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<Wizzup> norayr: maybe pmos has patches to xkb-data
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<sicelo> they use upstream xkb-data. it contains the layout, so i guess backporting it is an option
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<freemangordon> now, I want some reference that utf-8 names are valid for (sub)domains
<freemangordon> all I can find is IDN
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<freemangordon> please upgrade and test
<freemangordon> and report
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<mro> Just came across 'One can recycle old phones' at https://toot.community/@dyne/109681025592156273 and wonder if that includes old iPhones?
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<sicelo> i would say it includes any phone that someone succeeds to make it work on :-)
<sicelo> a few iPhones have been made to run linux in recent times ... of course, just being able to boot linux is a small part of the whole puzzle. it seems iPhone efforts are mostly at POC stage
<Wizzup> sicelo: do you have a link to the pp xkb-data ?
<Wizzup> maybe I can just cherry pick the commits
<sicelo> not really. i can look in the git log. i seem to think i've shared it here before as well
<Wizzup> ok, I can also take a look a bit later
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<Wizzup> thanks
<Wizzup> I'll add this momentarily to our xkb-data then
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<norayr> freemangordon: testing your changes, updating.
<norayr> freemangordon: it doesn't give me that yellow notification anymore, but doesn't sign me in too. let me reboot and try again.
<norayr> >I'll add this momentarily to our xkb-data then
<norayr> yay, waiting for update.
<freemangordon> well, if it doesn't sign you in, maybe there is an issue with telepathy
<freemangordon> check with mc-tool if username etc is properly set
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<norayr> the problem is that i set the username with mc-tool. i will also try from scratch on pinephone, there i didn't add any account.
* norayr checking
<freemangordon> just delete the account
<freemangordon> and add it from scratch
<freemangordon> (using accounts UI)
<norayr> true!
<norayr> on pp, adding account for the first time, clicking on sign in, 'signing in ...' happens, and disappears, it is not able to sign me in...
<norayr> on d4, i deleted the account, when trying to add again, it says that the account already exists. probably need to clean it up with mc-tool.
<norayr> i can open a test account for you to try, minute.
<freemangordon> norayr: I will not be able to type it correctly :)
<norayr> i know i thought maybe you could copy paste
<freemangordon> in leste?
<freemangordon> in VM?
<freemangordon> I doubt
<norayr> on d4 for sure
<norayr> ctrl-c ctrl-v
<freemangordon> I am developing in a VM
<norayr> i don't know how to help you to troubleshoot this. :/
<freemangordon> sure
<freemangordon> actually...
<freemangordon> as it seems you run the server - what is the error there?
<norayr> true!
<norayr> minute
<freemangordon> also, you may start telepahty-gabble like:
<freemangordon> G_MESSAGES_DEBUG=all GABBLE_PERSIST=1 GABBLE_DEBUG=1 WOCKY_DEBUG=1 /usr/lib/telepathy/telepathy-gabble
<freemangordon> and check the output
<freemangordon> if that does not help, please create a test account for me, I'll try to somehow enter it in the VM
<norayr> should i stop telepathy somehow before starting it like that?
<freemangordon> if there is telepathy-gabble process, kill it
<norayr> i was making several enters before clicking the sign in button.
<norayr> nslookup xn--cbbu1a.xn--y9a3aq on pp works.
<norayr> resolves correctly.
<freemangordon> seems somehow IDNs are not resolved
* norayr thinking
<norayr> btw it's not ipv6, it's ipv4.
<freemangordon> and what happens if you press "sign in"?
<freemangordon> like, what is th elog
<norayr> after last several enters
<norayr> starting from line 42
<freemangordon> aha
<freemangordon> ok, create a test account for me
<norayr> minute.
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<norayr> added ֆմգ@ծոց.հայ
<freemangordon> thanks
<norayr> pw in pm
<freemangordon> ok
<norayr> usually when adding the account to dino or other clients i don't use punicode representation, i need to write exactly like this, not the punicode.
<freemangordon> sure
<freemangordon> ֆմգ@ծոց.հայ is signed in ;)
<freemangordon> norayr: works here
<freemangordon> you may check my account is logged in
<freemangordon> heh 'FMG@Tsots. Armenia"
<norayr> (((:
<freemangordon> in either case, works for me
<norayr> hmmmmmmmmmmmmm. minute.
<freemangordon> like, creating account from accounts ui with the credential you provided worked
<norayr> very good! but still trying to understand...
<norayr> true i see, it gave you roster.
<freemangordon> mhm
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<norayr> will now remove it from console by mc-tool on d4 and try again.
<freemangordon> hmm, roster...
<freemangordon> does it have any contact info there?
