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<rafael2k> morning
<freemangordon> morning!
<rafael2k> Wizzup, could you spin a Maemo-Leste Chimaera with harbour-pinhole in order piggz can more easily test our stack?
<rafael2k> доброе утро!
<freemangordon> добро утро
<rafael2k> 🤘
<rafael2k> I built a kernel with latest ov5640 upstream, and now the system with power on correctly the ov5640
<rafael2k> so the system is kind of ready for testing camera app on the PP, all in the repo
<rafael2k> and it is cool to play with the autofocus!
<rafael2k> while not in pinhole yet, we can trigger the autofocus tru v4lctl
<rafael2k> btw, support for the PPP is almost in good shape too
<rafael2k> We'll need need some wiring up of control from libcamera, but the crew there is helping getting the needed controls wired up
<rafael2k> the PPP has indeed a proper ISP
<rafael2k> which is well supported by libcamera, through a specific pipeline configure (in the PP we just use the simple pipeline)
<rafael2k> btw, I read a about "eMMC Installation" "Warning, this no longer works in latest images since boot.txt was removed. Please update this section."
<rafael2k> can we just add in our u-boot package (copyed directly from our debian dir) a nice boot.txt sample, with commented our example how to multiboot and so on (I multiboot with Mobian on the eMMC)?
<rafael2k> at the same time, default u-boot for SD and a sample u-boot boot.txt for eMMC, and a "mkboot.sh" or something that runs mkimage -A arm -O linux -T script -C none -a 0 -e 0 -d boot.txt boot.scr
<rafael2k> in the end. we could also ship with set already made an image for SD installation and another for eMMC
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<freemangordon> sicelo: apn/username/password not being set issue should be fixed, please upgrade and confirm
<freemangordon> the only remaining issue that's known to me is "always ask for password" tick not being obeyed
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<Wizzup> rafael2k: for pinephone?
<Wizzup> (an image?)
<Wizzup> I can do it in 4-5 hrs
<Wizzup> freemangordon: I haven't figured out yet how to tell tp-ring not to do anon calls
<Wizzup> there is a tp interface for it, but voicecalls from sfos does not seem to use it at all
<Wizzup> maybe there is a tp ring config option that I missed or something
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<Wizzup> freemangordon: I asked in #sailfish
<Wizzup> sorry, #sailfishos
<sicelo> great idea
<Wizzup> hm, I think I might have figured it out
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<Wizzup> no, probably not, this needs to be addressed in voicecall-manager I think
<freemangordon> Wizzup: where is #sailfishos ?
<Wizzup> oftc
<freemangordon> bencoh: did you manage to build ff?
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* freemangordon is tempted to post a video with chromium playing YT video as a reply to https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1812016
<freemangordon> on the same 'low-end'
<sicelo> looks like it's fast getting to the WONTFIX state
<Wizzup> freemangordon: that won't help I think
<uvos> yeah looks like they are just fine with perf colapsing by 10 :(
<uvos> *10x
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<bencoh> freemangordon: I haven't tried since yesterday's failure yet
<freemangordon> uvos: yeah :(
<bencoh> freemangordon: "We believe it might be related to the $subject" we already know that it's not gl-related, right?
<Wizzup> still they must fix gles
<bencoh> yup
<bencoh> agreed
<bencoh> hmm so, regarding building ff, what should we try? add some swap, or add memory to the VM?
<Wizzup> bencoh: do you need more ram?
<bencoh> I dunno, but killed gcc/g++ usually means that, lemme check dmesg
<Wizzup> maybe reduce the parallel jobs
<Wizzup> I can add a bit more ram too, but the system is at 26G/30G
<Wizzup> (the host)
<Wizzup> I extended the ram of the build machines to accomodate our webengine
<bencoh> cc1plus invoked oom-killer:
<bencoh> ah, I see
<bencoh> let's try ....
<Wizzup> bencoh: so I can add mor ram and reduce what we have on the build machines, just lmk
<bencoh> let's see first if it works
<Wizzup> ok
* uvos laughs having 80gb to compile android
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<Guest224> when I reading this channel log I found: 2023-01-22_14:46 <freemangordon> unfortunately it is normal. various reasons, one of the it runs from SD card. The other one is that Leste runs on 24 bpp while fremantle runs on 16bpp
<Guest224> Why Leste run at 24 bpp, what mobile screen show more than 18 bpp? And many times real analog world color accurasity is less than 16 bpp.
