norayr: I don't think it does anything useful
i'll try without it.
what is a way to wake up leste vm?
(no joke)
machine -> power down
i am sshd
oh, no gtk?
yeah that i found.
just disable the lock, in that case you can just move the mouse
there's also probably some dbus commands on the maemo wiki
btw, loving the extras apps :)
i'll port more and more.
and i have to also package amazfish for the watches and write another app for myself.
I have a list of things somewhere, still not sure where to put them
maybe a single gh issue and packages with checklist or something
i think, open bugtrackers requests, and maybe also repos, and then start working on repos, and maybe someone will pickup or help.
norayr: ok, I think everything should be set up, jenkins and github wise
thank you!
i hate to say it, but i was excited too early. some of the runtime deps are not installable. i am afraid python2-gst is needed. so my fault, building the package was not enough to open the issue. i had to test it runs. :/
and we have python-mutagen-doc but not python-mutagen
it might need to be ported to python 3 then
is it gtk or qt?
i think gtk, it wants python-hildon.
no qt thing noticed.
then python3 is not an option atm
ok i'll continue doing other packages for now. sorry for this. maybe later we'll do something about it.
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do we have a shortcut like alt-tab to switch windows?
Wizzup: i'll take a looc.
i am trying to run tootle here, it opens a page in firefox and i need to copy paste a code from ff to it.
but, what it opened is sort of a popup window. if i click on something to go to firefox, i loose it.
and i cannot enter the code.
my last hope is to try some alt-tab like switch to ff.
norayr: shift-ctrl-bksp, no idea if it still works. "The times they are a-changin'" - Bob Dylan
anyway, menu on power button doesn't work? iirc it always is higher priority
menu works
but i cannot go to ff with it
i can lock the screen
when i unlock it, it still opens tootle.
home button doesn't work.
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there's always the reboot option 😃
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power menu - kill current application?
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what can i do with ssh? i need to bring ff window to foreground.
maybe wmctrl?
kill current app doesn't help. if i kill it i cannot enter auth code i get from ff.
i need to switch to ff, get the auth code and come back.
well the easiest thing would be to install tootle on my desktop linux, get the auth code and scp it to maemo.
look on wiki.maemo.org ... there's a dbus command you can send for window switcher iirc
so you can do that via ssh
what's tootle btw
Wizzup: No idea who implemented portrait mode in ham, but seems she somehow didn't check the result: 3 buttons with size 164px should fit in 480px :(
fmg will be answerable to activists for implying the breakage was introduced by a woman, "she" 🤭
* freemangordon
gives a fuck about activists ;)
my guts get sick every time I see plural 'they' for a single person
still, that does not help with HAM portrait mode being ugly :)
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Hi! I want to install maemo-leste on my N900, I did not understand the meaning of the second point, where to get this file and what is it called? "Install "Linux kernel for advanced user (boot image for U-Boot)". This is optional, but recommended.". And what happens if you skip it?
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aw no patience
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btw you can rebind the power key to any key in modern mce
in vm i just bind it to f12
this way you can long/double press also
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freemangordon: really it's just a simple thing, we can ignore the background for ham
freemangordon: it's really, really not worth the effort
or just replace it with an image that dosent assume any position if that the issue
the problem is that the three icons there are supposed to be centered on the background
alright, picodrive runs wayyyy smoother with compositing disabled and 'auto frameskip' disabled, gee
giving a nice 'background shadow' effect
it might be easier to just add this to the button backgrounds themselves I guess
Wizzup: yeah thats what i mean just replace the background with something neutral
and then maybe add a shadow later to the buttons themselves
Wizzup: uvos: I was just complaining :) . I know it does not worth the effort, but I already spent too much time on it, spending 2-3 days more is not a biggie. At the end we'll have resolution-independent HAM without having to change all the themes.
right, but we'll have this for many more applications later on too I think
there's still a few questions from earlier btw :p
re: abook plugins, which chimaera repos you want, and something else I forgot atm
uvos: so should I try beowulf pulseaudio in chimaera and see if it works?
uvos: and then bisect I guess?
oh, abook pugins - did I forget to RE that?
what is broken?
ok what i basically did is, when it didn't find an include, I was finding the correct one in the output of
dpkg -L qtbase5-dev | grep -i thatthing
so #include <QWidget> would become #include <QtWidgets/QWidget>
norayr: not really
freemangordon: not sure what is, but I ported some plugin (qrcode) and it doesn't seem to load
freemangordon: (:
norayr: you need to fix the .pro files like I did
in the other repos
norayr: you should QT += widgets
in .pro file, as Wizzup said
now i cannot find anywhere in file system ui_mainform.h
i did QT += widgets but it didn't help me!
it is generaded by .ui file
yes i have mainform.ui
qmake generates the header for it
at least should do
hmmm, let me see at which step it is supposed to be generated.
is it even qmake? :)
ui_mainform.h is qmake generated header out of mainform.ui
freemangordon: I mean is the project using qmake
well, if it does not, then it cannot use forms
yes it does use qmake
conversations is cmake not qmake and it works fwiw
freemangordon: so what about chimaera branch/repo names?
stable testing devel
not sure, depends on the additional load
like, how hard is to have one more repo
if it is not that hard, lets have it
i have in the debian/rules
norayr: where is the repo?
on github?
let me push it but it doesnt compile
Wizzup: so, no strong opinion about experimenatl