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<freemangordon> gl qtwebbrorser works on d4 now :)
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<sicelo> fmg to the rescue :-)
<freemangordon> unfortunately chromium still does not
<freemangordon> hmm, actually it does
<freemangordon> it crashed the GPU, but still
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<Wizzup> freemangordon: so we need qtwebengine fork? got a patch?
<freemangordon> the fix for gl is in mesa
<freemangordon> but we still need webglengine fork because of QPA plugin
<freemangordon> *qtwebengine
<Wizzup> ok
<Wizzup> great work as always :)
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<freemangordon> :)
<Wizzup> I will try to build it later today from salsa, if you share a patch
<freemangordon> a patch for maemo plugin?
<freemangordon> I still don't have one
<freemangordon> but I guess it is as simple as adding "maemo" along "xcb"
<Wizzup> yeah I figure
<Wizzup> the other patch is for mesa then?
<freemangordon> yes
<freemangordon> but still not ready
<Wizzup> check
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<freemangordon> ok, setting FlushBehaviour=2 fixes chromium crashing GPU, however it is too slow to be useful
<Wizzup> I remember we saw this before someewhere
<freemangordon> yeah, glamor ;)
<Wizzup> right
<freemangordon> oh, you took the one from -stable for chimaera :(
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<freemangordon> Wizzup: mesa is ready
<freemangordon> we just need qtwebengine now
<norayr> is there a hope that if i download a chimaera image with 6 kernel, droid3 will work better with that? (sorry sorry sorry i feel guilty each time i mention it, just i love the device so much, much more than d4, that i don't understand the design of)
<norayr> maybe i can provide access to uvos for testing it. i can create a tor hidden service and make my home machine sshable from within tor network. i do that to connect to my machines that are behind the nat.
<norayr> and it is a pity we weren't able to keep rafael2k, since i was not able to explain you what is necessary to improve pp state. and he did, after he appeared, pp state improved very much. it is still in bad state though.
<sicelo> norayr: even though droid 3 has half the ram of droid 4?
<norayr> yes, the ram i don't care that much. i care about the look. (:
<norayr> also, on performance: yesterday i was trying to pay for parking with droid4. that meant entering some website, etc. so on d4 qt browser after login was not able to parse the page. i tried firefox, but it was not able to show the page because it is heavy. and it was slow and not responsive - not usable at all.
<norayr> luckily i also had pinephone with me and ff on pinephone was much better, i was able to pay for the parking and not get fined.
<norayr> our main dev device is d4, which limits our community size very much. it cannot be more than number of people who have d4. and that number is very low. if you search right now for d4 on ebay or amazon, you'll find nothing.
<norayr> pinephone is possible to buy. and jolla published a statistics where they say, half of sailfish os installations are on pinephone!
<norayr> btw, also on d4. after upgrade to chimaera i think typing of colon symbol by pressing 'ok' and ':' is no more possible. same with semicolon.
<norayr> so i cannot type those symbols from hardware keyboard.
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<sicelo> oh, that sucks
* sicelo is still on beowulf
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<Wizzup> freemangordon: ah, did I take wrong branch?
<Wizzup> norayr: no, droid3 will get better but nothing changed atm, I hope tmlind might have some ideas
<freemangordon> norayr: install chromium
<freemangordon> make sure to disable GPU acceleration though
<norayr> will do!
<norayr> not sure how btw.
<norayr> but will read.
<freemangordon> in settings search for "hardware"
<freemangordon> re firefox - recent ff upgrade in debian made it useless on d4
<freemangordon> maybe file a bug to upstream
<norayr> eh, i think they don't care about old devices. we need to use gemini, that's why i packaged lagrange gemini browser.
<norayr> and btw it is a unique build of lagrange.
<norayr> the author created his own set of controls based on sdl. he draws with sdl.
<freemangordon> never heard of :)
<freemangordon> still, chromium is very fast on d4
<norayr> and he has desktop interface and mobile interface. mobile he builds for ios and android.
<norayr> and in linuxes if you find builds - those are desktop.
<norayr> i made a unique build - mobile interface for linuxp
<norayr> for linux.
<freemangordon> do we have that in the repo?
<norayr> yes, gemini is something between gopher and http, very simple not extensible protocol.
