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<uvos__> rafael2k_: theres nothing to debug
<uvos__> its as designed
<uvos__> you could add support for a special value here "default" that makes the applet query pa for the default sink and use that
<rafael2k_> but it is ok it does not work?
<rafael2k_> volume just does not change
<rafael2k_> if it changed the default I would be happy
<uvos__> rafael2k_: yes because the stream it changes is set in that config file
<uvos__> and that stream only exists on mapphones
<uvos__> moveing that config file into leste-config is one option, but just asking pa what the correct stream is is better (since it gets that from ucm)
<uvos__> however support for the config file must remain
<uvos__> since pa might not allways know in voice call mode
<uvos__> depending on how the device implements voice calls
<rafael2k_> I think using default would be fine as a start, no?
<rafael2k_> (or add some setup to a pinephone specific config?)
<rafael2k_> I don't really get it
<uvos__> change should be: query pa for the default sink if the key it checks on the line linked above dosent exist
<rafael2k_> right
<uvos__> you can check the sphone pa module on how to query pa for defaults
<rafael2k_> tks
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<Wizzup> we need to make the volume applet better in any case
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<Wizzup> we need separate streams for speaker, headphone, bt sets, in call audio (speaker), in call audio (hp/earpiece)
<Wizzup> s/streams/volumes/
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<Wizzup> uvos__: any suggestions for a partition to install leste on, on the tablets?
<uvos__> not really
<uvos__> you can user userdata but that breaks android
<uvos__> or you can use emtstorage
<uvos__> but then android breaks mainline by trying to format it fat
<uvos__> either way it sucks
<uvos__> all other partitons are to small really
<Wizzup> ok, so I'd have to override android install then
<uvos__> yeah and im not even sure you can flash to any of these
<uvos__> i dimmly remember flashing linux to some small 200mb partition
<uvos__> to then have it shuffle itself over to emtstorage
<uvos__> either way its painfull
<Wizzup> so which partition do we need to keep?
<uvos__> well mbm and mbmloader for one xD
<uvos__> i think the partion i used initally was cdrom
<uvos__> its small 200 mb or so
<uvos__> but android dosent need it at all
<uvos__> mz617 layout is simmular
<uvos__> android needs eveything above system and userdata to boot
<uvos__> besides cdrom and bpsw (dosnt exist on mz617)
<Wizzup> right, I think I might just nuke android from this flash and install leste for testing
<uvos__> above logo.bin is permanent brick territory
<uvos__> problem with nukeing android is
<uvos__> that mainline cant really charge the tablet
<Wizzup> no?
<uvos__> the tablets have another chargeing chip
<uvos__> you can charge it via the same cpcap charger
<uvos__> but its really slow
<uvos__> and on mz617 cant make it
<uvos__> power consumption is higher than cpcap-chargers current limit
<uvos__> becasue we cant turn off the pannel
<uvos__> i would recommend goint with emt
<uvos__> since android charge mode will still work
<Wizzup> emt = emstorage?
<Wizzup> I suppose the other thing I can do is hook it up to a lab supply, but yeah, then I need to take it apart
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<uvos__> Wizzup: btw volumes
<uvos__> Wizzup: not the applet is fine
<uvos__> Wizzup: none of that is the applets concern
<uvos__> that was extream nokia anti pattern
<uvos__> the applet just changes whatever is the currently active stream
<uvos__> pa is resposable (and dose) restore volumes
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<uvos__> now we do need some settings applet or so to change specific volumes even when not active
<uvos__> but thats not the status applet
<uvos__> and pavucontrol-qt is fine for this purpose for now anyhow
<uvos__> the noika setup was particually insane
<uvos__> because the status applet only restored the call volumes
<Wizzup> but quite prctical for the user
<Wizzup> but yeah
<uvos__> all other volumes where somehwere else
<uvos__> thats just insane implementation
<uvos__> not sure how the user case who restores volumes
<uvos__> *cares
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<Wizzup> sure, who is not a problem
<uvos__> right an its pa
<uvos__> (dose so allready :)
<uvos__> )
<uvos__> so the volume applet needs no changes
<Wizzup> ok
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<rafael2k> our tentative camera app:
<rafael2k> will test it at night after my daughter sleeps
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<freemangordon> uvos: afaik stock nokia pplet restores all volumes
<freemangordon> not only call volume
<Wizzup> rafael2k: sweet
<uvos__> freemangordon: no
<uvos__> it only stores call volume
<uvos__> it stores no other volumes
<uvos__> look in git history
<uvos__> idk who dose everything else
<Wizzup> that is re'd applet
<uvos__> but its not the applet
<freemangordon> well, this is REed code
<Wizzup> not necessarily what nokia did
<Wizzup> right
<uvos__> ok
<uvos__> well then it was re'd wrong
<uvos__> at the very least
<uvos__> anyhow pa dose it so it dosent matter
<freemangordon> which was using module StreamRestore2 which was missing in upstream PA
<uvos__> sure
<freemangordon> so I had no option but to remove that
<uvos__> remove where?
