on Pioneer box vs 3.5 days on Unmatched.
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<davidlt> drewfustini, I would take JH7110 against TH1520
<drewfustini> Other than IO like PCIe, what do you think benefits the JH7110 performance?
<Tenkawa> drewfustini: I have been astonished at how good my BPI Amlogic CM board is so if they put any decent effort into this RV one I'll be buying one/more
<drewfustini> I'm very interested in the SoC vendor. I had never heard of them before
<Tenkawa> Ah. yeah they are fairly well known nowadays in the ARM world
<mps> IIUC discussion for last day, milk-v pioneer is not good choice for distro builder?
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<xypron> mps: The Pioneer box is the fastest thing you can get now. But with RVA22 pushing to market using a VM on x86 or arm64 may be more future proof.
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<davidlt> drewfustini, vendor working on software support upstream, PCIe M2 is a must, and it performs really well against TH1520 (sometimes winning).
<davidlt> Also I just don't trust T-HEAD 1st gen IP.
<sorear> the pioneer box is the fastest thing you can buy, but it's far slower than you'd expect for 64 low-end OoO cores
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<mps> xypron: aha ok and thanks.
<davidlt> Oh yeah, you are not gonna get 16x performance bump compared to Unmatched.
<mps> heh, and I expected it is a lot faster
<Tenkawa> I'm quite happy with cross compiling on my Parallels VM
<mps> Tenkawa: I'm workig on x86_64 host with qemu-user, not so fast but quite ok
<Tenkawa> It runs builds for me right now quite well..
<sorear> apart from the poorly understood store buffer issue, the memory bandwidth per MIPS is much lower than you'd get on high core count x86
<mps> and interesting thing it is not much faster on apple silicon M1pro machine
<Tenkawa> mps: yeah this Mac is almost native since ARM and RV are so close
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<Tenkawa> mps: with Parallels it would be on the order of 100x faster or more than qemu
<mps> to my eyes riscv looks closer to mips64
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<Tenkawa> qemu is molasses on here in comparison
<mps> Tenkawa: I don't know is it possible to run parallels on linux
<Tenkawa> I run os x natively and Linux inside
<sorear> imo: extremely wide cores like firestorm disproportionately benefit emulators and type-safe JITs, because all the extra checks you need for correctness have no dependencies and can be slotted into the schedule anywhere
<mps> and qemu on macos have nearly bare metal performance
<mps> but I don't use macos often, it doesn't fit to my 'fingers'
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<rbmarliere> which tree has eth support for th1520?
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<drewfustini> I'm using this
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<rbmarliere> ty dro
<rbmarliere> drewfustini: *
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<drewfustini> Revy did make images
<drewfustini> ... I need to get on my computer later to find the link
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<rbmarliere> yeah I got their wiki, ty
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