<norayr> roster is contact list. it gave you, probably empty.
<freemangordon> *contacts
<freemangordon> yeah, because I see nothing new in addressbook
<freemangordon> could you please somehow provide non-empty roster
<freemangordon> yes, I know what 'roster' is :)
<norayr> sorry. (: sure. (:
<freemangordon> I want to confor that contacts will appear in addressbook
<freemangordon> *confirm
<norayr> i will try to confirm. you mean with utf account?
<freemangordon> yes and in general
<norayr> with non-unicode account i already had the address book which contained jabber entries.
<freemangordon> so far I tested only with goggletalk(which is no more)
<norayr> on d4
<freemangordon> great
<freemangordon> lets see if it works for unicode account as well, in theory should not matter
<norayr> i described the problem i had yesterday in details, i don't remember details now but
<norayr> when i was clicking the jabber accounts in address book, i think it was asking which account to use to write to that person, and i was choosing that non-unicode account which is able to sign in.
<norayr> but it was never opening, trying, trying, but never opening me a chat window.
<norayr> i can debug it now i know how to debug it.
<norayr> also i added new entry in address book with jabber account, but with same result, no chat.
<norayr> i'll give you a debug log
<norayr> in a minute
<freemangordon> right, that's kind of 'normal' on chimaera
<freemangordon> no need
<norayr> oh! good!
<freemangordon> unfortunately, empathy now has hard dependency on desktop opengl
<freemangordon> you may try to start empathy with some mesa flags that will allow it to start
<freemangordon> or, wait Wizzup and friends to finish conversations
<freemangordon> on pinephone though it should work
<freemangordon> esp now we have gtk3 vkb
<norayr> i'll try non-utf account on pp right now.
<norayr> yeees, i was enjoying it with dino already!!!
<freemangordon> hmm?
<freemangordon> ah, vkb
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<norayr> btw ծոց means harbour. or close place, like under the jacket. գրող means... very old pre chrisitan god like anubis who was taking people to the other world. but in christian times it means writer. and there is a saying like 'let grogh (anubis/writer) take you" or "go to the grogh's harbour".
<freemangordon> I see
<norayr> so that unicode account means grogh @ harbour and everyone who knows it smiles.
<norayr> i am signed in and online with not-unicode account on pp.
<norayr> i see the green circle in that upper area.
<norayr> contacts are empty.
<norayr> i get suggestion to get contacts, sync from other device, etc.
<freemangordon> weird
<freemangordon> are you sure roster is not empty?
<norayr> yessss. looking in logs.
<norayr> if it sent the roster. i see it sends presences to my contacts or from them to my jid/Maemo
<freemangordon> ok, will check with my account later on
<norayr> good!
<norayr> thank you!!!
<freemangordon> hmm, empathy does not see contacts either
<Wizzup> freemangordon: maybe check that chimaera has latest abook stuff, maybe I missed something
<freemangordon> ok
<freemangordon> norayr: sorry, gave you wrong command line :(
<freemangordon> it should be:
<freemangordon> G_MESSAGES_DEBUG=all GABBLE_PERSIST=1 GABBLE_DEBUG=1 WOCKY_DEBUG=1 /usr/lib/telepathy/telepathy-gabble
<freemangordon> argh
<freemangordon> this:
<freemangordon> G_MESSAGES_DEBUG=all GABBLE_PERSIST=1 GABBLE_DEBUG=all WOCKY_DEBUG=all /usr/lib/telepathy/telepathy-gabble
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<freemangordon> norayr: I see no contacts sent
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<norayr> oh!
<norayr> let me try again and see in the log of the server.
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<norayr> i just see many: rostermanager debug load_roster: asked for: myjabberid
<norayr> and not only for my.
<norayr> since i am not the only user, i provide public services.
<freemangordon> if you start telepathy gabble like: G_MESSAGES_DEBUG=all GABBLE_PERSIST=1 GABBLE_DEBUG=all WOCKY_DEBUG=all /usr/lib/telepathy/telepathy-gabble
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<norayr> yes i started, i have that log too. that was from prosody.log
<freemangordon> do you see contacts coming?
<freemangordon> I don;t see for my account
<norayr> i saw chat rooms coming.
<freemangordon> this is not contact
<norayr> i see different presences. your account on my server or other?
* norayr searching
<norayr> oh i see...
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<norayr> act_list_groups_changed: Adding 5 contacts to group 'istc'
<norayr> which is right
<norayr> and then i see indeed jabber ids from that group.
<norayr> but nothing added in the ui.