<freemangordon> also, in fremantle various streams are tagged with 'maemo-...'
<freemangordon> remove from the code
<uvos__> it works in practice on leste right now for call audio
<uvos__> pa restores stream volume on ucm switch
<uvos__> also port switch
<uvos__> but thats less important
<freemangordon> ok
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<freemangordon> that's great
<freemangordon> we also somehow have to imlement support for volume stepa
<freemangordon> *steps
<uvos__> hmm
<uvos__> steps?
<Wizzup> can't it just step 5%?
<uvos__> thats what the volume applet dose
<uvos__> in its code
<freemangordon> yes
<uvos__> not sure what else would be needed
<freemangordon> but it should take the parameters to calculate the number of steos from the stream
<freemangordon> *steps
<uvos__> pretty sure this is what happens
<freemangordon> not really, as I am not aware anybody setting those parameters
<freemangordon> unless I am missing something
<freemangordon> sec, will show you what I mean
<freemangordon> ugh, seems someone removed the code
<uvos__> this is unnesscary
<uvos__> since ucm tels pa how manny steps there are
<uvos__> and it translates this into a 0-1 float
<uvos__> so the applet dosent have to care about this at all
<freemangordon> so it is in UCM?
<uvos__> (i remove it)
<freemangordon> so, we have 5 steps while in call and 20 otherwise(for example)?
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<freemangordon> uvos__: ^^^ ?
<uvos__> yes - no, so in ucm you can set how manny steps there are
<uvos__> but this affects alsa only
<uvos__> pa just gives 0-1 range
<uvos__> and rounds to the nearest alsa step
<uvos__> but if you want that behavior you only need to have the applet set 0.2 0.4 etc
<uvos__> when in call
<freemangordon> and how do you control that?
<freemangordon> hardcode?
<uvos__> same way as that code, check what stream your controlling
<uvos__> the applet allready and still knows if its call audio or not
<freemangordon> yes, but how does applet know on how many steps to divide that range per particular stream?
<uvos__> i could check what alsa control pa is using, pa exposes this
<freemangordon> because the code you removed was getting that info from stream properties
<uvos__> then it comes from ucm
<freemangordon> so, if ucm supports custom properties per stream, then we shall restore the removed code in some shape to get it from there
<uvos__> no
<uvos__> im pretty sure you can change pas behavior anyhow
<freemangordon> instead of hardcoding the number of steps per stream
<freemangordon> ok, if that's the case yes
<uvos__> pa rounds
<uvos__> need to check what happens to the volume of the stream
<freemangordon> but please, do POC and try to make a configuration in which we have to press volume up only 5 times to go from 0 to 100% while in call and 20 times when not
<uvos__> well chanigng call audio volume dosent work anyhow
<uvos__> so
<uvos__> that should work first
<freemangordon> ugh
<uvos__> before we deal with this comperatively unimportant detail
<freemangordon> any idea why?
<uvos__> yes
<freemangordon> sure, not something urgent
<uvos__> pa has no idea there is any audio
<freemangordon> heh
<uvos__> so it refuses to change anything
<freemangordon> passtrough
<uvos__> since there is nothing to change
<freemangordon> I guess thats some alsa thing
<uvos__> its the same thin as allways
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<uvos__> the omap4 has no idea call audio is active on mapphones
<uvos__> since its not involved
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<freemangordon> ok
<freemangordon> but, this is d4 specific, no?
<uvos__> sure
<uvos__> and pp
<freemangordon> ah
<uvos__> so everywhere call audio works in the first place
<uvos__> d4 + freinds ofc
<uvos__> they are alle the same
<freemangordon> so, do we need some PA module that is aware of USB audio? or?
<uvos__> there is no usb audio
<freemangordon> ah
<uvos__> the audio dosent enter the procesor at all
<freemangordon> directly from the modem to the earpiece?
