sorear changed the topic of #riscv to: RISC-V instruction set architecture | | Logs: | Matrix:
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<aurel32> another fallout from switching rdcycle to a privileged instruction: mirage-crypto uses the lower part of the rdcycle as a source of entropy
<aurel32> in that case, switching to rdtime is not the correct things to do
<aurel32> any idea what would be the best?
<sorear> yikes. arguably rdtime would be better, since it's typically an independent clock
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<aurel32> i don't see why it would be better to get some entropy. Also rdtime doesn't guarantee that the lower bits change between successive calls
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<sorear> there's no formal requirement of that for rdcycle, either, and rdcycle is more likely to have lower bits that change deterministically if you do two rdcycles with a bunch of divides between them
<sorear> the call site and the paper linked from there talk about nondeterministic execution time of divide instructions which ??? divides are implementation defined but every divider I've seen has time that only depends on the operands
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<jrtc27> also *mumble* OoO *mumble* no dependency
<sorear> actually the divides are all serially dependent in
<jrtc27> (though maybe rdcycle is meant to be implicitly semi-dependent on all prior instructions in program order?)
<jrtc27> (otherwise one could hoist rdcycle to be as early as the previous rdcycle which seems not so useful?)
<jrtc27> sure, but not the rdcycle itself
<sorear> server-soc requires a time update frequency of 100MHz, hifive has a comically low time update frequency but also comically slow rdtime so it works out
<sorear> if you're very "lucky" and have a banked physical register file you might be able to get a few bits of renamer state entropy out of that loop, otherwise it's just smoke and mirrors around the cycle counter at entry
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<sorear> non-negligible chance of an interrupt arriving during the 50k back to back divides which helps too
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<bjdooks> anyone else planning on going to EOSS in Seattle in April
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<palmer> aurel32: I think for entropy you're going to need to call the kernel at some point, there's no good way to do it in general on RISC-V
<palmer> I guess with the Zkr (or wherever the random bits ended up) we have an instruction for it, so we could trap/emulate that? then it's just a matter of making sure implementations actually trap
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<sorear> that sounds like Sstrict which is a profile option
<sorear> but given that the current version is srand(time(0)^getpid()) tier
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<dramforever[m]> on the kendryte k230, rvv load/store instructions can't access mmio registers. is this allowed?
<dramforever[m]> like i can mmap /dev/mem and if i point it to say the serial port registers, if i do a scalar load it loads, if i do a vector load it does a load access fault
<courmisch> allowed I dunno, but sounds kind of reasonable?
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<dramforever[m]> > I/O regions can specify which combinations of read, write, or execute accesses to which data widths are supported.
<dramforever[m]> that's from the pma stuff
<dramforever[m]> and the v spec says something for misaligned accesses
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<dramforever[m]> like it does very much look like if vector load/store is can access io it's well-defined
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<dramforever[m]> i had someone porting software to t-head stuff telling me they found pulseaudio was trying to memcpy stuff, and it crashes because they've got an rvv memcpy
<dramforever[m]> they've since reverted the memcpy vectorization
<dramforever[m]> i think that was on c910, so pre-rvv1.0, but i'm pretty sure this is the same problem
<dramforever[m]> and i'm also not entirely sure how the original memcpy got through... they say "strong order", which is weird stuff about t-head pte attributes
<dramforever[m]> so maybe it's "no rvv if strong order by pma or by page table"?
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<palmer> dramforever[m]: if the vendor says it's allowed then it is ;)
<dramforever[m]> i'm wondering just mostly like, can it be not allowed?
<palmer> sure, if the ISA (or some github issue or whatever) says it's not allowed then it's now allowed -- at least until some HW vendor says it is allowed, then it is
<palmer> RISC-V really just isn't an ISA, it's just marketing
<dramforever[m]> it's fence.tso all over again
<palmer> sound like we'll need some extra magic for the T-Head cores. Do you know if there's any T-Head documentation of that behavior, or if it's just that comment?
<palmer> ya, we've been through this a bunch of times with RVI. I've stopped even bothering to write stuff down any more, it's too crazy over there
<dramforever[m]> popcorn day when upstream glibc adds rvv memcpy and it breaks all sorts of userspace drivers
<dramforever[m]> i think maybe the c908 docs says this but i also don't have c908 docs
<palmer> this is the k230? their product page is just linking back to their home page now, and that's all bitcoining mining (not AI, which I thought this was)
<palmer> did I mix up my companies or something?
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<dramforever[m]> wonder if this is not officially out yet
<palmer> pretty sure I saw product pages for it at some point, I always check that chips are real before merging stuff (there's way too much fake stuff in RISC-V land these days)
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<davidlt> K230 is out.
<davidlt> There is another 8-core RVA22 board just announced.
<dramforever[m]> i guess they messed up their website
<palmer> ya, so hopefully their website is just broken? do you have the docs for it, so we can see what's up with this IO memory thing?
<conchuod> palmer: the website always sucked
<dramforever[m]> the c908 page is also gone?
<conchuod> It only ever had scant information about the k210
<davidlt> Oh yes, it's not longer listed under their IP products, 9-series
<dramforever[m]> how
<davidlt> yeah, Google even shows it their search results, but it redirects to home
<palmer> so maybe the right answer is to just ignore it? we can hide behind the whole user/priv grey area, and then just see if a bug gets reported?
<palmer> that way they'll at least have to describe what's going on
<dramforever[m]> score! i have found a c908 manual in chinese ... and i don't see anything about it in the manual
<jrtc27> (uh, ignore the specific message link, that was arbitrary and unintended)
<dramforever[m]> that's, one of the things rvv shouldn't have a problem with right? since you can load and store individual bytes and ask the core to figure it out
<dramforever[m]> from what i can tell c908 does just not even try to access device memory and just fails it with a load/store access fault, but idk how to verify that
<dramforever[m]> i suppose in t-head speak SO "strong ordered" means nR, and B "bufferable" means E, so "strong ordered" is nGnRnE or nGnRE
<palmer> dramforever[m]: I think a reasonable argument could be made there. The ISA defines the V stuff as acting like loops of scalar instructions, so I'd argue that mandates this works
<palmer> is doesn't, though, so we'll have to live with it ;)
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