Note that there is no “thumb2” option. If the target processor is new enough, Thumb-2 will be used automatically.
so -march
not sure what
some thumb1 only proc i gues
sounds like we probably don't want to do that though
so one other problem I am trying to tackle is that gcc complains about some builds on the CI only
because the underlying cpu reports armv8
even though the instruction set is armv7
but I can't make it armv7 in qemu without losing KVM
(repor armv7)
so passing -march=armv7-a+neon-fp16 (or something) for armhf might solve that
why would that make gcc complain?
neon code
it detects armv8 cpu and decides that this code won't work there
even though we want it to build for armv7
it seems like at least from my search
iirc n900 doesn't have vfpv4
in any case, we have an easy test bed to toy with this in -experimental for now
dosent armv8 have neon?
but slightly different I guess
not sure why it would complain
yeah no idea
ok, so CONFIG += plugin in qmake disables making .la files
uvos: is this a problem?
sphone: contacts-evolution: can currently only fill contacts of ofono calls
that is followed by:
sphone: sphone-mce: dbus call to mce faied with GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.UnknownMethod: Method "req_vibrator_pattern_deactivate" with signature "s" on interface "com.nokia.mce.request" doesn't exist
oh, hum:
sphone: No backend for gui_dialer_show
sphone: Failed to load module ui-dialer-gtk: /home/user/sphone/build/src/modules/libui-dialer-gtk.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory; skipping
ah it doesn't look in the gui/gtk2 path
well I guess the dialer launched
but my vm screen is now black
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well I can get sphone to show when I call through tp and hang up
enough for tonight :)
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uvos__: there is absolutely no difference in registry pressure ARM vs thumb2
the only thing that differs is instructions size (32 ARM vs 16 thumb2 bits) and slightly higher thumb2 decoding time
which is compensated by better code cache usage
as with thumb2 you have twice as much instructions per I cache line
in theory that is ofc :)
and yes, we want thumb2, not thumb1
Wizzup: hmm, 3986 vs 4022
something is wrong here
we should have ~ 30% down
and yes, we want -O2, not -Os
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lemme install and compare binary sizes
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Wizzup: I think I know what happens - because build VM does not support thumb2, gcc has no option but to use thumb1, otherwise it won;t be able to run the tests
It might be even ignoring -mthumb at all and the slight difference in sizes comes from -mfpu=neon
ok, libglib .so has exactly the same size
/usr/lib/gcc/arm-linux-gnueabihf/10/include/arm_neon.h: In function 'int32x4_t vcvtnq_s32_f32(float32x4_t)':
/usr/lib/gcc/arm-linux-gnueabihf/10/include/arm_neon.h:1762:10: error: this builtin is not supported for this target 1762 | return (float32x4_t)__builtin_neon_vrintnv4sf (__a);
that in particular
anyway, that was just a guess
I will need to try it to be sure
and maybe add -mtune=cortex-a8
but basically marian-lite builds fine on d4
but not on ci
I see
yeah, test it
< Wizzup> this is about build systems thinking we have a v8 cpu <== build systems think this because of gcc's compiler definitions
but those come from -march= no?
you have built-in defaults
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so maybe we want -march=marmv7-a -mtune=cortex-a8
for the other I doubt it matters that much for daily usage
if you dig crypto currencies maybe yes :)
I think really the hope was/is that it would either help with size or make things magically faster, i.e. scrolling in gtk2 or something, if it had some fast path :p
sicelo: so, please, install libicd-network-ofono from either chimaera or beowulf-devel (depending on what your device is on), gather new traces and provide that
please, also, capture dbus-monitor (if possible bothe session and system bus) logs as well that match those icd2 logs
SuperMarioSF: you may do as well ^^^
note that list is half-arsed and does not claim to be complete :P
right, but just for everyone wondering, we don't use this anymore
no runtime detection
at least afaik
yes, for Maemo Translate (and its dependencies) we just set `-mfpu=neon`
but, only on arm 32bit (armv7)
because AARCH64 implies NEON
so, to conclude and move on: do we agree on "-march=marmv7-a -mtune=cortex-a8 -mfpu=neon"?
for the build machine?