<norayr> yes we have. (:
<freemangordon> ah
<freemangordon> I thought it is a browser :)
<norayr> it is! but it opens gopher:// and gemini:// links.
<norayr> i need to make video though, it crashes sometimes. and send to the upstream. i have the latest source code. the mobile interface is not well tested on linux, i guess only i built it like that.
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<sicelo> gemini is not a solution, unfortunately
<freemangordon> heh, it opened http:// in chromium :D
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<buZz> that whole 'modem disappears when you connect USB' is getting kinda annoying
<buZz> :(
<buZz> maybe i should just run kernel 5.x again
<sicelo> or n900 :p
<Wizzup> buZz: 'when you connect usb'? what are you doing?
<buZz> Wizzup: charging
<buZz> its some bug that was introduced on 6.x rollout, that USB modem disconnects from device when 'a usb device' is detected
<buZz> -somehow- 6.x sees random chargers as usb devices already, gives the 'PC Suite' popup, after which the modem disappeared from USB bus
<buZz> something with the usbgadget drivers loading/unloading, i bet
<buZz> adding a usbcondom on the cable seems to prevent it from happening, but even chargers that on 5.x never appeared as usb device , on 6.x do
<buZz> (not a real usb device, i guess the resistors on datapins just confuse the d4 a bit)
<buZz> (OR its my usb connection being derpy)
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<buZz> either way, on 5.x it never happened
<Wizzup> I don't see this
<buZz> maybe try on a laptop's usb port? the 'PC suite' popup causes kernel messages like your earlier bug report
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<buZz> lol wtf, dmesg now shows the rndis loading and unloading every ~0.2 seconds on having USB charger connected :D
<buZz> maybe i should just remove rndis and see if it solves anything
<freemangordon> weird
<buZz> cant find that earlier bug report, dangit
<freemangordon> hmm...
<freemangordon> does that happen with every charger?
<buZz> no, as i said, adding a usb condom seems to prevent it for many (maybe all?) chargers
<buZz> (usb condom being only VCC and GND connected)
<buZz> some chargers get the 'PC suite' popup -every- time, some only sometimes
<buZz> the popup == modem is gone
<freemangordon> maybe your device USB port is loose
<freemangordon> I have never seen such issues here. Mind you, I played a lot in couple of weeks ago
<buZz> yeah that was a idea i had aswell, guess i should take the d4 apart to see
<freemangordon> tested with maybe 5 different chargers and 5 different USB ports
<freemangordon> never seen popup when charger is connected
<buZz> but you did see the popup from a laptops USB port?
<freemangordon> yes, why not?
<buZz> did that make your modem disappear?
<freemangordon> no
<buZz> -thats- the main issue here :P
<freemangordon> ah
<freemangordon> well... it was 5x then
<freemangordon> :)
<buZz> http://space.nurdspace.nl/~buzz/maemo/dmesg-20221213.txt <- this was recorded when i noticed it first
<freemangordon> 5.x
<buZz> just booted droid4 , it was online on GPRS, connected charger -> modem disappeared from USB
<freemangordon> hmm
<freemangordon> seems like some HW issue to me
<buZz> where is the rndis setup? i'd love to try just disabling that functionality to check
<freemangordon> maybe stop ke-recv
<buZz> never used it to begin with :P
<freemangordon> Wizzup: ^^^?
* freemangordon is afk
* buZz waves
<sicelo> buZz: something like `hildon-usb-gadget-*`
<sicelo> -clear to disable them all
<buZz> sicelo: as a proces? service?
<buZz> ooo, helper scripts?
<sicelo> it's an application in /usr/sbin :-)
<sicelo> part of hildon-usb-gadgets
<buZz> weird, why a application? isnt it just toggling stuff in sysfs?
<sicelo> it could be a shell script, yes
<sicelo> but it's still clean this way too ... i don't find one approach better than the other
<sicelo> i guess one of the motivations to do it this way was to use the excellent libusbgx library
<buZz> ah some kernel 3.11 tool :D
<buZz> i've been messing with charging/discharging -a lot- lately, building a battery gui thingy in python
<sicelo> i've also been working on the n900 fuel gauge, https://lore.kernel.org/linux-pm/20230102091326.3959978-1-absicsz@gmail.com/T/#u
<sicelo> buZz: what's on x axis? seconds?
