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<freemangordon> Wizzup: qt gl load fails on beowulf as well, I guess the reason being
<freemangordon> so, we have no option but to build 'our' gl plugins
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<Wizzup> freemangordon: ty, building for chimaera
<freemangordon> Wizzup: tried to build locally on d4, ended up with:
<freemangordon> dpkg-shlibdeps: warning: symbol __aeabi_atexit@CXXABI_ARM_1.3.3 used by debian/qt-platform-maemo/usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/ found in none of the libraries
<freemangordon> any idea what that might be?
<Wizzup> freemangordon: looks like CI failed too
<Wizzup> but only on amd64
<freemangordon> failed? weird, I saw no issue in the VM
<Wizzup> sorry
<Wizzup> amd64 was fine
<Wizzup> armhf/arm64 is not
<freemangordon> oh
<freemangordon> #include <xcb/glx.h>
<freemangordon> forgot that dependency
<freemangordon> lemme fix it
<Wizzup> ok
<Wizzup> freemangordon: you can push & retag, no need for a new PR
<freemangordon> sure
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<freemangordon> WTF? :
<freemangordon> "maemo platform not yet supported"
<Wizzup> hm?
<freemangordon> qtwebbrowser
<Wizzup> yes this is what uvos said
<Wizzup> it hardcodes some platforms it seems
<freemangordon> how nice
<Wizzup> iiuc
<freemangordon> seems I have missed what uvos said :)
<freemangordon> so, who maintains that?
<Wizzup> well the package is maintained by him, but it's not clear if this is in the package or in the lib the package uses
<Wizzup> grep -r platform doesn't give any hits in the repo
<freemangordon> /usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/
<Wizzup> yeah. if we can avoid forking that...
<freemangordon> lemme see
<Wizzup> maybe we can change our name in the json and not in the plugin or something silly
<freemangordon> yeah
<Wizzup> see maemo.json for the name I think
<Wizzup> Q_PLUGIN_METADATA(IID QPlatformIntegrationFactoryInterface_iid FILE "maemo.json")
<freemangordon> lemme first see what it looks for
<Wizzup> 17:45 < uvos> qwebengine is (or was in beowulf at least) hardcoded to only try gles on xcb or wayland platform modules
<Wizzup> 17:46 < uvos> it tests(ed) on name
<freemangordon> we cannot easily duplicate the platform name
<freemangordon> as we don;t control the order the plugins are created in
<freemangordon> I think what we shall do is replace xcb plugin
<freemangordon> dpkg-divert and such
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<uvos__> thats a terrible idea
<uvos__> since plenty of applications dont work with the maemo plugin
<uvos__> also since for now qwebengine not using gles is a blessing in disguise, since it renders black with plenty of errors
<uvos__> so we have time
<freemangordon> uvos__: well, what is the other option? fork qwebengine?
<uvos__> so why dont we try petition qt to add "maemo" or give qwebengine a envvar to overide the list
<freemangordon> I am fine, but Wizzup does not seem to like it :)
<uvos__> sure we would have to fork it then at least until debian next
<freemangordon> ok
<freemangordon> and we have to fix chrome engine to actually work
<uvos__> wrt opengl errors
<freemangordon> right
<uvos__> yeah that needs to be fixed first
<uvos__> unill then it trying gles is good anyhow
<uvos__> *no trying
<uvos__> *not
<uvos__> grr
<freemangordon> well, we already fixed that on chimaera
<freemangordon> 'fixed'
<freemangordon> so it tries and fails
<uvos__> ok
<freemangordon> I wonder why it aborts instead if just not loading gl
<uvos__> ok
<uvos__> this is different than on beowulf
<uvos__> there it rendered black
<uvos__> but otherwise "worked"
<freemangordon> no, it is same
<freemangordon> if you do QT_QPA_PLATFORM=xcb it will render black
<uvos__> yes ok its the same
<uvos__> i thougt abort ment it asserted or something
<freemangordon> with QT_QPA_PLATFORM=maemo (and fixed maemo platform plugin), it aborts, because of
<freemangordon> yes,, qFatal()
<uvos__> right i mean with xcb
<uvos__> with maemo it did not abort on beowulf
<uvos__> it worked in sw
<freemangordon> Wizzup: please, fork qtwebengine from chimaera
<freemangordon> uvos__: right, but maemo platform plugin was not supporting gl plugins
<uvos__> hmm but it got to the code there "%s platform not yet supported"
<uvos__> on beowulf
<uvos__> thats how i knew
<uvos__> about this list
<freemangordon> no idea how did you manage to do it
<uvos__> hm
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<norayr> I broke my xperia's screen in the late december so for days i only have droid4 and pinephone. I don't want another android phone and i dont want to spend money on such a thing, so i will exclusively live under these two - droid4 and pp.