for 32bits arm
looks good
that way we'll squeeze as much as possible from N900
with close to optimal for other devices
Wizzup: if you are fine with ^^^, please set-up that on chimaera (not experimental) and maybe rebuild a couple of packages
im a bit surprised that only now the build machine has these specific flags for 32bit, this means compilations previously may not have been using neon optimally or whatever
we didn't check how it is on beowulf
but I would bet it is the same
freemangordon: ok, I'm waiting for the gtk test with -marm to finish
just for completion
dsc_: for sure it wasn't using neon before, yes
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this is probably also true for all debian pkgs
but only 'our' builds
right, the ones from devuan were built with god knows what
no, I would guess vanilla deian packages are compiled with neon
freemangordon: then it won't work on some other devices
Programs usually take advantage of NEON thanks to hand-crafted assembly routines. GCC can automatically vectorize code and generate NEON instructions, however this tends to have limited success. It would seem sensible NOT to require NEON in a new port since some modern Armv7 ?SoCs such as Marvell Dove and NVidia Tegra2 don't implement it.
so no, probably not ;)
on chimaera it is requirement
I see why would beowul be different
Wizzup: what do you mean 'we dont signal it'
gcc signals that its armv7
and some header files act on that
see also `echo | gcc -dM -E - | grep -i arm`
what I am saying is that the current debian build system, and ours, do not signal neon support
so if somehing is compiled with neon it's because their build system does something special, e.g. compile both neon and non-neon paths and switch at runtime
which is probably what glibc does
wtf? where are gtk neon patches?
freemangordon: that was the next question :D
whatever dorian.pro has, it is not going to be picked up without debian/rules right?
ah no.
those are different things. rules has maemo qt something, probably, and my problem is how to make those maemo5 sections in .pro or .pri to be picked up.
they aren't. i have to move let's say 'opengl' to the regular QT += section for it to be picked up.
norayr: hence the -spec maemo
there is the maemo spec, which defines maemo5, and then you can do QT += maemo5
yeah, i just tried using your rules file, which is for debhelper, i guess, and now i have the errors that maemo orientation functions don't work. this is good probably.
and probably that is why in easylist my replacement functions didn't work.
which functions?
Wizzup: no need to pass anything to qmake
QT += maemo5 should be enough
along with build-dep
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freemangordon: sure but -spec maemo is required to have maemo5 be defined in case you want to make maemo optional
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what means 'optional' in this context?
BTW, shall I pick voicecall, in terms we discussed?
are you happy with it already?
freemangordon: I'm hoping to finish a proof of concept sphone module tonight, latest tomorrow
then it might make sense to send that in
for us it won't matter at that point, of coures it's nice if they accept is
do you think i can/should change 'import Qt 4.8' with 'import QtQuick 2.3' in qml files?
sorry, I don't know how to fix qml
if you can fix it, you will also know how to fix openmediaplayer
good, before it was saying 'module Qt is not installed'. now it is saying different errors.
qrc:/qml/qflickr/QuickFlickrMain.qml:35:5: Type MainMenu unavailable
it is at runtime.
maybe i am not even asking, i am recording for public.
what module did you install to get rid of that error
and where did you see the error
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uvos: I got organicmaps to build on maemo
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apart from qt style issues, it looks quite nice
I just downloaded an offline map, 50 MB
and it knows all the spots
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uvos: when does sphone actually detect that call is active?
uvos: I deal with the answer trigger the same as ofono, but it doesn't seem to pick it up
uvos: does the call->state need to be updated in the same function call?
it's nice to be able to use conversations for sms, with telepathy-ring going through sphone
hopefully tomorrow night I have something stable-ish
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as the bachend you own the call object
after adding the call via the call new pipe, if the call object cahnges in any way you must inform the rest of sphone via the state changed pipe
your also not supposed to just uncoditionally act on every call that comes down some pipe
only the ones targeted at a backend id you hold
the call test module is a easyer place to look at
since its mutch simpler
also remeber that any nummber of calls can be active at a time in sphone, and that they can be from different backends too
and dont use qDebug or any function other than the sphone_module_log macro
oh and you own the data
execute_datapipe never ever transfers owership
data is allways owend by the caller
and you should not need extern "C" around sphone headers anymore