<buZz> sicelo: eh, 'samples' for now , i'll replace it with timestamps eventually
<sicelo> ok
<buZz> there's no history thusfar, its only live view
<sicelo> live view? :o
<buZz> the right Y axis is now replaced with 'voltage' for way higher resolution
<sicelo> what's the bright green line?
<buZz> charging current
<buZz> the red is discharging current
<buZz> (yes i use d4 usually with 1.2A charging limit, not the default 500mA)
* sicelo likes the Nokia font there
<buZz> unconfigured, i guess its default
<sicelo> yes, i might want to 'steal' it for pmOS
<buZz> :)
<sicelo> how long you wait between samples?
<sicelo> nice ants on top left :p
<buZz> i think that screenshot was with 1 sample per 2 seconds
<buZz> might make that configurable
<buZz> man, so weird, after ~250 samples of charging, suddenly 'charging' popup on top, and GPRS IAP is away from menu, durrrr
<buZz> killing ofono keeps '2G' icon in status menu :)
<buZz> such a weird hw state
* buZz reboots phone and all is normal again
<buZz> :D
<sicelo> 'GPRS IAP is away from menu' means?
<sicelo> but yeah, i guess killing ofono like that will confuse things, yes
<buZz> tap status menu , tap connections, no GPRS IAP in the list
<buZz> i doubt modem even still works in that state
<buZz> on boot, killing/restarting ofono -does- remove/bringback 2G icon
<buZz> and brings the IAP to that list
<sicelo> btw what's the lowest consumption (in mA) that you get on droid 4? i see 40mA. not sure if this is as good as what others see, or it's high
<bencoh> 40mA idle with modem on?
<bencoh> and screen off?
<freemangordon> sicelo: measure average power, should be about 150mW
<freemangordon> or even less
<bencoh> 40mA is about 150mW
<bencoh> at nominal voltage
<freemangordon> depends on the voltage
<sicelo> thanks
<sicelo> bencoh: yes
<Wizzup> freemangordon: I'm around now, it looks like you already built mesa?
<sicelo> Wizzup: btw where are the patches required for droid 4 voice calls - can't recall if they do headset or speaker
<Wizzup> it works with hp, speaker and headset (earpiece)
<Wizzup> they are in kernel only
<sicelo> yes, i recall. but i can't find them :-)
<Wizzup> let me check
<Wizzup> I think uvos didn't rebase everything, so it's not all on top?
<Wizzup> yeah, that's why it's harder to find
<Wizzup> sicelo: at least:
<Wizzup> bef96ef6af0c19e4a1653c1e854f006ccd9e81d8
<Wizzup> e97b653c2b3ed964385e29bb9379c41986724822
<Wizzup> 8fd730ad132db5d68998be9daf14aaca2f47ea31
<Wizzup> and probably some more
<Wizzup> sicelo: what's the idea exactly, do you want to use these in pmos?
<sicelo> mainly just to understand the required changes
<sicelo> probably won't be easy to support this on pmOS since it will require ofono fork
<Wizzup> yeah, patches, that they should carry also for other devices ;)
<Wizzup> like pp
<sicelo> yeah. so it's mainly for my enlightenment for now :-)
<sicelo> plus pmOS doesn't really support droid4 yet
<sicelo> i think in pmOS, it'd be best to go with modemmanager
<Wizzup> sounds like you're up for writing the patches :)
<sicelo> thanks for sharing
<sicelo> hehe, i want to improve N900
<Wizzup> ofono works great for us now so I don't see a reason to complicate life even further with redhatisms :p
<sicelo> yeah, i think ofono is fine (in fact i like it better)
* Wizzup bbl, work mtgs :(
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<uvos> sicelo: to find patches its usually easier to look here
<uvos> there are the feature branches that i merge to create the maemo kernel
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<freemangordon> Wizzup: yep
<freemangordon> we need qtwebengine
<Wizzup> ok
<Wizzup> I want to do the hildon-meta thing for uvos first, so we can get elogind going
<Wizzup> uvos: -devel already has the xorg btw
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<freemangordon> ok
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