freemangordon: so, after purchasing, does one need to do 'somethings' with a soldering iron?
like, soldering, for instance
or does this battery 'just fit' :D
I think Wizzup is playing cruel pranks on me and gave me bricked droid4's
either that, or this maemo-leste is incredibly difficult to run for normal users
also please confirm the model name
this ebay link is near useless :P
dsc_: laters, have to run now
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dsc_: the battery situation is probably the main reason i still prefer n900. anyway, in absence of better battery and fancy cable, try charging from a power bank. they tend to have D+/- shorted, and d4 does respond well to thY
if booting the recovery or android doesn't work, in kexecboot, choose shutdown and leave it on the powerbank for some time
otherwise yes, seems you'll only have peace once you replace the battery with a *quality* unit
i don't have access to those, so I've made peace with the fact that I'll have not-so-stellar performance. meanwhile n900 works fine with a run down battery :p
sicelo: powerbank would be via micro-usb still, right?
> in kexecboot, choose shutdown <== ok, trying this now
dsc_: yes still microusb. the difference is that the data pins are almost always shorted in powerbanks, while chargers may have all sorts of fancy stuff there
at least d4 performs worse on my 2A genuine Samsung fast charger compared to el-cheapo no-name power bank
however, I do also have a n900 laying around
still have the original nokia n900 charger? that should be able to revive your d4. has data pins shorted
i do not
buzz found d4 charges best on cable where there's no connection at all on data pins, so if you have that even better.
guess ill test my software on the n900
the reason why I'm interested in the droid4 is because its a bit faster :P
which helps with compiling etc.
but yeah anyway
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freemangordon: just woke up, yeah, qtwebbrowser is faster, and with my pathc it also does portrait properly
freemangordon: I can push that somewhere
dsc_: there's more d4's at initlab
dsc_: yes, and calls work nicely on the d4. i moved my work sim to it and it's been good.
dsc_: BlagovestPetrov4 messed me saying he's making some cable to 'unbrick' them if they have low battery
oh nice
Wizzup: in your box?
dsc_: I think so, or around there
I might also be able to use this cable for the d2's if I make one
I'll try to build one in the hackerspace tomorrow :)
how does this unbrick method work?
BlagovestPetrov4: how is such cable made/wired?
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freemangordon: fwiw we'll clearly have to patch qtwebbrowser some more to make it even a little 'maemo' ish, but I'll share the orientation code in a branch
thanks for sharing. does it charge in that mode or just gets you into fastboot?
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sicelo: building droid4-linux/omap-linux now for beowulf-devel
(for n900 fix)
lovely, ty
will then build for chimaera as well
uvos: I merged the portrait fix to the maemo/chimaera branch, which is 5.11, we might also want to update the actual browser to 5.15 I guess
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Oh hi
Wizzup, the package were sent to a proxy service for international shipping. The actual carrier should be UPS.
the tracking number will available tomorrow. Will sent via email.
Estimated arrival time should within 5~7 days.
No battery were included due to shipping policy on air shipping.
hi, back in just a minute
oh, just some notification for XT883 international shipping progress, nothing urgent.
Shipping via official service for shipping company is way diffcult than finding a proxy service...
Wizzup: what is '1' in view.setProperty("X-Maemo-Orientation", 1); ? automatic?
SuperMarioSF: great, ty, do you have some number for me?
freemangordon: yes
freemangordon: we still need to make some constants in our qt headers for these, both the strings and the constants
current tracking number is not available yet. Will available tomorrow.
The proxy service need to ship from Shenzhen to Hong Kong, and start shipping with UPS then. So the tracking number for UPS will came later.
Wizzup: I think we can do better ;)
freemangordon: better than just rotation?
Once tracking number is available I will sent a Email for you.
