Wizzup: to be honest voicecall looks alot like bits of sphone
are we certain we need yet another abstraction layer here?
their tp code looks pretty good
I would just have to copy paste it basically otherwise
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and no, not certain, but I'd like to try it out
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so, I finally have a nice picture (without artifacts in the preview window) in qcam: qcam -r gles -spixelformat=NV21,width=1280,height=720 -platform xcb -style=fusion
now focus on an UI... I'm considering compiling gtk4 for MegaPixels... until we have a nice UI from piggz advanced camera (no code yet), or just hammer qcam to look nice in Maemo
UI for the camera?
<== resident UI person
: ))
the only shitty thing for newer 6.1 is that only rear camera is working
with my old patchset on 5.15 both cameras where working
finally enough those version numbers are easily confused with Qt versions
at least qcam is qt 5, no matter what, no 6 in the horizon
yeah, guessing from -style=fusion its a QML app?
oh, its also available for qtwidgets
don't really understand much, it just made it work without black on black UI
For now I prefer to keep with a newer kernel in Chimera, in the spite of right now only having rear camera supported, but with proper libcamera support (including YUV, which indeed made qcam works perfectly now!)
dsc_: lowercase fine?
rafael2k: should we try to just import piggz cam now or is that a serious undertaking?
uvos: do we have an issue for the theme problem in qt5 (text contrast) ?
Wizzup: nothing to import yet... he did not release his libcamera port yet
rafael2k: oh...
this is why I was thinking that adding gtk4 to Chimaera would allow us to get MegaPixels
is qcam a gui?
yes, it is a gui
in qt
it compiles and runs fine, but not really optimized for a phone
if we can avoid gtk4 while we're waiting for piggz, that would have my preference
ok, no strong feeling here
bencoh: in fremantle->ascii this was a problem, and again in beowulf->chimaera
oh this was regarding linking over
was scrolled up
rafael2k: well it's a significant undertaking to get gtk4 in, and it's not even in the debian/devuan counter part, so I think it will be painful
and it's potentially even -more- to support right now :p
Wizzup: any repo name is fine
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Wizzup: there is experimental repo for bullseye
but lets try to avoid, agree
buuuut, I don't think it will be much work
lets see if we can use piggz advanced camera or even make the buttons bigger in qcam
so this camera app
it can take pictures
and rotate pictures that were taken
thats about it, right
any reason why we cant make our own Maemo Photo app
we already have the UI code somewhere
just the gstreamer-0.10 code is broken
(old Maemo camera UI code)
was that open source?
I remember you sent me
you or someone else
rafael2k: are you testing on PP or D4?
d4 has no camera driver currently
yes, the UI was open source, just the gstreamer plugin was closed source
someone sent me the Maemo camera code at some point... don't remember the path thou
that is VRZ_7.7.1-85_MZ609-31_1FF.xml.zip
Wizzup, uvos__: for mz617 flashing just utags should in theory still be ok, you should be still be able to fastboot flash cache utagboot in fastboot mode.. in theory.. should be tested on some mostly broken donor device at some point..
tmlind: sure if utags are correct
if they arnt then your really stuck
uvos__: hmm right, not sure fastboot erase utags works
no it dose not
uvos__: ok well still the same problem even if you have kexecboot flasher :p
kexecboot flashed i mean
sure yes
thats true
kexecboot itself being broken or missing isent an issue
oh and i meant fastboot flash cache kexecboot above, not utagboot..
yeah we understand :)
thank you :)
uvos__: hmm probably also recovery mode still boots even with bad utags, but i guess no way to flash anything unsigned from the stock recovery?
it dident here, (enter recovery mode with correct utagboot utags that is)
also idk if an upgrade would clear utags
and if your on 4.1 you stuck
since it wont let you upgrade the same version again
(must be newer)
and yes, nothing unsigned eihter
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tmlind: thanks for the info
I'm looking at adjusting flash-droid-4-fw.sh for mz609
i would just perform the upgrade normaly
but up to you
uvos__: hmm yeah upgrade could possibly would clear bad utags
heh could be tested with a $10 mz617 logic board from ebay most likely
uvos__: what is 'normally' ?
Wizzup: load the zip onto sdcard
enter recovery mode
select zip for upgrade
let it run
this dose a real upgrade
including running all the moto scripts
(dunno what they do but they dont run if you just fastboot flash it)
uvos__: I've never done that before, let me try that :D
uvos__: the .xml file seems to just contain flashing steps though
or am i confused with the device numbers again
I think so :)
I have VRZ_MZ609_1.6.0_279_1FF.xml.zip which has VRZ_MZ609_1.6.0_279_1FF.xml/allow-mbmloader-flashing-mbm.bin
but that's not mz617
I wrote to 3 people in xda-developers forum but nobody replied to my request for mz617 files
uvos__: looks like the flashing worked
tmlind: yes
but we had that one allready
oh right, it's the mz617 that's missing..
too many devices
maybe if we know someone who works at motorola
could work
i mean there is a chance they dont have it either
they where bought 3 times and restuctured twice since then...