<Guest224> is there way to switch to 16 bpp to speed up screen handling?
<Guest224> I mean screen analog world...not real physical world :)
<Guest224> ofcourse..fastest screen handling is what screen wants in low level..any information what N900, Droid4 or Pinephone wants?
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<Guest224> if 16 color (4 bpp) grayscale speeds up then, it's enough for me :most of time :)
<sicelo> did it help?
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<uvos> Guest224: the main thing is that 16bit color support is broken in lots of places on linux
<uvos> Guest224: also modern pannels that have true color depth in excess of 18 bit are absoulty not uncommon anymore
<uvos> Guest224: ofc me mainly focus on old and low end phones atm but still
<Guest224> uvos: ok...in another though, all supported Leste devices support external display, what they can put there is another question :)
<Guest224> putting N900 to CRT-TV would be nice ;D
<bencoh> iirc external display is already somewhat supported on leste/droid4, but there is no UI integration yet
<bencoh> regarding n900 I dunno if it's supported in current kernel versions
<uvos> i think on n900 someone reported it broken
<uvos> on mapphones it works fine
<uvos> just xrandr set the outptu
<uvos> t
<bencoh> uvos: does hildon handle two screens properly, or is it mirror-only?
<uvos> the n900 implementation is also pretty wierd
<uvos> since its not a real crtc
<uvos> bencoh: no you have to configure there to be only one display
<uvos> ie mirror or deactivate the internal pannel
<bencoh> ah, sad
<Guest224> hmm..deactive internal panel actually sounds good if get more screen resolutions to external display.
<uvos> sure d4 can drive 1080p and performance is fine at this size too
<bencoh> d4 can even drive 1080p+internal panel
<bencoh> just not side-by-side, only one above the other
<uvos> well the hw can do side-by-side too
<bencoh> (unless that changed in the past few years)
<bencoh> uvos: last time I tried (years ago) it didn't work and reported something exceeding some limitation
<bencoh> but top/bottom screens worked
<sicelo> Guest224: yes tv-out is working in mainline
<bencoh> I think side-by-side means having an overall surface of more than 2048x2048 (1920+960)
<uvos> bencoh: hmm i think it worked for me before, but thats with i3 so maybe its texure size
<uvos> wich i3 dosent need
<uvos> but hildon would
<bencoh> I used wmii
<bencoh> (back then)
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<Guest224> is disk-images at /images/pinephone/20230122/ chimaera? or is there only devel chimaera?
<Guest224> is hildon-connectivity-mobile included in images yet?
<bencoh> LLVM ERROR: out of memory
<bencoh> Allocation failed
<bencoh> Wizzup: with -j1
<bencoh> (real 109m13.943s)
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<Wizzup> bencoh: ok nwill fi
<Wizzup> ok will fix later today
<bencoh> :)
<bencoh> we could also add swap as fmg suggested
<bencoh> looks like the error occurs during the last stages
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<Wizzup> no swap pls :p
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<bencoh> okay :)
* freemangordon still wonders what is wrong with swap :p
<uvos> in general swap has gotten mutch less usefull
<uvos> due to the relatvie speed of io/ram/cpu
<uvos> but yeah, if it wont work otherwise, why not swap
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<freemangordon> well, swap is the only thing that allows me to compile mesa on d4
<bencoh> the crossbuilder works with mesa btw
<rafael2k> Wizzup, for pinephone, an .img chimaera to distribute
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<rafael2k> I plan this week to have front camera enabled
<Wizzup> rafael2k: ok, I will try, I have some things I need to care of first, but I will try to build another img
<rafael2k> no rush then, lemme finish the kernel for chimaera then
<rafael2k> support for both cameras better than just one
<rafael2k> :P
<Wizzup> something came up today, I might not have a lot more time today
<rafael2k> Can I just use that one you made?
<rafael2k> people can just apt-get update/upgrade
<Wizzup> sure, that can work
<rafael2k> (I mean, distribute)
<rafael2k> Could you remind me the link of it?
