please, if you manage to build with symbols, try to get backtrace of the crash
it is tricky, as you have few seconds while 'profile' tab is loading to attach gdb to the pid of "Isolated Web Content", but not impossible
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freemangordon: does't look like the sfos people picked up on my question, shall I file a bug report or something?
I can also just extend the voicecall manager dbus code
yeah, maybe bug report is better
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freemangordon: new libicd-ofono does update ofono context. tyvm
looks like it updates it the next time context becomes active, i.e. not immediately after being set in cpl. anyway, works :-)
freemangordon: uh there is no way to make an issue there
Wizzup: so, maybe hildon-base can conflict with elogind and suggests: consolekit
does not help
ok, my knowledge what consolekit is and is it ok to install it ends here
I think we have consolekit currently on chimaera, no?
hm, nope
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no, and I guess that's why it wants to pull elogind
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uvos: did you have some time to look at my sphone pr?
rafael2k: oh! I have an image
from ~18 hours ago
Wizzup: um yes
do you not have gh nottifications active?
its mostly fine, besides me not likeing dragging in the voicecall lib too in addition to tp, and being unfinished ofc
ah, I forgot to check my maemo leste inbox
the entire project was formatted by clang-format, so I'm surprised if tabs/spaces are a problem
well it generally dosent follow the codeing style
I didn't see a lot of C++ code in the repo :)
at least on gh it looks like its using spaces (maybe gh breaks this)
well if () vs if() is same in c/c++
I can re-apply formatting pretty easily if I know which one you want
anyhow this dosent bother me mutch really
unless its really space indented
that bothers me
I'll have to check, I used the webkit format spec
as for using sfos, it seems to do a lot of things well and they're much better at writing TP than I am, so I don't think duplicating what they did makes any sense
so dose this pull the deamon too?
well the module requires the daemon to be installed on the system, yes
i really dont like that we have yet another deamon
uvos: well it feels to me like my perceived pragmatiscm is hitting some academic walls, as in, I don't think you wanted to write a tp module, and now I did, re-using sfos code which saves a whole lot of time, and I'm not going to make it an exercise in TP for me by spending 2 weeks duplicating what they did
I just want to use sphone for my day to day usage, but that requires tp support for calls and rtcom in the ui, because that's what we aim in the project: to make maemo leste like fremantle in ux
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reusing sfos code is fine, as in takeing the code, as libs or otherwiese and shoveing it into sphone
having another voice call manager running besides sphone is bad, in sfos they have what sphone-core and sphone-ui is in 2 sperate processies so having that deamon thare makes sense, here it just dosent
dosent prevent anyone from takeing code from that deamon
but using it? not great
I like AT
I could help with the telephony part, but I'm using all my spare time in the camera stack
so, front camera working
Wizzup, 18 hours ago the kernel was not ready yet :P
rafael2k: want another one?
I will start another before I go to sleep then, but if the above image doesn't work, then I will rm it not to confuse users
Wizzup, you decide, and I can also ask people to apt-get upgrade
if not much work, yes
shall I remove that one from maedevu then?
lets have the great one with full camera support