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<Wizzup> uvos: ping
<Wizzup> do I also need to do the sphone.c -> sphone.cpp stuff?
<Wizzup> nvm figured it out
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<rafael2k> I have some "real thing" pictures taken with the already packaged libcamera:
<dsc_> what hw is that?
<rafael2k> this is from the graphical qcam app (run it as "qcam -r gles -spixelformat=SBGGR8,width=1280,height=720 -platform xcb -style=fusion") ^
<rafael2k> PP 1
<dsc_> nice
<rafael2k> the actual pic from qcam (with artifacts):
<rafael2k> the pic from command line cam app:
<rafael2k> all included in libcamera packages
<rafael2k> rear camera only for now, front camera still in the works...
<dsc_> nice one
<rafael2k> and forward-port of the kernel patches to 6.1 also on the work, but this is better as more people is involved and pushing the work ahead
<rafael2k> (indeed, hopefully they will be upstreamed for 6.3)
<rafael2k> : )
<rafael2k> hopefully I'll manage to have libcamera running perfectly before piggz releases his with libcamera support
<rafael2k> ps: any other platform will also benefit if libcamera manages to get to work
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<buZz> i wish d4 camera worked :)
<sicelo> someday it will
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<Wizzup> uvos: not in need of any comments/review, but just fyi, I have a module that at least loads and can read tp accounts:
<Wizzup> uvos: in one or two days I will make sure it can accept basic tp audio calls
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<Wizzup> uvos: as in, now there is org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Client.sphone
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<Wizzup> '“The listing is for a Motorola Droid 4 (XT894) 16GB Black. Upon testing, the phone powers on, however, it does not boot into the operating system. It seems as if there is no firmware installed. The phone will only stay powered on when connected to the charger.'
<Wizzup> (shows a picture of kexecboot)
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<buZz> lol, awesome
<buZz> battery just dead i guess
<norayr> thank you everyone who participated in new qtwebbrowser and its landscape mode. (:
<norayr> it is very useful for me.
<norayr> piggz's camera is very good one, if it'll work on maemo, that'd be great.
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<uvos> Wizzup: your tp module uses the old, wrong function signatures for sphone_module_init and dosent include sphone_module_exit (which is required now for sphone to shutdown clean)
<uvos> (because you copied those out of the old qt tree)
<uvos> s/tree/branch
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<Wizzup> uvos: ok ty
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<Wizzup> uvos: so the unload is gone?
<Wizzup> (replaced by exit)
<Wizzup> ok, done
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