if possible, leave it available. It is already in a reasonable shape for distribution!
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is chimaera daily-driverable yet? :P on d4
tmlind: https://wizzup.org/warning.txt just got this when toying with hdmi on d4, not sure it's related to hdmi
buZz: it will be daily-driverable when we have tp-ring working properly, conversations as sms ui, and the tp calls work out of the box
but uvos doesn't like the tp work I did for sphone, so we have to either fork sphone to something like phone and potentially merge back later, or just create a new ui for phone calls and stop using sphone
ah, there's no sphone for chimaera now?
there is, but it doesn't work how it's supposed to work
ah yeah , thats a drag
if you have a different definition of 'daily-driverable', then you can feel free to try it
I want it to be like maemo fremantle in UX
well, do calls/sms/mobiledata work?
e.g. contacts icons show up, names show up, recent calls in main dialog so I can easily call back a missed number a little bit later, sms from conversations with a UI, delivery status reporting, message read marking, etc
without that it is not 'daily driverable' imo
this is probably gconf data, maybe it's in rtcom db
not sure, but we definitely don't have this atm
it's possible this is just aggregated from rtcom db
but yeah the recent calls list we get for free
it's an existing gtk widget :)
well, from a foss maemo lib
i havent decided for my battery monitor, if i want to build my own history of old stats, or just use the 120second values from upower, it seems its a bit .. empty?
that batteryeye thing did its own collection
atm its still realtime only, and seems to have something wrong, its drawing way too much cpu for what its doing
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back late rtoday
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buZz: sphone works just fine on chimeara incl sms
its just that sphone and comversations with sms are not compatabil
but this istent a change that came with chimeara
just fine = just as poorly as on beowulf?
sure not change
so its just as unfinished
ah, so there's a plan to finish it?
well atm it looks like it will just be forked (wich means i will stop working on it - at least for leste purposes)
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uvos__: so the way I see it there are a few things that conflict. (1) is that you said using voicecall-manager was 'unacceptable' from an architectural pov, whereas for maemo leste it makes a lot of sense to share things with sailfish. I can rename comm-telepathy to comm-sfos-voicecallmanager is that somehow solves the problem. (2) We're trying to make a free phone os like maemo, and your UX ideas
don't seem particularly compatible - we want integrate things that look and work (to some extend) like maemo, you want the dialer to be the main window with no obvious recent calls like in maemo.
My thought was that we could have all this maemo work be contained in modules: one that interfaces with tp through voicecall-manager, one gtk module that has more rtcom integration and separates out the dialer
eh 2 i dont really care about
since sphone allready has a way to swich what window is the "first"
but you've repeatedly opposed it, it seems, so I don't know how to deal with it, for example, how do I get others to check out or try the work? there's no way to build it for the repo
(hint its just what you pass to c in the .desktop file)
so it's not that I -want- to fork sphone, but I want to make it like maemo, and I don't really see a way out of this if you're not ok with optional modules with extra dependencies
so sure make recents the first window, ill just change it back locally
like, I am very happy to accomodate requests, make things modular, make it sensible, but I spent over a week on the tp stuff (mostly non stop) and I think it makes a lot of sense for *maemo* to use sfos code, at least in this case
im not against using sfos code, im against having yet another deamon doing the same thing
and im not against having jet antoher deamon as a stopgap either
hmm ok, maybe I misunderstood then
im also agaisnt integrating more rtcom dialogs
beacuse i want to port to qt
and this would get in the way
as in, please don't read this as me not liking criticism on a pr, I'm happy to put in a lot of time and make it more to your wishes, but I don't see a big architectural problem with sphone having a module to interface with voicecall-manager, since I see sphone as 'the phone interface for maemo' with is pretty generic
and I understand you see that part differently (re: architecture)
well, how do you suggest we proceed? I can fix up the PR, maybe rename the module, and see if I can make some mock up gtk module with rtcom lib in it (just to play around)
Wizzup: i understand you point to, you want it to work like freemantle as soon as possible, i would rather it take longer if that means cleaner code
or cleaner arch more than code
(btw I have a lot of ideas/thoughts on qt, but it is currently extra work to go for it now)
Wizzup: sure ill merge the module if you clean it up (and maybe sip works?) as a stopgap (that ok ill replace it myself but please help me with tp then)
I'm glad we found some understanding and I'm sorry if I'm pushy.
