sorear changed the topic of #riscv to: RISC-V instruction set architecture | | Logs: | Matrix:
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<xypron> drmpeg: U-Boot SPL loads the DT directly behind the main U-Boot image not considering the BSS section. sbi_dbcn_available is in the BSS section and written before relocation.
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<drmpeg> Does that mean this bug has been around for a long time, but went unnoticed?
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<conchuod> does anyone know what the bootloader setup on the pioneer is?
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<xypron> drmpeg: not handling BSS in a consistent way is an old problem. The specific driver was implemented with commit dfe08374943c ("risc-v: implement DBCN based debug console") and enabled by default with commit e637e455ca76 ("riscv: enable CONFIG_DEBUG_UART by default").
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<drmpeg> So U-Boot v2023.10 was probably broken.
<xypron> drmpeg: only if you manually enabled the driver.
<drmpeg> Ahh.
<xypron> drmpeg: should work around it. But I think we need to dive deeper into handing the .bss section correctly.
<drmpeg> Cool. I knew you'd get to the bottom of this.
<conchuod> xypron: btw, u-boots extension detection is broken when the riscv,isa string exceeds 32 characters
<conchuod> The tldr is riscv's cpu_get_desc() returns enospc when the string exceeds the buffer passed to it
<jrtc27> 32 characters, that's like 4 modern extension names' worth of space
<conchuod> And supports_extension() only gives it a 32 element array :)
<conchuod> I was thinking more like 3...
<conchuod> _zhihintpause puts a fair whack into it
<jrtc27> :D
<conchuod> xypron: I do have some patches that fix it in passing, but they're a -next kinda thing, so feel free to do a fix for the current -rc stuff.
<conchuod> It's pretty easily testable in qemu :(
<jrtc27> if we're allowed fake extensions defined by profiles, S[hs]counterenw are even longer
<xypron> conchuod: static inline bool supports_extension(char ext) having a hard coded array size seems silly.
<conchuod> Correct
<conchuod> My fix just calls dev_read_string() directly in that function
<xypron> conchuod: but this is only looking for one letter extensions
<xypron> so 32 characters should work
<conchuod> Ye, in theory
<conchuod> But the function it calls refuses to partially fill the buffer
<conchuod> no real platform supported by U-Boot falls afoul I'd imagine, but qemu has `riscv,isa = "rv64imafdch_zicbom_zicbop_zicboz_zicntr_zicsr_zifencei_zihintntl_zihintpause_zihpm_zawrs_zfa_zca_zcd_zba_zbb_zbc_zbs_sstc_svadu";`
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<xypron> conchuod: The better approach than a fixed size would be to change cpu_get_desc() to pass a pointer to size and return the required size as provided by snprintf().
<conchuod> I'm not convinced that cpu_get_desc() should looking at riscv,isa to begin with. Something like the cpu compatible seems more appropriate to be honest.
<sorear> looking forward to seeing the plots of average riscv,isa length vs. year in 2040 or so
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<jrtc27> 💀
<sorear> hey, we already added numbers to extension names despite very clear messaging that would never happen, maybe we'll eventually add other legal character sets and reach emoji
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<pabs3> what is the thinking around GPUs from RISC-V hardware people? will there be GPU compute cores that use RISC-V?
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<sorear> there's a Graphics SIG that talks about that sort of thing but I have no idea how credible it is
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<sorear> it occurs to me that at least on the cheri linux side there will be a demand for unified kernels that support both cheri-hybrid and pure legacy operation
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<jrtc27> sorear: why?
<jrtc27> it is intended that hybrid is a fully compatible extension to the non-CHERI ABI
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<sorear> I mean, unified kernels that run hybrid on CHERI hardware and non-CHERI on non-CHERI hardware
<sorear> not suggesting running non-CHERI on CHERI hardware
<jrtc27> you can't do that
<jrtc27> it's called two kernels
<sorear> can't or shouldn't?
<jrtc27> I mean
<jrtc27> you can, but the way you'd do it is to build two kernels and have the entry point choose which to jump to
<jrtc27> it is almost as disruptive as having 32-bit and 64-bit hardware support in the same kernel
<jrtc27> which nobody does
<jrtc27> also I will tell you that you really don't want to be building large hybrid programs if you can at all avoid it
<jrtc27> our cheribsd diff to freebsd is dominated by all the __capability annotations needed to support it being built as a hybrid kernel
<sorear> i heard once that old OS X used a 32-bit kernel for mixed 32/64-bit userspace, i wonder if that supported mixed hardware as well
<jrtc27> that's different though
<jrtc27> you can have 64-bit integers in a 32-bit kernel just fine
<jrtc27> uint64_t still exists
<jrtc27> but you cannot have capabilities in a non-CHERI kernel
<jrtc27> so everywhere userspace pointers flow, which are capabilities for the purecap userspace ABI, you need two copies of the code
<jrtc27> which to a first approximation is everywhere
<sorear> wouldn't you need two copies of everything anyway to support legacy-ABI processes where userspace pointers are addresses
<jrtc27> no, because you do it like 32-bit compat
<jrtc27> the system call layer takes those integers and turns them into capabilities (using that process's pcc or ddc as appropriate) to use the native implementations
<jrtc27> with the usual exceptions for things like ioctls
<sorear> couldn't you do that both ways if you were sufficiently determined
<jrtc27> the other direction is lossy
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