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<norayr> buZz: yes
<norayr> yes but i change the shipping location on ebay. i usually ship to germany or uk or usa and use my postal forwarder.
<buZz> well, use the german address with the site i linked? :P
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<halftux> Hi, I have a 982.124.14.XT910.Retail.en.EU on my desk. I tried to flash kexecboot with fastboot steps from wiki on devuan. Procedure looks fine but has no effect, can't see boot menu. Did I miss some magic?
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<uvos> halftux: dident know devuan wiki had instructions on kexecboot
<uvos> but please follow those on the kexecboot github repo instead
<uvos> as those are most up to date
<Wizzup> I have one with me as well, I am not sure if we have instructions yet
<uvos> tony has on gh
<uvos> you need to flash kexecboot and utags for xt910 (not the file for any other model!)
<uvos> also note that we dont support xt910 atm and mainline support is very wip uncompleate and buggy
<Wizzup> right, we have the lcd issues
<uvos> and no modem
<uvos> and other sutff missing too
<uvos> just fyi
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<Wizzup> mhm
<Wizzup> well lcd is probably step one
<Wizzup> if it doesn't have the instability issues like xt862 :)
<uvos> it dosent i think
<uvos> at least seams fine
<halftux> ok, the device in wiki is called Razr (2011)
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<halftux> used latest droid4-kexecboot.img and the specific utags.bin for xt910
<uvos> any errors in fastboot? is your device bootloader unlocked (states so in fastboot)
<uvos> there is nothing else that should be needed to get the kexecboot menu
<halftux> the bootloader is locked
<uvos> can you discribe behavior? dose it just boot android now or what happens
<halftux> it boots into android
<uvos> ok
<uvos> can you write a file in android (take a picture or something) and reboot
<halftux> motorola logo, short black, android
<uvos> is the file there?
<halftux> i will check
<halftux> omg tons of private stuff from ebay seller :D 1576 WhatsApp images 871 camera pictures
<dsc_> halftux: i had the same with a droid 4
<dsc_> sometimes I wonder maybe that person passed away and the stuff is sold outright
<uvos> i had the same with a mz609 and that was because the internal storage whent read only
<uvos> the software had no clue
<uvos> not even mbm
<uvos> so you could flash wahtever and it would suceeed
<uvos> but nothing would change
<dsc_> :P
<uvos> im suspecting this is whats happening on halftux device
<uvos> as this is the usual failuremode of the emmc chip in these devices aperantly
<halftux> after reboot my taken picture is still there
<uvos> ok
<halftux> do I need to unlock the bootloader?
<uvos> halftux: no
<uvos> something else then
<uvos> really with utags flashed and nothing else
<uvos> you cant boot into android
<uvos> so that stage must have failed
<halftux> writing utags okay 0.342s is it to fast? or reasonable
<halftux> I could make a factory reset
<uvos> resonable
<uvos> a factory reset isent going to do anything
<uvos> what android version is on the device
<uvos> and what mbm version
<uvos> what fastboot command are you using for utags exactly
<uvos> next step after that would be to root androd
<uvos> and check the partition to see whats there
<halftux> android 4.1.2 how to get mbm version?
<halftux> fastboot flash utags utags-xt910-16-mmcblk1p8-boots-mmcblk1p13-kexecboot.bin
<uvos> whats the hash on your file
<uvos> mbm version is in fastboot
<halftux> 3d3416352a4fe99ad7b2cd56fdd3ccdf utags-xt910-16-mmcblk1p8-boots-mmcblk1p13-kexecboot.bin
<halftux> 55d703d1d8d8631f31be89a6069ad68e allow-mbmloader-flashing-mbm.bin
<halftux> ba564b57aca37d3b2cd4123cf8b2fe92 droid4-kexecboot.img
<halftux> md5
<halftux> fastboot getvar all gives unsupported command
<uvos> your utags file is wrong
<uvos> should be 6c0b9058048a23f4c14387369f8cf06e
<halftux> omg okay thx I will download it again
<halftux> okay now it works I see the boot menu thank you so much
<Wizzup> :)
<Wizzup> what's your plan with the xt910?
<halftux> my plan was getting an image to try the xt910 and see if I can do something with the camera and kernel driver
<halftux> but maybe I wait for a more stable image or which one you could suggest right now, the latest from droid4?
<uvos> you cant outright boot any image from a different device
<uvos> you need to change at least the dts
<uvos> i would start with the bionic image
<halftux> is the dts for xt910 already include or do I need it download it from elsewhere?
<uvos> should be there
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<soldan> hi people, i have a question.
<soldan> i want to contribute with maemo leste, im using it in my n900, can I report bugs?
<dsc_> soldan: hi, thats cool, are you familiar with github?
<soldan> dsc_yes
<soldan> im regulary using my n900 with leste, to check mails, rss, conect to pubnix servers via ssh
<dsc_> soldan: the relevant bits are on github, e.g: https://github.com/maemo-leste/
<soldan> sometimes i found bugs with the interface, or the wifi, or anothers things
<dsc_> you are able to create issues, report bugs, etc
<soldan> great
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