<uvos__> yes
<uvos__> we need some module that fakes a active stream i gues
<freemangordon> omg
<freemangordon> yeah
<freemangordon> but, we already have kernel modem audio device on d4, no?
<uvos__> no not really
<freemangordon> I would say it should take care of that
<uvos__> not like that
<uvos__> no idea if fakeing a active stream is ok in alsa
<freemangordon> ok, I admit this is out of my area of expertise
<uvos__> the kernel framework is kinda not ready for this
<uvos__> we have this problem alle the time there
<freemangordon> maybe we shall ask upstream how to proceed
<uvos__> it dosent uderstand that its mixer is controlling audio that its not playing or reciveing
<freemangordon> umm, wait, is that what all HW mixers do?
<freemangordon> *isn;t
<uvos__> no
<uvos__> hw mixers allways have a stream that comes from the kernel somewhere
<freemangordon> analog mixers I mean
<uvos__> oh sure, but those old devices dont use asoc
<uvos__> if you have a classic alsa driver you can just implement random controlls
<freemangordon> don;t tell me upstream kernel has no support for analog mixer/amplifier
<uvos__> im not
<freemangordon> can;t we use that?
<uvos__> but in the asoc framework no
<uvos__> we have asoc driver
<uvos__> :P
<freemangordon> umm
<freemangordon> what about another driver?
<uvos__> sure you can write another driver
<uvos__> or rather replace the asoc one
<freemangordon> hmm
<freemangordon> we have simple amplifier for start
<freemangordon> it won;t help
<freemangordon> but, at least might give us a clue how to write a driver that has analog ports only
<freemangordon> uvos__: what about if we add volume support to simple-audio-amplifier?
<freemangordon> how is volume actually controlled?
<freemangordon> AT commands?
<freemangordon> also, I see no such requirement that asoc component must be digital only
<freemangordon> see simple-audio-amplifier/simple-audio-mux
<uvos__> freemangordon: this isent the problem at all
<uvos__> the mixer is there
<uvos__> its just linux thinks its not active
<uvos__> because it is connected to the omap4
<uvos__> its jsut also connected to something else entirely that might need it
<uvos__> this is about pm purposes
<uvos__> and then we have pa
<uvos__> that only thinks streams are active it it is involved
<uvos__> it has no concept at all of a stream that isent inside of pa
<freemangordon> uvos__: see simple amplifier
<freemangordon> you can attach vcc to it
<uvos__> no
<uvos__> you can not
<freemangordon> yes, see the bindiongs
<freemangordon> *bindings
<uvos__> yes but then you broke audio pm
<uvos__> its not that simple
<freemangordon> why? vcc is enabled for as long as amplifier is needed in the cirrent routing, no?
<freemangordon> *current
<freemangordon> I am not saying it is simple
<uvos__> yes but there are manny manny devices and there are coplex interactions when witch are needed
<uvos__> the problem is we can tell this system that chain is needed because of the modem
<uvos__> *that a chain
<uvos__> we could just reimplement this system (that the asoc frame work provides)
<uvos__> by writeing a classic alsa driver but we absolutly do not want to need to do that
<freemangordon> ok, but that we shall describe the chains in DTS, no?
<uvos__> no
<freemangordon> *but then
<uvos__> the chains are created in the cpcap driver
<uvos__> dts is only tangentally involved
<freemangordon> right, but you can attach simple amplifier in DT
<freemangordon> to the cpcap driver output sptream
<freemangordon> *stream
<uvos__> there is no stream
<freemangordon> oh, wait
<uvos__> the amp is cpcap
<freemangordon> do you say that nobody knows when a call audio is started?
<uvos__> yes
<uvos__> alsa dosent know
<uvos__> or asoc rather
<freemangordon> I see
<uvos__> and there is no standart way to tell it
<Wizzup> unless we activatie something in alsa with ucm
<uvos__> no
<Wizzup> can it not flip some call switch?
<uvos__> the problem is that the asoc framework has no concept of a stream being active unless its activate by a root dai
<uvos__> afaik
<freemangordon> I see
<freemangordon> umm... maybe we can fake a microphone?
<freemangordon> microphone input that is
<uvos__> maybe something like that
<uvos__> anyhow this is a different problem than pa
<uvos__> even if the kernel knows
<freemangordon> and attach amplifier to it
<uvos__> pa dosent care
<uvos__> pa just cares about its own streams
<freemangordon> yeah, I am talking about kernel
<uvos__> it wont let you just change volumes of hw mixers
<uvos__> it dosent have support for hw mixing at all
<Wizzup> why do all banks require android apps now grrrrr
<freemangordon> how that works in fremanlte on n900?