SuperMarioSF: ty
Official service often ask for something such as invoice or some business aggreement with the shipping content, which is basically impossible to get for such old phones...
freemangordon: sure, but we should first move to qt web browser 5.15, we are on 5.11 now, and then the whole options/menus might need to be maemo-ified
like view.setProperty("X-Maemo-Orientation", "LandscapeOrientation");
freemangordon: oh, I suppose we can do that too
#define WA_Maemo5LandscapeOrientation "LandscapeOrientation" in our maemo headers
that way we will have define for native applications a a meaningful string otherwise
I'm also still wondering if we should have a way to force portrait, many things that ought to support portrait still don't, for example the address book app
but that's for another day I think
btw, now I have some consist provider for international shipping. If you guys find something interesting and need to get from China, maybe I can help.
the good news is that we have qt web engine with gl support :)
SuperMarioSF: that sounds great, I'd love that, I'm not sure if we're good at -searching- within chima
and those proxy shipping service are cheaper than those official shipping service, which is weird...
If you have some clue about something should been existed there, you can just ask me to find related information.
I think in general if we can find droid 4 for example it might be useful
Last time I checked there isn't much droid 4 in good shape available. usually came with phone only with some really old battery.
and shipping with battery is out of question. I have to remove battery before shipping, so the next big problem for you is finding more battery.
You can just bulk order a bunch of Droid 4 batteries and use old fashioned way shipping to your location, which is slow.
well, we don't necessarily care about the battery or the battery state I guess
especially if they're not in a good state to begin with
Is there any modern battery replacement solution for droid 4?
using a battery a decade old won't help much.
I think there are some, but I don't recall the details
10:22 < freemangordon> dsc_: buy a *new* battery for lg whatever-it-was
nope. PolarCell in general, seems doesn't exist in China.
but there are way too many service parts of BL-5T batteries.
SuperMarioSF: what I meant to say is that I think it might not make sense to search on the internal market for batteries as much, since we have trouble shipping them anyway, but certain devices without battery could be interesting
I guess anyone want a droid 4 should find a replacement battery locally.
unfortunately there is no EB41 polarcell battery, but fmg and others reported using another polarcell battery model and replaced the connector/electronics
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oh and ... is BL-T5 compatible with droid4 as well?
btw, considering COVID-19 situation in China, I recommend you to do a full disinfection on devilered package once you received the package.
I have done some basic disinfection inside, but there are other people involved shipping that package so just be safe.
I personally recovered from BF.7 at least 3 weeks ago so I'm fine.
bencoh: yes, if you replace the electronics :p
SuperMarioSF: alright, thanks
freemangordon: is it easy btw? what needs to be done there?
SuperMarioSF: well, I have a booster(3 doses) and was sick for 2 days 2 months or so ago. I doubt I'll get covid that easy
bencoh: yes, it is
once you have the battery you'll see what needs to be done easily
I dunno, I had a look at pictures but ...
but, in short - remove the original BMS from BL-5T (sticky tape to remove), keeping the flat wires as ling as you can
carefully remove the stock electronics board from d4 battery. Unfortunately, this one is tricky as it is glued with some black polymer glue, but not impossible
solder the wires from the cell to electronics
I put some hot silicone and sticky tape to make it more robust
that's it
also, you may have no voltage out of the battery initially
this will be fixed once you connect a charger to the device
bencoh: ^^^
it is really easy
also, bl-5t is slightly smaller, so it is not that critical how you solder it
smaller == shorter (1-2mm) and less wide (1-2mm)
freemangordon: how much capacity do you get, reportedly?
I wonder if I kept my old swollen d4 battery
I succeed from the first try, given how rusted my soldering skills are
Wizzup: ~1600 @ 4.2
hmm, polarcell say 2250 (?)
yes, but that is @ 4.35
so its not fully charged basically
freemangordon: right, maybe we need to go higher than 4.2 at some point too
I think buZz charges to 4.35, so he can may tell what is the real capacity
IIRC he said something about 2200
Wizzup: right
tmlind: uvos: do you have allow-mbmloader-flashing-mbm.bin for mz607?
