sorear changed the topic of #riscv to: RISC-V instruction set architecture | | Logs: | Matrix:
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<conchuod> sorear: I got a response about the PoC code for the config spec. Not gonna share it until the governing commitee has finished its review.
<conchuod> Daft, but idk.
<sorear> is this a review process that I would plausibly not know about it?
<sorear> s/it//
<conchuod> sorear: Come again?
<sorear> it's hard to tell which parts of the riscv bureaucratic infrastructure are intentionally secret and which parts are just badly documented
<sorear> assuming this "governing committee" is not the ARC I have no idea what you're talking about, and I don't know whether that's by design
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<sorear> i also wasn't aware there _was_ PoC code for the config spec, could I have found out about it by any means?
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<conchuod> On the tech-config ML they said it existed:
<conchuod> "Our colleagues have finished a u-boot demo. Now we can convert a demo ASN.1 instance into nodes in the device tree that’s passed to Linux kernel. We are able to see the converted nodes in the /sys folder under Linux, which means software can easily access the ASN.1 configurations."
<conchuod> Another email, then said "Currently we are seeking code review with the HC, then we’ll sent out the link to the PoC code."
<sorear> mm
<conchuod> My only understanding was that a PoC was required for freezing or similar.
<davidlt> Poc is required IIRC.
<davidlt> It's part of process (you can track it on JIRA)
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<conchuod> I avoid JIRA like the plague.
<conchuod> Be that microchip's or any other
<conchuod> They're very early on, at least if the rather incomplete spec on github is any indication, so I highly doubt they're at the point of freezing etc.
<davidlt> Yeah (no one likes JIRA)
<Orac> JIRA/Confluence.... don't say those 2 words around me.... (I spent years of my life as an admin of those)
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<Tenkawa> I still have innate shuddering hearing the words
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<conchuod> sorear: you want me to cc you on what im saying to this chap or nah?
<sorear> wouldn't hurt
<sorear> i've probably already signed myself up for too many projects so don't expect much
<conchuod> I'm not really expecting you to say anything or get involved with the spec (I don't wanna get involved with that spec either).
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<conchuod> sorear: Is your fastmail addr what you use for rvi lists?
<sorear> yes
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<conchuod> I've asked the chap if they'd give me the PoC or at least config that I understood the PoC directly.
<conchuod> heh, I put "directly" after the wrong instance of PoC.
<conchuod> I do wanna see it before I send my commentary on the spec, because IMO that PoC is an indicator of how well they understand even their own charter.
<conchuod> Tenkawa: Our internal JIRA is the slowest website I have ever had the displeasure of using. That's the source of a large part of my hatred for it.
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<chripo> conchuod: give it a shot
<conchuod> I'll check it out, thanks.
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