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<sad_plan> ^ I had no issues when building it
<phoebos> yeah, gcc 11.2.0, lld 13.0.0
<phoebos> it's not _actually_ while building go, just when kiss looks into the binaries for dependencies
<dilyn> i c i c
<dilyn> forgot I had spun up a chroot to test xD one sec
<dilyn> you're using lld with gcc? what fun
<dilyn> why not just use mold?
<dilyn> interesting -- it certainly does segfault...
<acheam> or just bfd?
<dilyn> iirc this has happened before tho not with go
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<phoebos> it segfaults with mold too :]
<phoebos> probably should use mold
<phoebos> i switched back to lld a while ago after something didn't build
<dilyn> doesn't segfault for me...
<dilyn> but it segfaults in the chroot
<dilyn> hm
<phoebos> hmhm
<dilyn> let's uninstall go then rebuild see what happens
<phoebos> :)
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<dilyn> still doesn't segfault on my normal system...
<dilyn> hhhhhHHHHMMMMMMMMMMMMMmmmmmm
<phoebos> ewwfff
<noocsharp> it's ldd not lld
<phoebos> fuck good point lmao
<dilyn> in this case yes
<dilyn> I was just curious :v didn't realize people used lld all that much
<phoebos> maybe i should rebuild musl with something else
<phoebos> "people"
<noocsharp> the superior linker you mean?
<dilyn> what happens if you run ldd yourself on the files in the package kiss spits out?
<acheam> solution: we all just share dilyn's computer
<dilyn> mold will soon(tm0 be the superior linker
<dilyn> you CANNOT have any part of this acheam:P
<phoebos> dilyn: also segfaults
<dilyn> your face would melt like the ark of the covenant
<noocsharp> i think it's a musl bug
<dilyn> on what file?
<acheam> dilyn: harumph
<phoebos> umm whatever it was i sent up there ^
<phoebos> /usr/lib/go/src/debug/elf/testdata/go-relocation-test-gcc930-ranges-with-rela-x86-64
<phoebos> /usr/lib/go/src/debug/elf/testdata/go-relocation-test-gcc930-ranges-no-rela-x86-64
<dilyn> see now...
<noocsharp> i suspect it's because the interpreter is empty
<phoebos> clearly the relocation test is failing
<dilyn> it's just a dynamically linked unstripped... empty interpretor
<noocsharp> but i have no evidence to support that claim
<dilyn> dammit noochsharp xD
<dilyn> yes perhaps
<dilyn> objdump...?
<dilyn> I mean it has plenty of assembly
<dilyn> i mean yeah I don't know nearly enough about what ldd would be interested in inside this object to understand the segfault
<dilyn> rebuild musl and don't strip it, strace ldd on that file see what's up
<phoebos> segfaults on memset
<dilyn> ...
<phoebos> good to know
<noocsharp> i'm gonna add random printfs to see exactly where
<phoebos> lmao who needs a debugger
<dilyn> printf is the only debugger you'll ever need
<dilyn> <- a naive attempt at fucking with maps
<dilyn> go is an uncomfortable language syntactically sometimes
<noocsharp> bruh where is when you compile musl
<noocsharp> nvm
<noocsharp> i'm dumb
<dilyn> it's in the build root:P
<phoebos> ooh it's in __memcpy_fwd () at src/string/x86_64/memset.s:55
<phoebos> src/string/x86_64/memset.s: No such file or directory.
<phoebos> you guys familiar with musl, go figure
<dilyn> checks out
<phoebos> mhmhm
<dilyn> that's odd that you would just... not have memset
<dilyn> and also NOT have problems
<phoebos> i mean line 55 is just a mov
<phoebos> like
<noocsharp> i think the problem would be in ldso/dynlink.c
<noocsharp> wait phoebes, did you end up figuring it out?
<noocsharp> phoebos
<op_4> would someone be willing to talk me through using tinyramfs? I can't seem to find any docs, and after extracting a config from the test files in the repo, it runs ("creating ramfs structure ..." etc) but doesn't seem to produce anything .. ?
<op_4> or perhaps point me to somewhere where its usage is outlined
<phoebos> noocsharp: nope. i don't really have any idea what to do.
<phoebos> op_4: illiliti is your guru
<op_4> phoebos: thanks
<noocsharp> i found the line where it calls memset, now i need to figure out exactly why it's segfaulting
<phoebos> oh nice
<phoebos> do you know how to make an object file without an interpreter to test if its just that?
<noocsharp> patchelf would probably do it, good point, i'm gonna do that myself
<op_4> hmm, maybe my problem is that i don't have cryptsetup/lvm2 installed
<noocsharp> it's line 783 of ldso/dynlink.c if you're wondering
<phoebos> did you find that from printfs
<noocsharp> indeed
<phoebos> i am impressed
<noocsharp> β€œThe most effective debugging tool is still careful thought, coupled with judiciously placed print statements.”
<noocsharp> – Brian W. Kernighan
<acheam> when did he say that?
