sorear changed the topic of #riscv to: RISC-V instruction set architecture | | Logs: | Matrix:
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<sorear> is it just me, or are the wavedrom bit diagrams in unpriv-isa-asciidoc vastly preferable to the bytefield-svg bit diagrams in priv-isa-asciidoc
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<sorear> kisp capstone is interesting, they managed to weld a capability derivation and revocation system very similar to sel4's onto cheri's data model. i wonder if they looked into two-color concurrent GCs instead of refcounting
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<geertu> bjdooks: CU soon!
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<drewfustini> Have fun! I'll be living vicariously this time from the wrong side of the Atlantic
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<palmer> does anyone have a Pioneer? I'm worried that kernel fence/fairness bug hits userspace too, as folks have been complaining about things going oddly slowly
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<conchuod> palmer: yes but I have still got the thing running what they shipped it with
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<conchuod> palmer: If there's some specific shit that needs tested or w/e I can do it though. Or I could prob give ssh access to you.
<palmer> I think running the vendor kernel is OK for this, as it's a userspace lock I'm worried about
<palmer> looks like stress-ng's atomic tests are the easiest way to start
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<davidlt> conchuod, try something like: stress-ng --verbose --aggressive --atomic 64 --timeout 600 (I don't recall what is default timeout)
<conchuod> davidlt: On the vendor kernel?
<davidlt> I am using Fedora 38 image, newer one from their forums (not on their download page)
<conchuod> (and vendor userspace etc too obviously)
<davidlt> But otherwise everything vendor (incl. their repos)
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<conchuod> Oke, I can give that a go once I am done eating
<davidlt> Basically what test does not terminate at timeout, ignore kill signal, but finishes after a long time IIRC.
<davidlt> I didn't test, but I wonder how xz multi-threaded compression scales.
<davidlt> I have rpmbuild spinning 64-cores 100% load for hours trying to write out glibc RPMs, and overall it's taking more time than Unmatched.
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<davidlt> The board likes to hang sometimes too (lost two GCC builds, one golang build, etc)
<davidlt> But that seems somewhat random.
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<conchuod> davidlt: I'll turn on the leafblower
<davidlt> :D
<davidlt> I lost the small fan within 20 hours, and one of the bigger ones 80mm is already screaming at me
<davidlt> ok, I am off for tonight
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<conchuod> Okay I love this
<conchuod> The official docs for the board use the username "neko"
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<conchuod> Ayaya
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<conchuod> palmer: Do you know what I am supposed to be looking for with these tests?
<palmer> my general theory is that magic fence that Guo proposed for the kernel spinlocks is also necessary in userspace, it's just that userspace is more tolerant of random hangs so nobody's bothered to figure it out yet
<conchuod> palmer: I mean what do you want to see from my stress-ng run
<palmer> no idea, let me poke around a bit and see what all that means ;)
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<palmer> now let me see what it's actually doing for the atomics, and if there's some simple way to get it to emit that fence...
<conchuod> I guess I'll do the x86 box for a comparison
<conchuod> playing wow on the other one tho, my ups might complain
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<palmer> ;)
<conchuod> If I build a kernel while playin wow it starts beepin
<conchuod> well, while playing any cpu intensive game
<palmer> I just keep the servers in the laundry room
<conchuod> The pioneer and the spinning rust server are in the attic
<conchuod> but my dev box and my gaming one are not
<drmpeg> Here's the Unmatched numbers.
<palmer> ya, so I smell a bug ;)
<palmer> no way that should go a ton slower than the unmatched, that has horrible contention issues
<palmer> so I think something like this should do it, but it'd require a GCC rebuild
<conchuod> gcc build on that board Hmmge
<palmer> ya, David said it takes days
<palmer> let me try and write a simpler test for it...
<mps> on pioneer?
<conchuod> Build me a stress-ng binary :)
<palmer> if I cross-build a static binary it might work, I can try?
<conchuod> also dk just walked past me in wow called "dirtypalmer"
<sorear> the stress-ng output gave near-identical responses for 8/16/32/64, which makes me think that any hypothetical workaround is also needed for lr/sc
<palmer> sorear: ya, I think it'd be necessary for any atomic store:
<palmer> so I guess I missed store-release?
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<sorear> depending on how expensive it is it might be relevant for relaxed-atomic stores, which i don't think are release
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<palmer> ya, maybe?
