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<norayr> sicelo, Wizzup: it is much more useful than shazam. shazam doesn't work in background. you never know when shazam listens to your talks, and when not.
<norayr> songrec on the contrary has a key to disable microphone
<norayr> also has a check box to detect what is played from the phone's speaker.
<sicelo> yes, i can see it's foss. i just wish to know how it talks to shazam servers - does apple explicitly provide an api, or this depends on undocumented behavior, which Apple could change anytime? ... the readme only explains how fingerprinting works
<norayr> i guess it was written somewhere that there is an api.
<norayr> and it can continiously recognize melodies.
<norayr> you just leave it and then you have a list of songs.
<norayr> and you can export it as csv.
<norayr> (:
<norayr> also the interface is reflowable, you use landscape mode, the bottom part comes to the right part
<norayr> of the screen.
<norayr> i guess it is some feature of gtk4, and we maybe don't have gtk4 in chimaera and that software may not have gtk3 source so i may not be able to package it.
<norayr> also it is in flathub, i found it there.
<norayr> and installed on pmos on pinephone.
<norayr> it is very useful.
<norayr> but i don't like flatpak's i like packages.
<norayr> and even more i like gentoo ebuilds. (:
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<dsc_> I forgot how to show the battery percentage
<dsc_> whats the command (or program) to see battery status?
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<sicelo> what kind of output does the command you want produce?
<Wizzup> rafael2k: will do in a bit
<sicelo> there's, of course, cat /sys/class/power_supply/battery/uevent
<sicelo> and upower -d
<Wizzup> rafael2k: in any case just to be clear, for crust to work, years ago, we had to pull in newer uboot
<Wizzup> rafael2k: that's what I mentioned
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<Wizzup> freemangordon: btw looks like this is the maemo-launcher equivalent of sailfish: https://github.com/sailfishos/mapplauncherd
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<Wizzup> they have some qt5 booster
<freemangordon> where?
<rafael2k> Wizzup: no problem, we can update u-boot. tks!
<Wizzup> looks like they archived it now
<rafael2k> so, we already have crust...
<Wizzup> sicelo: in upstream-forks ?
<Wizzup> brb 10 mins
<rafael2k> : )
<sicelo> i think you meant to hilight rafael2k
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<norayr> uvos is not here. i want to tell him, i guess i need to tell him specifically that the volume up key on pp doesn't trigger the keyboard as it was before.
<norayr> search key on droid triggers.
<norayr> rafael2k: thank you for your work. i am waiting impatiently for the piggz camera on maemo. do you think you can package it?
<norayr> once i built megapixels-legacy, now megapixels probably uses gtk4, which we probably don't have in chimaera, not sure. if gtk3, maybe we can build it. i like megapixels actually because i can customize it with my luts.
<norayr> dsc_ i guess you are searching for upower -d
<norayr> or you can just go to /sys/class/power and somewhere there you'll find some 'bat' files that contain the percentage.
<buZz> its in /sys/class/power_supply/battery/capacity
<buZz> but -only- if previously hit 100% since boot
<buZz> thats such a drag imho
<buZz> i generally just look at /sys/class/power_supply/battery/uevent , as its got voltage and discharge current too
<Wizzup> rafael2k: so do you need me to package crust-firmware ?
<Wizzup> rafael2k: sorry, do you need me to make a repo for you and add it to ci and such?
<dsc_> norayr: ty
<dsc_> & buZz
<buZz> upower -d only updates once every 120 seconds :(
<Wizzup> buZz: that is perfect for power management
<buZz> right
<Wizzup> you definitely would not want it any faster
<Wizzup> it will be faster when on wall charger though I believe
<buZz> but do you want to wait 2 minutes to see if charger is connected and charging? :D
<buZz> it wont, its always 120 seconsd
<norayr> dsc_, - https://github.com/norayr/home_sweet_home/blob/master/scripts/pinebook_pro/bat.sh - this is how i was getting information from pinebook.