so I'll: (1) clean up the PR, maybe rename it if you want to sfos-voicecallmgr instead of comm-telepathy (2) see if I can make SIP work at least audio routing wise
at that point we'll probably have to collaborate on sip addresses
and independently I can at least try to make a gtk module with the rtcom widget in it, see how it works
Wizzup: sure sounds good
btw: the current state of sip is that it can get incoming calls, answer them, gstreamer says it sets up audio, but I don't see the audio in pulseaudio
so there's something finnicky there, but the other parts seem to work
Wizzup: ok hmm, no idea on that front
yeah, I'll dive into it a bit later
ok, cool
* Wizzup
is less stressed now
time for a coffee :)
oh and can you see the inline comments on gh now?
or shal i paste them somewhere
I thought that maybe my browser was not wide enough to see them, but not really, the way I understand the gh comments work: (1) I get emails about each one of them (2) they show up as 'unresolved questions' and (3) there is something interwoven in the code view that shows the comments
for some reason I don't see anything besides the two messages in the main view of the pr
(not sure why the bottom is black, but there's no chat there either)
Is it maybe somehow saved in your browser but not submitted?
im on a different device right now
ok, no rush
maybe i have to make the comments public somehow
i must be missing something
I know what to do mostly anyway, at least for rev 1 :)
instead of just commenting i started a "review" and apreantly it wont show for others (with no indication that it is so) untill i submitt the review
Wizzup: ^^ should show now
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USSD: Credit: E0.00. Data: 500.00MB. Carry Over 287.13MB.
why i still love N900 ... we depend on USSD in these parts
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oh, that thing works? neat
yeah. without working USSD, it gets difficult to use the SIM
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does it not work at all, or do we have an idea of what the problems are?
on droid 4? maybe just needs porting
sicelo, no
I dont have this send-ussd
which package it is? In theory we should have ussd supported in the PinePhone, but without UI
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that sucks then (@Pro) ... would definitely be nice to support it
maybe our community needs someone with a OnePlus 6/6T too ... these devices are getting popular among devs, and if we support them, we probably get more hands
rafael2k: ofono-scripts ... i know ussd works on pp, at least with modemmanager
rafael2k: yes. i'm running it on my N900 with linux 6.2-rc6. can't say i see magic, but seems somewhat useful for sure.
uvos, ussd over at works pretty well also, why it is useless (not that we should use it... but it works)
rafael2k: sure it works.. on the pinephone. my point is we cant rely on ussd working over at, or there even beeng a at interface at all
sicelo: one kernel tree I mean :)
sicelo, I can jump to 6.2 soon in the PP... but then I'll be on my own, as Mobian seems to like 6.1. but no problem at all, as they just pick the patches from megi and apply
uvos: my dutch carrier seems to have ussd codes, although I assumed it didn't
Wizzup: understood :-)
uvos: which is your carrier?
some sublet of telefonica
rafael2k: i guess there's no rush to switch kernels. i have just recently got into the habit of testing every new rc to catch N900 regressions early, since it gets supper annoying when they're discovered a long time later
with list-modems script, check in "ServiceNumbers = "
sicelo, got it
What I'm doing is backporting stuff from 6.2 to 6.1
like the sun6i-csi, ov5640 drivers
and keep with the "Mobian" fork (which is not really from Mobian as I realized they just rebase Megi's kernel fork work)
but I like that there are many people using, so I'm not alone in the boat
rafael2k: hm, I am not sure if those service numbers are correct, at least on my d4
I think mine does ussd, but they are not listed there
but again - d3
I found the USSD to check balance there... but of course the carrier could fuck up that field and put garbage / outdated info
when im install something with apt or even with the application manager, it doesnt add a launcher, i have to launch the app from the terminal, it is normal?
if it is a debian package, it appears in the debian launcher sub menu
if it is a maemo leste package, it should appear
ohh, ok!
maybe some trigger doesn't work and they will show on restart
but normally it should appear
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if it isent a leste package it should still appear
but in the debian menu
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