* Wizzup
tries to download/find images
* Wizzup
looks at RETAIL_MZ607_1.6.0_278_1FF.xml.zip
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freemangordon: oh it may need to be .2 for qtwebbrowser :)
,2 I mean
not ,1
yep should be 2
sicelo: it's in repo now for beowulf-devel
I'll test later today
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will try it, but i think i broke something else on my installation, and don't have time to look into it soon
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so, recently, besides the ts being unresponsive, occasionally it will start acting as if it's being pressed on another part of the screen. hardware issue on my end, or others have observed it perhaps? (droid4)
if i lock screen double tap on power, then it fixes itself, so i doubt it's h/w, but i could be wrong
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sicelo: ok, I'll check in 1hr
Wizzup: lets fix both, ok? qtwebbrowser is the first user of "X-Maemo-Orientation", right?
so we may add QMaemo or QMaemo5 namespace (if we don;t have one already) and then add defines, like:
i want to try unpacking it to the SD card, and hope it'll work
maybe i should fetch it from jenkins in meantime
norayr: how;s that related?
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related? i was answering, if that's the first program that uses new way of maemo rotation, and i said - no, probably not. i also used that code in easylist but i did something wrong probably and it doesn't work.
ah, ok
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sicelo: use pkgweb :)
sicelo: probably omap-linux so o
freemangordon: no, qtwebbrowser is far from the first user of it
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ah, i forgot about pkgweb. anyway already downloading from jenkins
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sicelo: aight
mmm, so n900 is broken in many ways in Leste. no udc, so usbnet and charger auto-detect doesn't work. wifi not working either. i'll see if i can spend some time during the coming week to work on it properly
sicelo: this is 6.1 ?
that's more broken than I remember
that's a shame
this really should have been tested before it went to -devel
well, with chimaera we will have different branches at least
sicelo: I'll still build the modem fix now for chimaera as well
so that we at least don't have a resetting device
sicelo: wifi works for me?
I can't test charging right now since it's on lab psu
testing modem fix when the upgrade completes ;)
charger auto-detection is definitely broken, udisksctl unmount -b /dev/mmcblk0p2
maybe freemangordon's charger work will matter here too somehow
no :-)
also when tmlind gets back, maybe we just move to 6.2
it's always been working
(in case it works there)
sicelo: hmm
it broke because of the UDC issues that tmlind already fixed. not sure how those fixes are merged in Leste's tree, but they seemingly don't work. they work fine in the kernel i maintain for pmOS, both in 6.1 and 6.2
but yeah, i'll spend some time this week on the Leste kernel to see what's up. Tuesday is a holiday here, so i hope to have a bit of time to spare
it might be that we just miss some patch
modem still causes oops for me ... but let me assume that my manual unpack method is flawed. let's see what will happen from your end
sicelo: testing now
maybe time for a new image for me :-) ... which is a pity. this is image from Leste day 1. only been apt upgrading until now
Wizzup: simple way to check the charger thing, even while you're on psu, is `cat /sys/class/udc` ... if it's empty, then you have the problem (and i am quite sure you do)
will check after reboot, sounds likely
sicelo: heh, you can just reinstall omap-linux
the thing is - now i have no connectivity inside leste ;-)
no usbnet, no wifi, and no gprs ... anyway i'm doing a new unpack ... maybe i took wrong kernel version
sicelo: I don't get reboots on the kernel from repo
uvos: I wonder if we can have a tablet do an OTA update and figure out where it gets the files from
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i wrote several people there
no one was able to help
i found the ip / http req for xt875 on xda somewhere
the server was long gone
so i suspect its the same for mz6xx
you dont have to have a device to try and do an update
should be able to find it in android
they use the same old foss android update system after all
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_uvos_: I also wrote to three, let's see
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I'll post this on gh later (hope i don't forget)..
hildon-home has a bug regarding rearranging the order of applications in the list. when in edit mode, the applications are listed in 3 columns, but in normal mode, they're 5 or more
so positioning doesn't really work, as application shows up where you didn't place it
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sicelo: please do
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if we aim for chimaera images on feb 1st, it can be our 5 year anniversary release