<palmer> if only they actually documented the errata ;)
<sorear> i don't really understand the issue beyond what guo wrote on linux-riscv ("store buffer merging issue")
<palmer> ya, I don't etiher
<palmer> I think nobody does?
<palmer> or maybe, nobody outside T-Head
<sorear> the bug is very likely present in openc910 but i've made little progress on understanding that
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<conchuod> palmer: not sure how interesting this is, but I ran it with -4 on an icicle w/ a relatively recent kernel.
<palmer> at 500Mhz? I though that'd go about the same speed as the Unmatched...
<conchuod> 600
<conchuod> I ran -4, he ran -64
<palmer> OK, so I think maybe those are comparable numbers? not 100% sure what they all mean...
<drmpeg> I'll do a -4.
<sorear> I wonder if you could get meaningfully improved throughput by _increasing_ the timer interrupt rate
<conchuod> Also this thing on my x86 box is still going, well after the 10 min "timeout"
<conchuod> That 10 mins seems to not be 10 mins of wallclock time.
<palmer> ya, I see weird stuff on my latpop too
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<Tenkawa> conchuod: that's what I was just about to ask... (whose "owning" the time....)
<palmer> also I'd guess that an interrupt causes enough store traffic to flush whatever this buffer is?
<palmer> so I think this should do it?
<palmer> with -O3 that compiles to some simple-looking loops
<palmer> and my theory is that dropping MAGIC_FENCE should make this go way slower
<sorear> is fence w,o the same as pause? will that have effects on hw that honors pause? can other fences with PW be used with the same effect?
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<conchuod> drmpeg: mpfs gettin blasted
<conchuod> I know there's other variables, but that is massively different.
<conchuod> palmer: what you wanna do with that? time ./store-latency?
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<conchuod> fwiw I ran the stress-ng on the random pi I had sitting on my desk:
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<palmer> sorear: no idea, but it'd end up as a vendor-specific workaround (though I guess it's a bit more of a headache if go-fast on T-Head is go-slow everywhere else...)
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<sorear> if that's actually the best we can do it
<sorear> 'd make more sense to be in opensbi
<sorear> ...accidentally breaking there completely changes the meaning
<palmer> ya, mabye? Right now I'm just trying to figure out what this HW actually does...
<jrtc27> re interrupt causing stores that flush things out, that was my assumption reading the thread
<jrtc27> presumably if you get unlucky you have interrupts masked at just the wrong point in your spinlock code though?
<conchuod> palmer: what do you want (if anything) done with that program you linked?
<jrtc27> but agreed that knowing the actual hardware issue would be rather useful...
<drmpeg> Here's what I get on Unmatched. I cut the iterations to 0x4000 though.
<sorear> does unmatched have a nontrivial zihintpause?
<jrtc27> so unmatched doesn't have a great alias predictor then?
<jrtc27> oh hm this is multithreaded
<jrtc27> so yeah ok that makes more sense
<palmer> conchuod: so my theory is that it'll run much faster with MAGIC_FENCE defined (the default) than with it undefined
<conchuod> With your default settings the difference is noise
<palmer> I just pushed a Makefile change so it should build both
<palmer> ya, I guess it probably needs to be way longer or something?
<palmer> I only have QEMU to mess around with...
<conchuod> Yah, way way longer :)
<palmer> ya, looks like it's noise even in QEMU
<sorear> conchuod: noise on what? icicle?
<conchuod> pioneer
<sorear> so either the fix doesn't work or the test case is wrong?
<palmer> I think it's just taking no time to actually run
<palmer> 1<<24 makes it take a bout a minute on my machine in QEMU
<conchuod> #define ITERATIONS 0x1000000ULL
<palmer> conchuod: OK, so I think my theory was wrong?
<sorear> it's possible that the underlying bug is a failure of FIFO prioritization, and you'll need to add some stores to the inner loop and get the hardware to prefer the decoy stores over the sync stores somehow
<conchuod> I re-ran boring again after magic and got ~identical output
<conchuod> ~indentical to the magic output*
<conchuod> and then another magic which was faster again :)
<palmer> ya, it'd have to be way off for something interesting here
<sorear> so... stress-ng?
<palmer> ya, but we don't really know if stress-ng is actually slow because of this, or if it's just something else
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