Wizzup: maybe OpenAI will soon make us (devs) obsolete :)
probably not :)
but it might still be useful to at some point check out ghidra again
uvos: hildon-base in chimaera-devel does not conflict anymore with elogind
uvos: btw where is autolaunch src?
did I not make the repo?
uvos: tinydm is in chimaera-devel
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uvos: also hildon-session
uvos: in hildon-session/usr/bin/hildon-session should it be PROGNAME=hildon-session-post ?
tmlind: is the mz609/mz617 serial also over usb?
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uvos: ah it is autologin
uvos: I had to remove debian/files
uvos: ok, autologin is in repo too
uvos: so /etc/init.d/xsession should go away, and what else?
xorg I guess too
who starts X?
or rather:
can we change startup parameters?
freemangordon: probably, what for?
freemangordon: in any case I'm just doing preparation work, I'm waiting for uvos to come online and give me some further instructions
to match those in xorg script
for the /tmp/Xorg.log ?
seems sphone doesn't resolve contact names for display *before* the call is accepted. it shows correctly in the log afterwards
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or if it does, then it's not consistent
I don't think it has abook integration other than the dialog, but it does some eds things
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Wizzup: silly question - we use upower in leste. normally, upower will insist on handling shutdown when supply gets critically low. what prevents this happening in leste? or if you just use the upower library, then upower leaves those decisions to you? (i know there's battery-guard in mce ...)
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i think mce shuts down wayyy before upower would
sicelo: I think this is orchestration with logind