<norayr> i see the list of users
<norayr> then
<norayr> removed : []
<norayr> local_pending : []
<norayr> remote_pending: []
<norayr> reason : 0: unspecified reason
<norayr> actor : 1
<freemangordon> where do you see that?
<freemangordon> in the server logs?
<norayr> in pinephone log.
<norayr> no
<norayr> in pp log.
<freemangordon> which log?
<freemangordon> telepathy-gabble?
<norayr> yes!
<norayr> (telepathy-gabble:5803): gabble-DEBUG: 18:19:24.225: _gabble_roster_item_update (roster.c:553): name for contact#173 changed to a_Shot
<norayr> (telepathy-gabble:5803): gabble-DEBUG: 18:19:24.226: process_roster (roster.c:1107): jid: ****@jabber.am, subscription: to, name: a_Shot
<norayr> and many lines like that.
<freemangordon> I don;t have such entries for my account
<freemangordon> please, verify my test account is set-up to receive non-empty roster
<norayr> do you have any contacts? let me add yours.
<freemangordon> I don;t have any
<norayr> i have added you.
<norayr> now in the gabble log you may see something.
<freemangordon> right, now it seems to receive vcard
<norayr> yay
<freemangordon> lemme check what's going on
<freemangordon> right, now I have roster
<norayr> yay
<norayr> but in ui as well?
<norayr> what's in ui?
<freemangordon> nothing
<freemangordon> something seem to be broken in evolution-data-server-addressbook-backend-telepathy
<norayr> glad we confirmed it.
<Wizzup> freemangordon: we forward ported it
<Wizzup> iirc
<freemangordon> right
<freemangordon> do you know which process is that? the one that loads the plugin I mean
<freemangordon> hmm: "invalid class cast from 'EBookBackendTp' to 'EBookBackendSync'"
<freemangordon> norayr: please upgrade and see if contacts will appear
<freemangordon> maybe you will have to reboot the device
* norayr upgrading
<norayr> hmmm, upgraded, did logoff, login in jabber. no contacts. rebooting
<freemangordon> logoff?!?
<freemangordon> ah
<freemangordon> from jabber
<freemangordon> yes, you have to reboot
<Wizzup> freemangordon: thank for investigating and fixing
<freemangordon> np
<Wizzup> btw, do you also see a lot of 'No name' accounts in address book?
<Wizzup> for xmpp or other protocol accounts
<Wizzup> this is not a regression fwiw
<freemangordon> no
<freemangordon> but, I am not a good test-case
<freemangordon> I was using googletalk only
<Wizzup> for me even my xmpp contacts say 'No name'
<Wizzup> also the slack/haze ones, but that could be related to haze perhaps
<Wizzup> at least tp does get the proper name, as conversations gets it right
<freemangordon> maybe check what eds plugin does
<Wizzup> mhm
<l_bratch> very exciting update post on the website :) I can't wait to run Leste on my N900!
<freemangordon> build it with -O0, kill /usr/libexec/evolution-addressbook-factory
<freemangordon> then attach gdb to /usr/libexec/evolution-addressbook-factory
<Wizzup> freemangordon: alright, ty
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<freemangordon> sorry, can;t repro here
<Wizzup> l_bratch: maybe check https://talk.maemo.org/showthread.php?t=101272&page=2 - I posted on what is still lacking for n900
<l_bratch> Wizzup: thank you, I didn't realise those two rather big issues still existed :(
<l_bratch> Fremantle will need to keep me going a little longer :)
<Wizzup> l_bratch: I mean, they're big issues for users, they might turn out to be relatively small issues ultimately, wrt the amount of work that needs to go in
<Wizzup> you can find a droid 4 for ~20 usd on ebay usually fwiw
<Wizzup> we first need to get everything working well on _one_ device and then worry about drivers for others :)
<Wizzup> (imo anyway)
<l_bratch> yeah that sounds fair
<sicelo> l_bratch: still daily running Fremantle?
<l_bratch> I'm somewhat tempted to pick up a Droid 4 just to test Leste on real hardware, but I don't plan to give up my N900 as my daily driver for a long time (possible ever)
<Wizzup> when we hit our beta milestone and it's mostly usable on d4, we'll start making more noise
<Wizzup> l_bratch: I also use fremantle still btw
<l_bratch> sicelo: yes, every day since its release!
<Wizzup> I'm planning to take out the sim on feb 1st
<Wizzup> and switch over to d4 then
<sicelo> l_bratch: yay :-)
<l_bratch> Leste is the most exciting project for me since Neo900
<sicelo> l_bratch: got some skills? C knowledge?