<norayr> On pp under maemo currently it is impossible to charge the kbd and phone. If left alone without load on charge it looses 2% per day.
<norayr> I know there are kbd charging improvements in newer kernels on pmos, not sure about mainline.
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<sicelo> 2% per day? that's kbd or phone?
<Wizzup> freemangordon: we can fork it but it will take days to compile iirc
<freemangordon> Wizzup: so, what are the options?
<freemangordon> there is some bug in chromium we shall fix either ways
<Wizzup> ok
<Wizzup> I just hope it will work on ci
<Wizzup> we'll see
<freemangordon> git does not
<freemangordon> apt-get source did
<freemangordon> (in VM)
<Wizzup> right, we need to get it from salsa
<freemangordon> yes, from salsa ;)
<Wizzup> uvos__: btw, any info and code you can share on elogind is welcome, I can't even install blueman without it
<Wizzup> or just a status so I can take a look and start helping out
<freemangordon> udisks2 depends on it too
<uvos__> Wizzup: theres not more than is packaged, besides some hacks to vaious init scipts i have on a local machine to avoid loading things that break in the xdg session, avoid loading the xsession etc
<uvos__> so packaged here is autologin/h-s/tindm
<uvos__> but as mentined before the session work is tangential, since you dont have to use elogind, jus have it installed
<uvos__> so what we really need is expiramental packages that remove the conflicts with elogind and remvoe the forks that disable it (like in xorg)
<uvos__> and then running the old xsession and seeing what breaks
<uvos__> i can runn most everything via hildon-session in vm however with elogind with no issues
<uvos__> that i have found anyhow
<uvos__> (besides dependancy hell in the init scripts)
<Wizzup> uvos__: ok, so I need to start with the packages you made and then check conflicts?
<Wizzup> what will run the x session?
<uvos__> h-s runs the scripts of the xsession itself
<uvos__> well most of them, i have jus the basic ones in there on vm
<uvos__> Wizzup: best thing for you to do
<uvos__> would be first to remvoe elogind conflicts and the xorg logind disable and depends on the xsession/xorg/h-d init script in expiramental
<uvos__> since setting up hildon-session with those in place is a pain
<uvos__> (you have to build x + meta localy and edit alot of scripts to get anything to work)
<Wizzup> uvos__: ok
<Wizzup> uvos__: I will set up the chimaera -testing, -devel and -experimental parts
<Wizzup> norayr: that sounds good @ kbd
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<Wizzup> freemangordon: chimaera, chimaera-testing, chimaera-devel, chimaera-experimental ?
<freemangordon> mhm
<freemangordon> uvos__: seems glslcompiler error is 'fixed' if --no-sandbox is passed to chromium
<uvos__> that makes sense
<uvos__> not that i know why exactly its hapening
<uvos__> but the engine sanbox is a pretty radical enviroment to dlopen a lib in
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<Wizzup> freemangordon: so do you want me to try to build qtwebengine fork?
<freemangordon> yes, why not
<Wizzup> ok
<Wizzup> this is to patch qt platform filter?
<freemangordon> not only
<freemangordon> and to hopefully fix qtwebengine to work on PVR
<freemangordon> 31161 @1 glTexSubImage2D(target = GL_TEXTURE_2D, level = 0, xoffset = 0, yoffset = 0, width = 256, height = 256, format = GL_BGRA, type = GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, pixels = blob(262144))
<freemangordon> 31161: warning: glGetError(glTexSubImage2D) = GL_INVALID_OPERATION
<freemangordon> that's our issue with qtwebengine
<freemangordon> glTexSubImage2D does not support GL_BGRA in es2
<freemangordon> afaik
<freemangordon> hmm, actually it should be supported
<freemangordon> because driver supports EXT_texture_format_BGRA8888
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<Wizzup> freemangordon: this is the jail problem?
<freemangordon> no
<freemangordon> this is why qtwebbrowser does not work
<Wizzup> ok
<freemangordon> hmm, this smells like a bug in pvr driver :(
<Wizzup> we have afd at least :)
<freemangordon> do we?
<freemangordon> I guess I have to create a basic test-case
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<freemangordon> Wizzup: do you remember how PVR trace was enabled?
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<Wizzup> freemangordon: no,sorry
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<freemangordon> oh, maybe the issue is with our mesa:
<freemangordon> Mesa warning: Couldn't add glTexStorage2DEXT to the Mesa dispatch table
<freemangordon> oh, ok, we have a couple of those
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<freemangordon> yep, this is the issue
<freemangordon> our mesa does not support GL_EXT_texture_storage/glTexStorage2DEXT
<freemangordon> why it returns pointer to noop function instead of NULL when eglGetProcAddress("glTexStorage2DEXT") is called is mystery to me :(
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<Wizzup> freemangordon: uvos: we have chimaera-testing/devel/experimental now I think