Wizzup: tried to build locally on d4, ended up with:
dpkg-shlibdeps: warning: symbol __aeabi_atexit@CXXABI_ARM_1.3.3 used by debian/qt-platform-maemo/usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/libQt5XcbMaemoQpa.so.5.15.2 found in none of the libraries
hmm but it got to the code there "%s platform not yet supported"
on beowulf
thats how i knew
about this list
no idea how did you manage to do it
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I broke my xperia's screen in the late december so for days i only have droid4 and pinephone. I don't want another android phone and i dont want to spend money on such a thing, so i will exclusively live under these two - droid4 and pp.
On pp under maemo currently it is impossible to charge the kbd and phone. If left alone without load on charge it looses 2% per day.
I know there are kbd charging improvements in newer kernels on pmos, not sure about mainline.
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2% per day? that's kbd or phone?
freemangordon: we can fork it but it will take days to compile iirc
Wizzup: so, what are the options?
there is some bug in chromium we shall fix either ways
I just hope it will work on ci
we'll see
git does not
apt-get source did
(in VM)
right, we need to get it from salsa
yes, from salsa ;)
uvos__: btw, any info and code you can share on elogind is welcome, I can't even install blueman without it
or just a status so I can take a look and start helping out
udisks2 depends on it too
Wizzup: theres not more than is packaged, besides some hacks to vaious init scipts i have on a local machine to avoid loading things that break in the xdg session, avoid loading the xsession etc
so packaged here is autologin/h-s/tindm
but as mentined before the session work is tangential, since you dont have to use elogind, jus have it installed
so what we really need is expiramental packages that remove the conflicts with elogind and remvoe the forks that disable it (like in xorg)
and then running the old xsession and seeing what breaks
i can runn most everything via hildon-session in vm however with elogind with no issues
that i have found anyhow
(besides dependancy hell in the init scripts)
uvos__: ok, so I need to start with the packages you made and then check conflicts?
what will run the x session?
h-s runs the scripts of the xsession itself
well most of them, i have jus the basic ones in there on vm
Wizzup: best thing for you to do
would be first to remvoe elogind conflicts and the xorg logind disable and depends on the xsession/xorg/h-d init script in expiramental
since setting up hildon-session with those in place is a pain
(you have to build x + meta localy and edit alot of scripts to get anything to work)
uvos__: ok
uvos__: I will set up the chimaera -testing, -devel and -experimental parts