sorear changed the topic of #riscv to: RISC-V instruction set architecture | | Logs: | Matrix:
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<mwette> scrts: Did you check (e.g., polarfire)?
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<drmpeg> Esperanto is just down the street from my house. If I was an employee, I could crawl to work.
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<gordonDrogon> Anyone playing with the Tank Nano 9K board with an RV core inside it? I'm still on my quest for a nce little RV32IM system with 512K-1MB of RAM...
<gordonDrogon> oops, Tang Nano 9K ..
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<scrts> mwette: seems like FPGA solution, rather than an MCU
<conchuod> there's a polarfire with hard cores, but it will be in the 100s of MHz and expensive.
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<sorear> | seen elsewhere, cloud offering using the th1520
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<mps> hah, just reading it
<mps> interesting, they offer alpine but I don't have info they contacted us (alpine project)
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<mps> this looks like lichee-pi board
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<Tenkawa> Anyone got a VF2 handy running one of the dev upstream 6.8.0-rc kernels can you check your lan interface link speed?
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<Tenkawa> I can only get 100mb on the working nic currently
<Tenkawa> Just curious if that's normal
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<mps> Tenkawa: I didn't tested speed of 6.8-rc kernels but with 6.7 I have a lot better speed
<Tenkawa> mps: the speeds are ok, I just can't get it to create a 1gb link
<Tenkawa> with a 1.2a board
<Tenkawa> Speed: 100Mb/s
<Tenkawa> Duplex: Full
<Tenkawa> Auto-negotiation: on
<mps> ah I have 1.3b
<Tenkawa> the other end is a gige
<Tenkawa> Yeah I'm going to hook up my Mars and start working with it again more tomorrow after I get back from appt.
<mps> ethtool show 'Speed: 1000Mb/s'
<Tenkawa> Yeah must be a 1.2a vs 1.3
<Tenkawa> I'll test it again on the Mars CM
<mps> but iperf3 shows about '330 Mbits/sec', maybe because I have two cheap switches between
<mps> or because I use usb ethernet on my machine from which I run iperf3
<Tenkawa> heheh I'm using a usb eth too
<Tenkawa> You on a mac by chance?
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<Tenkawa> That's what I'm doing... usb connecting from my mac to my ethernet
<mps> Tenkawa: yes, m1pro
<Tenkawa> I have a switch I hookup if I need a bunch at once
<Tenkawa> mps: haahaa same
<mps> synchronicity in mysticism :)
<Tenkawa> I just hope to get this Mars running on upstream
<mps> btw, iirc you have lichee-pi?
<Tenkawa> I like its performance on the vendor code... its just old
<Tenkawa> not yet... no distributor
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<Tenkawa> not easily anyway
<mps> ah, sorry
<Tenkawa> Let me see if anything new has shown up in the last week
<Tenkawa> earliest would be about a month it looks like
<mps> Tenkawa: have to go to bed, good night
<mps> thanks for chat
<Tenkawa> cheers
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