<norayr> when upower was not able to retrieve it.
<buZz> yaeh its a shame the names of devices in /class/power_supply arent standardized :(
<Wizzup> buZz: that is not how this works
<norayr> but you need to find own files in /sys/class/power_supply
<Wizzup> buZz: charger connection is a udev event in the kernel which triggers all kinds of things
<Wizzup> buZz: so it won't detect that 120s later
<buZz> upower -d wont?
<Wizzup> it will see it -immediately-
<Wizzup> well, it does on my upower.
<Wizzup> the status applet which detects charging uses only upower for its info
<Wizzup> iirc...
<buZz> ah yeah, i ment the /org/freedesktop/UPower/devices/battery_battery
<buZz> (lol @ name)
<buZz> the /DisplayDevice likely updates more often then?
<buZz> and /line_power_usb
<buZz> -line- ? :D
<Wizzup> I don't remember this exactly, there are upower docs online for this
<Wizzup> but our status applet has clear code on how to read the battery on all suppported devices
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<buZz> why not access upower through dbus?
<Wizzup> upower is only accessible through dbus
<buZz> ah, is that gio.h ?
<buZz> aha > Gio is a library providing useful classes for general purpose I/O, networking, IPC, settings, and other high level application functionality
<Wizzup> buZz: no, there is a upower.h include there
<buZz> isnt that only for the constants?
<Wizzup> no
<Wizzup> up_client_get_devices2 etc
<buZz> oh up_client_get_devices2()
<buZz> lol @ 2
<buZz> :D
<buZz> and then with the device use g_ptr_array_index , which is gio.h i think?
<Wizzup> that's what people do when they change the api :)
<buZz> :P
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<buZz> current version of my batterymonitor is getting nice ; http://space.nurdspace.nl/~buzz/maemo/2023-01-13-044313_960x540_scrot.png
<buZz> the purple is 'remainder of USB current' which is powering the phone during charging
<buZz> red is discharge, green is charge
<buZz> background green is batt voltage
<buZz> (not using any historic data btw, just realtime)
<buZz> i think the purple one is 'always higher than red' because of the voltage differences
<buZz> i'm not really sure why 'USB voltage' is below 5V in class/power_supply/usb/uevent
<buZz> but maybe the current needs to be calculated to match the battery voltage, or something
<Wizzup> cool!
<buZz> still need to figure out why its using >5% cpu while not updating
<buZz> or why pyqtchart's 'sized to window' chart extends above Y=0
<buZz> :D
<sicelo> because you're polling, maybe?
<buZz> its not polling when not updating
<buZz> maybe its running some eventloop thats not mine, normally these charts also allow panning/zooming, i disabled that but maybe the loop for it is still active
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<Wizzup> uvos: ping
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<uvos> Wizzup: yeah?
<uvos> "1673712315 <norayr> i think forcing the vkb to appear by volume up is broken on pp."
<uvos> yeah i know, but it works on mapphones and on vm so idk someone else who has a pp needs to debug this one
<uvos> or the shortcut is not configured for some reason
<Wizzup> uvos: hi
<Wizzup> I just packaged https://github.com/sailfishos/voicecall - which is a background daemon to interface with ofono and telepathy
<Wizzup> I tested it, and it works for sip via telepathy
<uvos> so someone has to break in these locations/ watch dbus on pp
<Wizzup> so my plan right now is to make a sphone module to interface with it
<Wizzup> but I don't think sphone right now supports a notion of 'accounts'
<Wizzup> we can have several sip accounts, for example
<uvos> it dose not
<Wizzup> the voicecall thing is kinda neat, it also does dtmf
<uvos> you could register a backend for eatch accont, sphone dosent care what backend really means
<uvos> so dose ofono btw
<uvos> but it dosent work
<uvos> on mapphones
<Wizzup> well, they would be registered at runtime
<Wizzup> well sip can do dtmf as well
<uvos> yes
<uvos> sphoen dosent care when a backend is registered
<Wizzup> in any case that's my current plan
<uvos> it will just add it to the dropdown
<uvos> so sip - accountName
<Wizzup> I was looking into using their code, but it seems well done enough that I don't really want to re-do it
<uvos> is a valid thing to add to the dropdown
<Wizzup> ok
<uvos> by just calling for a new backend
<Wizzup> can I also remove them at runtime?
