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<bjoto> For some reason the patchwork GH runners is stalled. Looking into it...
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<bjoto> ...and PWCI is up again.
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<scrts> palmer: I saw SiFive products, but was wondering if there was anything else...
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<courmisch> sorear: in the case that an extension is missing on some CPUs, the scheduler can always fix it. Kernel devs aren't going to like that, but I don't see any other realistic solution that won't suck
<courmisch> sorear: for mismatched VL across cores, AFAICT, the kernel will actually HAVE to turn V off except for processes that specifically sign up for whatever the API to handle that mess will be
<bjdooks> has big.little in arm had the same problem? otherwise something like cpusets to contain processes might be needed
<courmisch> bjdooks: talking to me?
<courmisch> bjdooks: AFAIK, bigLITTLE is just different perf characteristics, not different ISAs
<bjdooks> possibly, although who knows what people do
<courmisch> the arm64 kernel blacklists any extension that is not available on all CPUs
<courmisch> (and refuses to boot hotplugged CPUs that don't support extensions that the boot-time CPUs have)
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<conchuod> The riscv kernel also blacklists extensions that are not available on all cores.
<courmisch> conchuod: but what about mismatched vector lengths?
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<conchuod> I forget what was decided there, I do remember talking to Andy about it.
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<conchuod> I think we decided that != means vector is disabled.
<courmisch> that would be the safe choice
<courmisch> but not what would happen if you just parse the DT
<conchuod> What do you mean?
<courmisch> the DT will just list "V" not the vector length
<conchuod> We read VLENB
<courmisch> well yes
<courmisch> hence the use of conditional as present unreal
<conchuod> courmisch: I'm not convinced by looking back at this code though that this is done correctly.
<courmisch> moving a task from big to small VL is *obviously* broken, but even moving from small to big is subtly broken
<courmisch> so I don't see any way other than disabling (at least by default)
<conchuod> Yeah, I am pretty sure that the vlen being different between cores does not result in a correct disabling of vector.
<courmisch> expanding vector size is broken notably because of the group multipler thing
<conchuod> At the moment the V bit in the elf hwcap is cleared if vlenb doens't match
<sorear> but not the hwprobe bit?
<conchuod> hwprobe just seems to check has_vector().
<courmisch> would be nice to move task from non-V core to V core, but don't expect anything from me on this other than unhelpful nagging
<conchuod> Hmm, Andy isn't here.
<courmisch> didn't SiFive announce a design with a mix of Zvl128b and Zvl512b cores?
<davidlt> Which one?
<conchuod> tbh, I'd rather than we had a DT property for vlen than these Zvl things.
<sorear> are you thinking of sg2380? we don't know much about it
<davidlt> SG2380 will have P670 and X280, so that's 128 and 512 IIRC.
<davidlt> I would assume Linux will "ignore" X280 clusters.
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<davidlt> SiFive offers Mix+Match technology
<courmisch> vendor kernel might just expose the small vector cores to Linux and put an RTOS on the big vector cores
<courmisch> kinda like Canaan already did with K230
<courmisch> but I'd hope that it'd be possible to just run Linux on the big cores and turn the small cores off
<conchuod> I'll send andy a mail about the vlenb stuff.
<conchuod> s/vlenb/vlen/
<davidlt> The current designs (StarFive and SiFive boards) are 5-core IIRC.
<bjdooks> the fu740 is 4 linux cores and opensbi I think on the small one
<davidlt> To my knowledge (I might be wrong) that smaller core never gets used
<courmisch> current meaning JH7110 ?
<conchuod> polarfire soc is 1+4 too, and we just run firmware on the e51
<davidlt> JH7110 is also 5-core design
<davidlt> IIRC JH8100 no longer includes it
<sorear> courmisch: the big vector cores are in-order and likely have significantly worse scalar performance, so it's not a straightforward p/e split
<davidlt> I assume SG2380 simply will disable X280 cores (yet those are probably Linux capable).
<sorear> courmisch: i'm also cautious we may see something like ET-SoC-1 where the big vector cores are NOMMU
<courmisch> eww
<davidlt> I don't recall details but isn't ET chips more like a GPU?
<sorear> I think they're both intended to be used in that sort of way, but we don't know anything about the programming interface for either
<courmisch> wait, a company pitching CPUs for GPU rather than NPU? it can't be
<courmisch> or is it that they forgot to implement Zvfh?
<courmisch> </sarcasm>
<sorear> gpu, npu, it's the same to me
<sorear> maybe if i actually understood drm+mesa i'd be able to make a nuanced distinction
<courmisch> AFAIK, GPUs use mostly single precision, while NPUs do half or less
<davidlt> it's just marketing names
<davidlt> Intel stuff incl. VPUs :)
<davidlt> big.LITTLE, P/E, Mix+Match, AMD has "C" cores.
<davidlt> They all need a different name for marketing reasons
<courmisch> uh, when I working at a certain green logo GPU company that I won't name, when they were preparing the first gens of "AI" chips, it really was about adding half precision
<sorear> i think IEEE float of any size is a recent phenomenon on GPUs and they used to have weird vendor-specific types with sizes like 24 bits
<courmisch> I think they need standard-ish sizes at least since "GPGPU"
<courmisch> most likely they don't do the weird corner cases though
<davidlt> incl. bfloat16, int4, and whatever else these days
<davidlt> Esperanto original IP predates AI/ML boom, but most likely they have what's needed (or will have ASAP).
<davidlt> Especially as their are marketing it for LLMs.
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<conchuod> Hopefully Andy can take a look and explain where I am wrong :)
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<sami> khem: Thanks, I'll take a look. I can see the journald failures with your base 6.6 kernel.
<khem> sami: ok, I think the Image I includes reverts the patch, so journalctl should work with that image but if you build your own with the given defconfig then you will see it fail
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<sami> khem: Yes, it works with the kernel image you provided.
<khem> sami: cool
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<khem> I spent long time bisecting it :)
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