<acheam> 1975 vs 2019 is a big difference
<acheam> but I agree with the sentiment
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<testuser[m]> Hi
<midfavila> nuclear take but if your project is large/complex enough that such a thing is inadequate you're doing something wrong
<midfavila> also
<midfavila> late to the punch but yeah fuck mozilla on every level
<midfavila> they waste their money on political pandering and pay their board way too fucking much all while ignoring what users actually want
<midfavila> they should have died a while ago
<midfavila> also hi again op_4
<midfavila> how's the install going
<noocsharp> phoebos: it's segfaults because it's trying to memset memory that comes from an mmap without a write flag
<phoebos> that definitely sounds like a bug
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<op_4> so tinyramfs *almost* works now, except that it's not happy with proc as the device manager or something
<op_4> so i think i need mdev(d)
<op_4> but this is pretty close and exciting!
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<acheam> random, but if you didn't know about SysRq:
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<op_4> bleh, i'm not sure what's going on. It's so close though (i think)!
<op_4> initramfs looks good, but errors out with "reload ioctl failed ... invalid argument". Does this ring any bells for ayone? bad kernel config?
<op_4> seems cryptsetup specific actually
<op_4> oh lol, no dm_crypt in my kernel config
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<notbaby> Hi, how can I adopt an orphan package?
<testuser[m]> Send a shithub PR on repo
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<dilyn> ^
<dilyn> specifically (hopefully you check the logs...) you add a white space at the end of that package's version file
<dilyn> or if a whitespace already exists, you remove it :v
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<ZombieChicken> Hello. I'm currently installing kiss in a chroot, but keep getting "Using /usr/bin/su (to become 1000)\nsu: unknown user 1000". I get that the user isn't there, but why that specific user ID number?
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<illiliti> ZombieChicken: extract chroot archive as root
<ZombieChicken> illiliti: That would make sense. Thanks
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<tink> tip: don't compile your kernel back to back multiple times on your laptop while lying in your bed with it on your lap, this is true especially if the laptop is a modern "ultra-thin" model and has been known for years to have heating issues.
<travankor> are you compiling unneeded modules?
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<soliwilos> "comprehensive rework of the Linux kernel's header hierarchy & header dependencies"
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<tink> or you end up frying your laptop
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<op_4> woo, kiss boots! :D
* op_4 ended up reading the source to tinyramfs and sorting out LVM on LUKS
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<dilyn> tested those patches for the kernel; yeah it builds in seconds now lmfao
<dilyn> builds faster than... most things I build
<testuser[m]> Rich
<dilyn> can't wait for that patch set to land in... how long would a review take I wonder...
<dilyn> kernel 6.0.0: finally cleaned up our 5.15- headers
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<Acid-Bong> Oi there, kissers.
<Acid-Bong> If I enabled rtl8723be support in the kernel config, do i still need a separate binary driver for it?
<testuser[m]> No it should work
<testuser[m]> If u got the firmware
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<Acid-Bong> the guide says to put the driver into the firmware folder
<Acid-Bong> should i still do that, if I enabled the support in the kernel config?
<Acid-Bong> or does kernel parameter serve as a bridge between the kernel and the driver?
<noocsharp> if it's going in the firmware folder it's probably the firmware, not the driver
<noocsharp> do you have a link to the guide?
<testuser[m]> The driver is part of the kernel
<testuser[m]> Usually
<testuser[m]> Most probably
<testuser[m]> Perhaps
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<sad_plan> testuser[m]: ruby doesnt build for me, in my xorg build. log:
<sad_plan> iirc youre maintaining ruby
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<midfavila> ho, fellow bit-herders
<sad_plan> heyho mid
<Acid-Bong> <noocsharp> "do you have a link to the guide?" <- the official one
<midfavila> it's on the website
<midfavila> for KISS itself, not Community
<acheam> hi mid
<midfavila> Hey.
<acheam> how do you do
<midfavila> 'm alright
<midfavila> Talking with someone I know about how they want to go become a monk.
<midfavila> drinking tea
<acheam> what kind of monk?
<midfavila> thinking about how there's literally years worth of stuff I need to learn and how I'm not doing any of it rn
<midfavila> the usual
<midfavila> and idk dude, i think the monastery is eastern orthodox christian?
<midfavila> so I guess that
<midfavila> the kind that wears funny robes and uses the julian calendar
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<midfavila-laptop> insert funny laptop joke here
<midfavila-laptop> christ I really need to get around to writing a not-completely-shit window manager
<midfavila-laptop> mwm is getting on my nerves
<sad_plan> whats wrong with the one you use now?