<uvos> yes
<Wizzup> ok
<uvos> rn it wont update the dropdown untill you respawn the dialer window
<uvos> but thas a trivial fix
<uvos> otherwise should work fine
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<rafael2k> Wizzup: no need for crust firmware - we already have it - suspend is working great!
<rafael2k> norayr: piggz camera is does not support libcamera... he is working on it
<Wizzup> rafael2k: ok, so maybe we need some way that when people lock the device that it suspends
<Wizzup> uvos: ok, any way, that's the current plan
<uvos> Wizzup: ok
<Wizzup> I need to untangle some of their code, but it seems to work already
<rafael2k> norayr: Megapixels gtk3 is here: https://github.com/rafael2k/megapixels/tree/gtk3 it compiles without problem, but it is way too old
<Wizzup> it also has some mce and audio code, but I don't plan to sue it currently
<uvos> so registering "backends" dynamicly is imo fine
<uvos> but you can ofc also come up with some better sheme
<Wizzup> for now I just want to be able to dial and answer :D
<uvos> /explicit support for muliple accounds per backend
<Wizzup> once that works such a refactor is doable
<rafael2k> Wizzup: yes, just call suspend from somewhere when the screen gets locked
<uvos> Wizzup: its not really mutch of a refactor
<Wizzup> rafael2k: so how would this work if for example music is playing?
<Wizzup> uvos: I mean refactor the voicecall module
<uvos> in the just add some list account structs to the backend descriptor
<rafael2k> Wizzup: we need to treat all the cases... suspend shuts down the ARM cpu
<uvos> *some list of account structs
<uvos> and then have the dialer display another dropdown if there is more than one
<uvos> Wizzup: ok
<Wizzup> rafael2k: sorry, what do you mean exactly with all the cases?
<uvos> Wizzup: rafael2k: so suspend
<uvos> mce module, ez
<rafael2k> Wizzup: if we don't want to suspend when playing a music... for example, we need to explicit add "exceptions" or whatever we call it
<uvos> and tiny settings applet to set if it shal suspend on lock
<rafael2k> uvos yes!
<uvos> rafael2k: would keep it simple first
<rafael2k> I totally agree
<uvos> rafael2k: but mce could listen on pa if there is something playing
<Wizzup> rafael2k: and we need a system for things to register this, wakelocks or whatever android calls it
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<Wizzup> maybe android does not use it anymore
<uvos> it dose
<uvos> but its use is strongly discouraged
<uvos> what there being no wakelock means on devices vaies
<uvos> some will suspend, on others (like d4) nothing special happens
<rafael2k> Wizzup: we can also set which wakeup-devices we wanna use, I always use this page as reference: https://xnux.eu/devices/feature/system-suspend-a64.html
<rafael2k> s/wakeup-devices/wakeup-triggers
<rafael2k> we can wakeup on alarmtimer*
<rafael2k> which will be nice to use at some for the alarm clock
<rafael2k> this SCP processor which keeps running the ARM CPU is halted is pretty interesting indeed
<Wizzup> rafael2k: what I mean is preventing sleep when say mpv is playing
<Wizzup> or when a file is downloading
<rafael2k> we can definitely do "wake locks" by using the alarmtimer wakeup device and "waking up" the device, for example, to check for new incoming messages (from internet) for eg
<Wizzup> and yes we also need to set up what wakes it up
<Wizzup> rafael2k: wake locks keep the device awake no matter what iiuc
<rafael2k> ah, ok
<rafael2k> this is easy to implement
<rafael2k> it should be just a flag to mce as far as I understand
<uvos> sure
<uvos> imo just add a dbus if to flag mce awake
<uvos> and a tiny wrapper script
<Wizzup> there is also the actual kernel wake locks in mainline afaik
<uvos> that the user can then put infront of relevant applications
<rafael2k> I like this
<Wizzup> maybe we can have an issue with a writeup
<Wizzup> in any case just suspending on lock or screen off won't work well, as you can lock during calls even
<freemangordon> ве алреадъ хаже либплаъбацк
<freemangordon> oops
<freemangordon> we already have libplayback
<freemangordon> which does exactly what you're discussing
<freemangordon> and not only
<rafael2k> правда!