I tried to search archive.org by checksum and that also didn't surface the zip files
so presumably we'd like to find a file VRZ_MZ617_1.6.0_279_1FF.xml.zip i guess
so those are the full updates
i quite a few of those for mz617
but none contain
however i kow for a fact
that some partial (ota) updates did
from xda forum posts
*i have quite a few
there's also a file called fastboot-p2_pasteur-pasteur_mmi-user-4.1.2-9.8.2OT_127-127-release-keys-cid2-Verizon-US.tar.gz on some google drive that presumably had them
oh ok
we spent mutch time in this area ^^
yeah i guess it will surface at some point
I still have the torrent open in case someone still has it
heh ok
uvos__: ok so I rooted the mz609 but now I'm wondering why I did that at all :)
Wizzup: idk
Wizzup: to check things in android while improveing leste support?
in any case I have 4.0.4 and it's rooted, so I have some scripts for sure
uvos__: maybe yes
anyhow update was nessecaty
for newer kernel
I can try kexecboot next now
uvos__: yes
presumably I -do- use the allow-mbmloader-flashing now :)
Wizzup: if you get mainline kernel booting on mz609, can you please run two copies of memtester user space app and see if it produces memory errors?
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something like memtester 400M & should do
two instances
i was not seeing errors with the android kernel on mz609, but i see them instantly with mainline kernel
tmlind: ok, will do, it might not be today, but I'll finish kexecboot now for sure
ok no rush, just wondering about it
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Writing 'bpsw' (bootloader) no such partition
FAILED (remote: '')
fastboot: error: Command failed
Wizzup: mz609 dosent have bspw look at kexecboot instructions
let me do that
its cache :)
I didn't see it in the README
hmm ok
but the name of the utags files tells you
should anyhow
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ok, got kexecboot and its booting android
tmlind: when you say run 'two copies', what does that mean? different versions, or just run it twine?
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cant we use qtwebbrowser vkb everywhere? it is soooo good.
: )
isn't it really small?
it is very huge
depends on QT_SCALE_FACTOR presumably
: )
65% of the screen approximately
I like
its really small in portrait
uvos__: hm I wonder if android did something with the cache partition
yes it absolutly dose
ah ok, in portrait
to watch youtube need widescreen... eheheh
having kexecboot on cache breaks android (slightly)
unfortionatly we have no where else to put it
uvos__: I would say android breaks kexecboot maybe
it should not
it fails to mount
and then just gives up and continues in degraded mode
at least thats what happens on my mz617
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btw, kexecboot is upside-down for me on mz609
uvos__: ok, well, it worked first time I flashed, then it bootd to android, and now it didn't work on reboot (stuck at logo), but flashing it again worked
let me try it again :D
hmm wierd
worst case
Wizzup: yeah i tried to get the stock kernel to rotate the fb via /sys but it was just crashing..
since you are root on android
just remove cache from its mounts
Wizzup: hmm maybe kexecboot has some rotate support
check system/etc/vold.fstab
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In portrait it is small, but I can type, it is useful (about the qtwebrowser vkb)
Wizzup: maybe see kexecboot config option rotate, i think that can be added to boot.cfg, maybe that works better. it's parsed in set_fbcon()
the fact that vkb is tiny in portrait and the settings pannel dosent work in portrait (on d4) is why i disabled portrait in qtwebowser initally
tmlind: it's fine, it doesn't matter @ rotate
tmlind: btw, just realised, does the hdmi port work? that could be useful for testing
I took a pic here
the comment there says: Value should be 'rotate:<n>', uses degrees
hdmi works
(on mz617)
but serial is more usefull really
sure both are :)
Wizzup: hdmi should work if configured so the lcd is left out of the dts for mz609 and mz617
rafael2k: and yes we might be able to have that qt keyboard in some other qt apps too, but ideally we'd really have the same one everywhere
rafael2k: yeah for me that's quite small
chalka eh
it : )
boot.cfg line to rotate probably needs to be FBCON=fbcon:180
it is small, but is fine, I like it
tmlind: I will try that after I've made some food, and then also try to perhaps boot the maemo kernel, see if it boots at all
(and if that works, I might try memtester)
ok let's hope kexecboot rotate works :)
tmlind: still not sure what you meant with 'run two copies' though
Wizzup: one memtester instance for each processor
one last thing, I have a -lot- of mz617s at home, well, relatively a lot
I bought this one lot on ebay for like 8 usd per piece, marked broken, and they all worked
like 10+
so I could sacrifice one for tests if it helps
how is the mz609 invnetory?
lower, but I think I have one or two
Wizzup: about the vkb... of course I hope my second PP physical keyboard arrives fast (it is stuck in customs still), but the current vkb it is hard to use the terminal tbh... I'd love to have that qtwebbrowser vkb in a terminal emulator...
and xt894 you have enough to use as beer costers xd
uvos__: well they're at my place but I don't consider they 'mine' :)
I hope we can send them to people who want to develop
or test
Wizzup: oh i think the kexecboot FBCON option just appens the rotate to the selected kernel cmdline, never mind
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the volume applet is holding an exlusive grab on volum up and down
wich makes sense
so h-d cant get those keys
maybe then it worth making x11 vkb the default?
or invent a gesture?
cant have volume be both volume and keyboard
norayr: well for now you can just uninstall the volume applet
afaik it dosent work on pp anyhow
but yes
or add it to... add keyboard triggering shortcut to the maemo notification area or how is it called right of the clock?
you need to invent some new way to trigger the keyboard
well not exactly me, this is a responsible decision. if i say let's do that by swiping from down to up then after maybe it will happen that swyping is good for minimizing the app for example.
it must be well thought.
no idea
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so the volume keys for volume are not working also right. hunft
yes well thats because the volume applet cant detect what stream volume to use