yes but i change the shipping location on ebay. i usually ship to germany or uk or usa and use my postal forwarder.
well, use the german address with the site i linked? :P
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Hi, I have a 982.124.14.XT910.Retail.en.EU on my desk. I tried to flash kexecboot with fastboot steps from wiki on devuan. Procedure looks fine but has no effect, can't see boot menu. Did I miss some magic?
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halftux: dident know devuan wiki had instructions on kexecboot
but please follow those on the kexecboot github repo instead
as those are most up to date
I have one with me as well, I am not sure if we have instructions yet
tony has on gh
you need to flash kexecboot and utags for xt910 (not the file for any other model!)
also note that we dont support xt910 atm and mainline support is very wip uncompleate and buggy
right, we have the lcd issues
and no modem
and other sutff missing too
just fyi
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well lcd is probably step one
if it doesn't have the instability issues like xt862 :)
it dosent i think
at least seams fine
ok, the device in wiki is called Razr (2011)
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used latest droid4-kexecboot.img and the specific utags.bin for xt910
any errors in fastboot? is your device bootloader unlocked (states so in fastboot)
there is nothing else that should be needed to get the kexecboot menu
the bootloader is locked
can you discribe behavior? dose it just boot android now or what happens
it boots into android
can you write a file in android (take a picture or something) and reboot
motorola logo, short black, android
is the file there?
i will check
omg tons of private stuff from ebay seller :D 1576 WhatsApp images 871 camera pictures
halftux: i had the same with a droid 4
sometimes I wonder maybe that person passed away and the stuff is sold outright
i had the same with a mz609 and that was because the internal storage whent read only
the software had no clue
not even mbm
so you could flash wahtever and it would suceeed
but nothing would change
im suspecting this is whats happening on halftux device
as this is the usual failuremode of the emmc chip in these devices aperantly
after reboot my taken picture is still there
do I need to unlock the bootloader?
halftux: no
something else then
really with utags flashed and nothing else
you cant boot into android
so that stage must have failed
writing utags okay 0.342s is it to fast? or reasonable
I could make a factory reset
a factory reset isent going to do anything
what android version is on the device
and what mbm version
what fastboot command are you using for utags exactly
next step after that would be to root androd