<rafael2k> : )
<freemangordon> hehe
<rafael2k> :P
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<rafael2k> any software already using libplayback?
<uvos> libplayback is not really relevant here
<rafael2k> added more using libcamera "cam" to capture to DNG: https://leste.maemo.org/PinePhone#How_to_take_a_picture
<bencoh> neat
<bencoh> rafael2k: ufraw might be a nice addition to the list btw
<bencoh> in case you want an alternative to dcraw/qcam
<rafael2k> bencoh: did not know it. cool!
<rafael2k> I'm annoyed that Megapixel sets some white-balance related registers so the image looks fine, and I'm capturing I get greenish pictures clearly with no white-balance setting
<rafael2k> btw, I'm using latest 5.15 kernel in the PP, as the new 6.1 in Chimaera I still did not manage to finalize the patchset for the cameras
<rafael2k> dummy question: gcc `pkg-config --libs gconf-2.0 hildon-1 gtk+-2.0 libosso gdk-2.0 gconf-2.0 glib-2.0` -lm
<rafael2k> is this enough to link a simple hildon app?
<Wizzup> looks like source files or object files are missing
<Wizzup> but maybe that was not the question :D
<rafael2k> I'm getting unresolved symbols... undefined reference to `gtk_init_check'
<rafael2k> undefined reference to `hildon_program_get_instance' ...
<rafael2k> no no
<rafael2k> I just omitted it
<Wizzup> it matters where you put the libs
<Wizzup> what is the whole command?
<bencoh> right, the linker is order-sensitive
<bencoh> and the default linking search order changed over time, to make it easy :]
<rafael2k> ehehehe
<rafael2k> which app should I look for a working reference?
<bencoh> hmm, any hildon app from the maemo repositories I'd say
<rafael2k> ok
<bencoh> maybe we should add a suspend button to the powerkey menu btw :)
<rafael2k> where is the source of this?
<rafael2k> indeed
<Wizzup> the powerkey menu?
<rafael2k> yes
<rafael2k> my single button suspend app worked, tks
<rafael2k> : )
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<freemangordon> rafael2k: you can add a dbus call to power key menu
<freemangordon> no need for a separate application, assuming there is already some daemon that can suspend the device
<rafael2k> freemangordon: agreed indeed!
<rafael2k> lets see if it is all ready in mce first
<freemangordon> I doubt
<freemangordon> maybe upower?
<rafael2k> ehehehe
<rafael2k> that is why I just wrote this stuff, until we have it properly done
<rafael2k> dont think we need upower daemon, could be implemented just in mce afaiu
<freemangordon> we already have upower and mce uses it :)
<rafael2k> need to go, time for multiki with the baby
<freemangordon> anyway, my point was that maybe upower already implements dbus interface that can be used to suspend the device
<rafael2k> : )
<freemangordon> :)
<rafael2k> I'll take a look in upower tomorrow!
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<Wizzup> freemangordon: nah upower doesn't do that
<Wizzup> logind might
<freemangordon> ok
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<sicelo> `dbus-send --system --type=method_call --print-reply --dest=com.nokia.mce "/com/nokia/mce/request" com.nokia.mce.request.req_shutdown` no idea if this does work in leste, but i guess it should
<sicelo> ah, suspend ... :p
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