<Wizzup> it's on maedevu images
<Wizzup> sorry, back later
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<rafael2k> I wonder if this could help in order to have an USSD UI: https://github.com/mhogomchungu/ussd-gui
<sicelo> USSD should be handled by the phone application imo
<Wizzup> rafael2k: what protocol does this talk over
<rafael2k> AT
<Wizzup> hmm
<Wizzup> I am not sure if ofono likes it if others are reading its fd
<Wizzup> maybe it's fine
<rafael2k> we need to read from ofono
<bencoh> I played with libgammu for a while with my razr :)
<rafael2k> no no, we'll need to convert
<rafael2k> the point is that all the UUSD use cases are there, this saves time
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<rafael2k> read/write from/to ofono
<Wizzup> ok
<rafael2k> I dunno, may be uvos can have an idea what would be best
<Wizzup> best regarding what?
<bencoh> completely unrelated, but wondering ... are we supposed to handle wifi networks (ssid) with multiple bssid well?
<Wizzup> no idea tbh
<bencoh> I dunno if that's the reason I'm having troubles here, but I suspect it is
<bencoh> I dunno how to debug that though
<bencoh> icd(?) has a tendancy to clear wpa_supplicant's config if I set it through wpa_cli
<sicelo> yes, expected :p
<sicelo> at least i think it is
<Wizzup> what does ssid with multiple bssid's mean
<bencoh> yeah, probably :> but still, how are we supposed to debug?
<Wizzup> that you have several APs with the same ap name?
<bencoh> Wizzup: exactly
<Wizzup> this should just work, we don't pin the bssid in the config
<Wizzup> so it will just pick whichever wpa supplicant prefers
<Wizzup> I think
<rafael2k> Wizzup, best with regards to have USSD at some point integrated, even if not so beautiful (not many people use, but those who use, really need it)
<bencoh> it remained connected for about an hour or so, and suddenly disconnected, and I wasn't able to reconnect since then, even after reboot
<bencoh> gonna try removing the network and adding it from scratch
<Wizzup> bencoh: that is weird, if you file a bug I can take a look at the code later
<bencoh> also wpa_supplicant seems slightly wonky, at some pointed it showed in scan_results a wifi network discovered this morning in the bus
<Wizzup> it should remove expired entries eventually
<bencoh> yeah, it removed it, but it popped back in at some point, for some reason
<bencoh> okay, so it just connected properly after removing the network from the connections list
<Wizzup> weird, I don't -think- we store bssid, but again, will have to check
<bencoh> do you want me to check that?
<Wizzup> sure, if you want to
<Wizzup> I have some personal things occupying me tonight so I won't be able to do much
<Wizzup> yes
<bencoh> thanks :)
<sicelo> one thing that we do, which we probably shouldn't, is saving IP addresses in gconf for gprs (and possibly wifi?)
<Wizzup> I think we just use it as ipc
<Wizzup> to pass it on to the next module
<Wizzup> it's not a 'config' that much in that sense
<sicelo> ah, ok
<bencoh> apparently we include the mac_addr in the BssInfo at some point, not sure if it's stored or not yet
<bencoh> but supposedly we don't use mac_addr to match discovered networks against the configured networks
<Wizzup> btw, later I found that sailfish has some glib or qt bindings to wpasupplicant, found it three/four years later of course
<bencoh> :)
<Wizzup> bencoh: ram increased from 4GB to 14GB
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<Wizzup> rafael2k: starting a new arm-sdk now
<Wizzup> for pp
<Wizzup> the image I mean
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<bencoh> Wizzup: thanks a lot
<bencoh> let's see :)
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<freemangordon> bencoh: please, when building, make sure there are debug symbols created. For some reason we don;t have sane dbgsym in debian repos http://debug.mirrors.debian.org/debian-debug/pool/main/f/firefox-esr/firefox-esr-dbgsym_102.7.0esr-1~deb11u1_armhf.deb
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<bencoh> freemangordon: in what way aren't they sane?
<bencoh> real 104m50.788s - Success! \o/
<bencoh> -rw-r--r-- 1 bencoh bencoh 9.5M Jan 25 23:18 ../firefox-esr-dbgsym_102.7.0esr-1~deb11u1_armhf.deb
<bencoh> 9.5M sounds .... tiny
<bencoh> and looks like my build gave a very similar results ... now I see what you meant
<bencoh> now ... I need a way to do a partial build if we want to patch that thing ...
<Wizzup> dpkg-buildpackage -b -uc -nc ?
<bencoh> yeah, but it doesn't always work .... we'll see
<bencoh> yeah, I add a static int variable in glxtest.cpp and tried dpkg-buildpackage -b -uc -nc but it didn't do much, apart from checking the previously built package
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