<l_bratch> sicelo: yes but only in userspace applications, nothing in operating systems or hardware
<l_bratch> I am happy to help if I can though
<sicelo> because if you do, maybe you can look at some of the N900 issues, and you might find solutions quicker than I can (I'm still *very* interested in N900, even though i have Droid 4 running Leste)
<Wizzup> l_bratch: I'm happy to send you a d4 if you plan to do any devel or testing at all
<l_bratch> is it feasible to work on N900 problems in qemu, or do they need a spare real N900?
<Wizzup> or you can use the spare n900 to help with those issues :)
<sicelo> the two main problems require a real N900
<l_bratch> I'll check what eBay is like for N900s these days, last time I looked it wasn't too good
<l_bratch> (I obviously don't want to use my daily driver N900, I need that for work and such)
<Wizzup> apparently you can get 'new' n900s from china
<l_bratch> Wizzup: I've seen them for quite a few years, but I always figured they were "fake" in the sense that the hardware wasn't the same - any idea how "real" they are?
<Wizzup> I think martijn braam ordered one and said it worked
<Wizzup> but it is possible my memory is failing me
<sicelo> l_bratch: what work things you use N900 for?
<l_bratch> mostly SSH, but we also do comms via IRC, phone calls, and SMS
<l_bratch> I work for an ISP, so there is quite a lot I can do via SSH :)
<l_bratch> I've asked a guy on eBay quite how bad the USB port on an N900 he has listed is - even if it works /sometimes/ then it's better than mine!
<sicelo> fixing it is not too difficult. bonus points if you have access to a friendly hackerspace
<norayr> freemangordon: yes! i got the address book. i got you in the addressbook too!
<sicelo> i guess you're aware that N900 can also have modem broken in h/w, so that's something to really make sure about before buying
<norayr> but, I also see lots of No Name accounts in the address book
<norayr> surprisingly, i see your armenian letters account without No Name, i just see your unicode jid.
<l_bratch> sicelo: yes indeed, I have tiny springs and bits of paper inside my N900 to apply pressure in the right places on the modem :(
<l_bratch> I have never attempted a USB port repair though, I don't have steady enough hands for very small soldering
<freemangordon> norayr: no idea how to debug that
<freemangordon> lets wait Wizzup to debug
<norayr> yes.
<norayr> i am trying to understand the pattern
<freemangordon> maybe clients does not set nick name
<freemangordon> *onther clients
<freemangordon> *other
<freemangordon> argh
<sicelo> l_bratch: yeah, haha ... but someone at a hackerspace might be able to help you
<norayr> those who have name
<norayr> there are people who have names
<norayr> when i enter to their contact, i see jabber id and nickname
<norayr> those who are noname, they don't have a nickname.
<freemangordon> exactly
<freemangordon> what name do you expect to see?
<freemangordon> jabber id?
<norayr> it is interesting that in your case i see your jid
<norayr> but in your case when i enter the account details
<norayr> i only see one field: jabber id.
<freemangordon> because the account was created through maemo accounts ui and it sets lots of info
<norayr> not many fields.
<norayr> only one field. yes but it sets somthing
<norayr> let me try to edit that.
<freemangordon> so, does telepathy receives anything but jid?
<freemangordon> *receive
<freemangordon> Wizzup: please check ^^^ as well
<norayr> need to run it with log. now in your contact even if i edit, i see only jid field. well and two empty fields: first name, last name.
<norayr> yes, somehow some contacts have nicks, and some don't.
<norayr> maybe the nick is the same as alias in pidgin?
<freemangordon> that's normal, I didn't set anything on my contact
<freemangordon> lemme update it
<norayr> i can say that most of my contacts are not no name. they have their names.
<freemangordon> Now my contact should have name
<freemangordon> in theory
<norayr> let me check
<freemangordon> maybe reconnect
<norayr> not yet, let me close and open address book
<freemangordon> so tp to refresh the info
<norayr> and then enter your contact, and then reconnect.
<freemangordon> no, it is TP
<norayr> hmmm, i did offline - save online - save, but no changes, no new fields.
<freemangordon> hmm, maybe I have to re-create the account
<freemangordon> lemme check
<freemangordon> hmm, no
<freemangordon> somehow my name is not set on the account
<freemangordon> will verify that
<freemangordon> not now though
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<Wizzup> I'll try debug in a bit, but have some other things going on first
<freemangordon> sure
<Wizzup> I know for sure that the info is in tp, as conversations shows it
<freemangordon> I have to do some shopping as well
<freemangordon> ttyl
<Wizzup> e.g. is knows merlijn.wajer or something
<Wizzup> it*
<norayr> but that's okay that when clicking on someone's jabber account i don't get the chat window right?
<norayr> you know it.
<Wizzup> yeah, we need to add this still in conversations
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