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<norayr> radv, my friend managed to install it by using wiki instructions to emmc.
<radv> yeah?
<radv> i should try.
<radv> do you know what version was used?
<norayr> it was a year ago, in the summer or autumn.
<norayr> he said it was straightforward. just repeated wiki instructions and it worked.
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<norayr> i never tried.
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<radv> seems like a semiearly version
<radv> i wonder when the note on the wiki was addes...i can go through the history and see
<radv> the not looks kinda out of place
<radv> *note
<radv> *added
<radv> ug, this keyboard is not great
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<uvos__> what keyboard? the vkb? yeah its not great
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<radv> the note about leste currently not working on the pine phone emmc was added august 15 2022
<radv> well, yeah, but i was refering to the pine phone hardware keyboard though...
<radv> when i was complaining i was trying to hold it and type.  currently i have it set on a table while typing; its a little better this way
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<rafael2k> ufff, pinephone keyboard working again!
<rafael2k> It seems much better than the one I bought and burned 1 year ago
<rafael2k> keys are smoother
<sicelo> :-)
<sicelo> rafael2k: you may also want to look in backlog and assist the new pp user who arrived here a day or two ago
<rafael2k> sure
<rafael2k> now I have the USB back for ethernet
<rafael2k> : )
<sicelo> i found this interesting over the weekend regarding ppkb -
<rafael2k> lets import this:
<rafael2k> I can package
<rafael2k> btw, new 6.1.12 have a new cpuidle support it seems, better battery life
<rafael2k> I'll upgrade the firmware of it
<rafael2k> I think we could add a script in our boot that checks the kk kbd firmware version and updates it if needed
<rafael2k> the first impression, without upgrading the firmware, it all works as expected
<uvos__> im kindof suprized they use 20mW for the keyboard - even when active this sounds extreamly excessive
<rafael2k> firmware upgraded, all smooth
<rafael2k> I think what drained to zero my pp kbd last time was this issue
<rafael2k> :/
<rafael2k> good it is fixed now
<rafael2k> I have a feeling we could just upgrade both the modem and keyboard for the user, may be just ask the user when installing the modem or keyboard packages
<rafael2k> may be also change the governor to powersave when running on battery, and schedutil when in mains
<uvos__> the powersave gov is never a sane choice
<rafael2k> I kind of... always use only it
<uvos__> The CPUfreq governor "powersave" sets the CPU statically to the
<uvos__> lowest frequency within the borders of scaling_min_freq and
<uvos__> scaling_max_freq.
<uvos__> Not what you want
<uvos__> really ever
<uvos__> it also costs power on most modern cpus
<uvos__> because it keeps them out of idle states longer
<uvos__> by forceing them to be clocked lower while working
<rafael2k> did not know that
<rafael2k> so which scheduler to use when wanting to maximize battery life?
<rafael2k> I remember compiling the kernel, powersave was the only option not to suck more battery then my wallcharger could pump in
<rafael2k> *than
<uvos__> that can only be if something is very wrong
<uvos__> ie the cpu is busy at all times for some reason
<uvos__> the traditional awnser would be ondemand or interactive
<rafael2k> cpu-idle was broken btw
<rafael2k> just fixed
<uvos__> but with schedutil and on cpu govoners its harder to say, needs benchmarking really
<rafael2k> right, I'll take a look with the 6.1.12
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<arno11> Hi guys
<arno11> Is FM transmitter enable in stable img kernel ?
<arno11> *N900
<Wizzup> I think it ought to work in n900, through some alsa controls, but I haven't tried myself
<Wizzup> sicelo might know
<sicelo> yes it works
<sicelo> i documented in wiki how to make it work
<Wizzup> sweet :)
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<sicelo> arno11: "Install v4l-utils, then enable chip and set frequency using: v4l2-ctl -d /dev/radio0 -c mute=0,tune_power_level=120 -f <freq>"
<rafael2k> FM tx works?
<rafael2k> how coooool
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<bencoh> neat
<sicelo> if it doesn't work for you, please ping :-)
<arno11> ok cool but i already tried and nothing is present in dev/radio
<rafael2k> now I have my pocket notebook : )
<arno11> so that's why i'm asking
<sicelo> arno11: mmm, that's odd.
<sicelo> lsmod | grep 4713 - what does that return?
<arno11> nothing lol
<sicelo> grep for 4713 in the config ... /boot/config..
<sicelo> what do you get then?
* sicelo doesn't have Leste install handy, but hopes that module is enabled
<arno11> ok let's try just few sec plz
<rafael2k> now I have battery_axp20x_battery and battery_ip5xxx_battery :/
<rafael2k> there is some work to show a unified battery report
<Wizzup> rafael2k: how would you expect it to work from ux point
<rafael2k> 1st approach - include kernel support to report a unified status
<rafael2k> 2nd - report both status somewhere
<arno11> sicelo: CONFIG_RADIO_SI4713 is not set
<sicelo> rafael2k: upower aggregates the batteries for you, and exposes them in DisplayDevice
<rafael2k> still need to think
<rafael2k> upower -i /org/freedesktop/UPower/devices/DisplayDevice
<rafael2k> power supply: yes
<rafael2k> has history: no
<rafael2k> updated: Tue 21 Feb 2023 07:42:06 PM MSK (106 seconds ago)
<rafael2k> has statistics: no
<sicelo> arno11: so that's the problem. Wizzup , please assist with enabling that on Leste kernel
<rafael2k> battery
<rafael2k> present: yes
<arno11> sicelo: CONFIG_RADIO_SI4713 is not set
<rafael2k> state: discharging
<rafael2k> warning-level: none
<rafael2k> energy: 0 Wh
<rafael2k> energy-full: 0 Wh
<rafael2k> energy-rate: 0 W
<rafael2k> percentage: 198%
<rafael2k> icon-name: 'battery-full-symbolic'
<rafael2k> 198% ?
<arno11> sicelo: radio not set
<rafael2k> no good job :P
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<sicelo> rafael2k: lol. yes something broke recently. see
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* sicelo doesn't really like upower tbh ... but it seems to be what we're stuck with
<rafael2k> we can fix it
<rafael2k> should not be so hard
<sicelo> yes. in that issue, it was even tracked down to the offending commint
<rafael2k> anyway, I read megi I think is working on a unified driver or something
<rafael2k> sicelo, cool!
<rafael2k> lemme read it
<arno11> sicelo: ok thx for the auick answer
<arno11> *quick
<sicelo> you can submit an issue on github, unless Wizzup has some free time sooner to add that config in kernel and rebuild
<Wizzup> free time in the last two weeks has been 0 unfortunately
<sicelo> :-)
<Wizzup> should be better again after this week
<rafael2k> sicelo, tks! read the issue... pretty cool screenshots indeed
<sicelo> yw
<sicelo> i'm not sure if Leste is using that version of upower though
<rafael2k> 1:
<rafael2k> hum
<rafael2k> it seems the issue was before either
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