sicelo: unfotionatly talk.maemo.org rarely loads for me
whats needed?
> When I install the latest N900 image from the N900 Leste wikipage from the latest image link I still get when I launch Leste the welcome window which states there is a major update which I can find behind a link. But the date in the stating text points to an earlier date. Which is the latest? From the wikipage link or the welcome window?
Amnesia_ is now known as Amnesia
idk if salutem is the right place to put this information anyhow
(i know its there rn)
really i envisoned salutem to display some mostly unchangeing stuff like tipps and how to get started
not "news"
so i would just remove this link from salutem
Wizzup: ^^^?
we are working on a proper user guide anyway, so might replace it with that too
html version of it or so
Wizzup: yeah that would be great
would be easy to make salutem display a hiarcy of html pages
that constitue the manual
uvos__: imho just put 'read the wiki for the latest versions' or something
or maybe we want salutem to display just news and have another application for the manual
needs policy desision
meh, even with commtest disabled in sphone.ini, not selecting 'ofono' makes 'sms new' not work
it seems 'delivery report' in ofono-scripts doesnt work btw
while adding those characters on a sms i type myself in sphone's interface, does work for delivery report
yeah i know delivery reports dont work in ofono
in sphone, or ofonod?
Wizzup: ofono
like if you use the dbus interface to reqest a sms with dlr
you wont get any
hm, wonder if it works in tp-ring
I seem to remember it did work, but idk
sphone also just dosent support delivery reports
but thats a different issue
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uvos__: it kinda does if you just put the characters in
just "*0# " at the start of the sms
oh, its provider specific :(
at tmobile its "! "
buZz: yeah you have to parse that from the sim
maybe ofono failes to do this
ah could be
it dosent work thats for sure
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delivery report comes in on which ofono signal?
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First time here I think. Second time using irc. Anyone present?
Have you been using Leste-Devel?
Not actively. Did try it while trying to debug an issue with the n900
I tried to boot it today but can't get to hildon. Boot scripts go through but then just a black screen. Is there something special I should do to get to hildon?
No it should just boot up. Hold on I will try it on my device.
The latest. I tested the stable but because the latest image was much slower than some earlier image I had tried I thought to give the devel a try. I have Maemo 5 CSSU testing with Kernel-power 53 and u-boot.
It also takes ages before it starts the boot scripts.
Compared to stable.
This slowness was the exact thing I was trying to debug. I narrowed it down to a change between builds 20220123 and 20220206. Maemo 5 setup doesn't affect leste.
freemangordon Did you have the same issue with this?
You mentioned you could try this on your device when you could :)
hi, semi present
Other notices: QTbrowser was not working. Load a newspaper site but just froze and no way to scroll the page. Same with Surf2.
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This with stable
I see message "closed connection". Is this still online?
Here I still am!
I think you are looking at a quit message
That someone quit his connection? Ok.
I have the same problem with the dev build
Got synaptic working on stable.
qt web browser on beowulf is a lot slower, but yeah, any website that uses a lot of cpu/ram cannot work
Could it work to install stable, change repos to devel and to do upgrade?
maemish_: one of the things you should do is run `/etc/expandcard.sh`
Have done it every time.
It is now on welcome message on Leste
ok. i see a message about rootfs being too full in your log
I saw it too.
Stable launches fine.
mmm, no udc found ...i guess that's old image? this shouldn't be a problem nowadays, i hope
that's bad about udc ... although it won't cause slowness
Yes that is stable but because it was so slow I thought maybe devel would have been more updated.
mmm, udc is broken in stable? :-O
what kernel version was that?
no, beowulf we have not updated much at all in the last 2-3 months
we're just focussing on chimaera
and we just have elogind blocking us now
i'm reading maemish_'s report
maemish_: "Application manager is a bit burden to use cause scrolling with stylus doesn't work that well. The same happens with different settings menus"
why not scroll with thumb? :-)
I think the same goes with thumb but just said stylus cause I use it.
Like the menu does not want to stop or it is hard to select keyboard layout for instance.
Not impossible though.
Have to ask: Maemo 5 has screen calibration. Is it not needed on Leste?
i haven't needed it. do you find things are off-center for you?
No, just thought if it would have affect on scrolling with stylus, how it reacts.
But so because I am no dev should I wait then chimaera? If many things may have been solved on that?
submitting issues is a way to contribute
Was the devel-repo info somewhere, if I install stable which launches and could try what upgrade witj devel repo does?
maybe sstay on stable until chimaera arrives, then see how things go there
But I could try now that I have taken N900 after a year break back on use.
sure :-)
Where can I find the devel-repo info? And is it ok to put on application manager or to sources list?
xinput_calibrator works fwiw
Just now came in mind that was it so that devel-repo is in application manager and just needs to be enabled?
no, there is no extras-devel
so no devel-repo to try out?
for extras? no
unless you mean something else with "devel-repo"