<Wizzup> sorry offtopic
<uvos__> freemangordon: no idea
<freemangordon> it has analog amplifier for sure
<uvos__> freemangordon: presumably they had pa modules that do unnatural stuff
<freemangordon> I don;t think so
<freemangordon> like, they had
<freemangordon> but not in that regard
<uvos__> also on n900 its not so hard
<freemangordon> come on
<uvos__> since the audio allways passes though pa
<uvos__> and the cpu
<freemangordon> right, but you have preamplifiers and whatnot
<uvos__> so
<freemangordon> exposed as alsa controls
<uvos__> on n900 you need only feed modem audio into pa as a mic
<uvos__> and it will work
<uvos__> since the cpu gets the audio
<freemangordon> right
<uvos__> and the modem is just a dai
<uvos__> so its "easy"
<freemangordon> well, it does not work like that on fremantle (thay have pa module for the modem afaik)
<freemangordon> that feeds the data to pa
<uvos__> ok but the point is pa sees the audio
<uvos__> on d4 there is no audio to see
<freemangordon> right
<freemangordon> I agree
<freemangordon> but, imagine if you have an analog amplifier you have to control with alsa
<freemangordon> you have a register that controls the volume
<freemangordon> how would you present that to the kernel?
<freemangordon> no dai, nothing
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<uvos__> well if you do it via asoc
<uvos__> the kernel wont care unless you also tell it some dai is feeding it and that dai is playing
<uvos__> or you can write a classic alsa driver
<freemangordon> so, why do we have asoc driver then if it is not fit for the purpose?
<freemangordon> tell me again, why don;t we want to write alas driver for the modem?
<freemangordon> *alsa
<uvos__> how would that help
<uvos__> who would controll the registers? the "modem" driver or the asoc audio drivers
<freemangordon> mhm
<freemangordon> modem driver
<uvos__> they need to control the same registers at different times
<uvos__> thats insane
<freemangordon> ok, no idea then
<uvos__> just have a modem driver that fakes a dai
<uvos__> but no idea if thats ok
<freemangordon> how android kernel does it?
<uvos__> for upstream
<uvos__> userspace just walks over registers
<freemangordon> I don;t think we can fake a dai
<freemangordon> like, kernel will expect audio data at some point I guess
<uvos__> no idea
<uvos__> i think you might be able to get away with this
<uvos__> major hack ofc
<freemangordon> hmm, I wonder how mcbsp is supposed to work
<freemangordon> iirc it has the same 'pass-through' mode
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<uvos__> no idea
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<SuperMarioSF> Hello there.
<SuperMarioSF> I'm back from Shenzhen, and I have a established way to send package globally now.
<SuperMarioSF> Wizzup, plz check email
<Wizzup> will do in a bit :)
<SuperMarioSF> ;)
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<Wizzup> uvos: maybe mz615 is easier testing wise (because it has microsd card slot)
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<vandys> Just posted but will close if somebody here can help. How to enable telephony on Pinephone w. install of latest nightly build?
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<norayr> i found flickrdemo program that comes with nokia license.
<norayr> i read it but i didn't understand if i can derive from it and publish.
<norayr> i really need a flickr app on maemo.
<bencoh> maybe? seems free/opensource
<bencoh> it's quite old though, I'd be kinda surprised if the same API still works
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<Wizzup> we have no libsharing yet
<Wizzup> jfyi
<Wizzup> vandys: let's see, did you install beowulf or chimaera?
<Wizzup> as in, what was the image name?
<dsc_> this is using neural machine translation for local translations
<dsc_> so works without internet
<dsc_> it was a bit annoying to get this to run on this old hardware...
<dsc_> xD
<dsc_> seems like I forgot the word 'is' -- too tired :D
<uvos> dsc_: awsome
<uvos> dsc_: care to package that?
<dsc_> but still creating proper packages atm., should be in the repos tomorrow (?)
<uvos> dsc_: that would be great
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<uvos> i use gt on d4 often
<dsc_> nice, this one doesnt require any internet ^^
<uvos> yeah it sounds sweet :)
<dsc_> it uses a library I created earlier:
<dsc_> brb sleeping
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<bencoh> dsc_: kotki looks awesome :)
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<inky_> bencoh, thank you so much, i losh quickflickr and could not find. there was also jockr i believe but again i cannot find it