<midfavila-laptop> doesn't handle EWMH or ICCCM particularly well
<midfavila-laptop> has a bunch of features I don't care about
<midfavila-laptop> code is ancient and overcomplicated
<sad_plan> hm. glazier has support for ewmh afaik. but may no be your cup of tea
<midfavila-laptop> i'd really like a simple mostly-EWMH window manager ala twm but no such thing exists from what I've seen
<midfavila-laptop> never heard of glazier, will peek
<sad_plan> its rather minimal
<sad_plan> ill give you a links. gimme a sec
<midfavila-laptop> i mean, that's fine
<midfavila-laptop> my system is already pretty barebones
<sad_plan> I liked it. its one of those whos made wmuils. which I belive your familiar with
<midfavila-laptop> Yeah, but the fact that they're involved in BitReich is more interesting
<midfavila-laptop> will definitely give this a shot, thanks
<sad_plan> whats bitreich? :p
<sad_plan> nazi stuff?
<midfavila-laptop> suckless but even more aggressive
<midfavila-laptop> their presence is mostly via gopher and telnet
<sad_plan> hm, do they have some sort of website or something, with their software? im always interested in minimal software
<sad_plan> yeah, i know z3bra made a gopher hole a while ago, which iirc he mostly moved over to
<midfavila-laptop> i mean, bitreich does have a website, ostensibly :p
<midfavila-laptop> one sec
<sad_plan> yeah, its not on the.. web per say, as no regular browser can access it :')
<midfavila-laptop> sounds like you're using a pretty crap browser t b q h
<midfavila-laptop> simply plain http my good man
<sad_plan> lol, im using lynx atm, so im good too :D
<midfavila-laptop> hmm
<midfavila-laptop> looks like they wrote a package manager too
<midfavila-laptop> """package manager"""
<midfavila-laptop> might have to study that
<midfavila-laptop> then I shall be free from the terrible reign of kiss
<phoebos> acheam, noocsharp: does IPv6 work for you on obsd? ping6 <a site> doesn't work on the server, and i can't get pf.conf to let me ping6 my server or anything X|
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<midfavila-laptop> reading the source code of glazier rn and man, what is it with people and multi-line function declarations?
<midfavila-laptop> like void\nfunc(int param); instead of just void func(int param);
<sad_plan> yeah, z3bra wrote an implementation of a package manager. iirc its was for his project of making a distro
<sad_plan> whats wrong with kiss?
<midfavila-laptop> it's becoming too...
* midfavila-laptop shudders
<midfavila-laptop> dare I say it...
<midfavila-laptop> mainstream
<sad_plan> i dont know C, so that doesnt really tell me anything tbh
<sad_plan> aah
<midfavila-laptop> once kiss had a reddit I knew it was over
<dilyn> the ruby tarball makes pax a little mad
<dilyn> pretty sure you need gnutls sad_plan
<sad_plan> lol, why?
<midfavila-laptop> because you can never have enough tls libraries
<sad_plan> I do have gnutls installed. else icu-networking doesnt build, iirc? its listed as a dep iirc
<dilyn> hmm
<dilyn> idr how i fixed this last...
<dilyn> nothing is different in KISS-kde's ruby. weird
<dilyn> ignore me I suppose
<sad_plan> now things got a little messed. mid: why did you *knew* it was over for kiss when got a reddit page?
<noocsharp> phoebos: i tried ping6ing google, doesn't work
<sad_plan> dilyn: it builds inside a fresh chroot, but not on my build using xorg, for some reason. I managed to build it semi statically aswell, with libressl
<midfavila-laptop> that's a complicated question and to answer it we first need to talk about parallel universes, sad_plan
<sad_plan> ^ lol
<sad_plan> do you belive in paralell universes?
<midfavila-laptop> alternatively I can just say that I disdain the sort of behavior reddit encourages and don't want to see it in any communities i'm involved in
<dilyn> testuser[m]: do you happen to know HOW to make pipewire justwerk(tm) as the thing controlling audio devices? it doesn't seem to respect asoundrc, and I have absolutely no clue on how to change the default audio output device...
<sad_plan> mid: thats fair
<dilyn> sad_plan: now that is interesting...
<midfavila-laptop> as for parallel universes, they're certainly an interesting concept, but whether or not I believe in them is not only irrelevant but also a pointless thing to consider since I'll never be able to know if they do or do not exist
<sad_plan> dilyn: i knoow.. mid: sadly, we're born in the wrong era. too late to discover earth, too early to discover space
<midfavila-laptop> just in time to BTFO reddit soydevs and save computing
<sad_plan> yep
<sad_plan> lol, I was reading the manifesto of bitreich, and it had a section on suckless. and it only says; 'suckless failed'
<midfavila-laptop> i mean, they did
<midfavila-laptop> too little activity and not in many areas that matter
<noocsharp> also phoebos, i just sent an email to the musl mailing list with my diagnosis of the issue
<noocsharp> the segfaulting one
<sad_plan> sure. Ive noticed it myself, developement is moving along very slowly.
<sad_plan> wait, is sfeed made by bitreich? I didn know
<dilyn> interestingly ruby fails to build on my own machine with kiss but succeeds without kiss :v
<dilyn> what version of kiss is your chroot using vs your host?
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<sad_plan> uh, lemme check. but I belive its latest on all of them
<sad_plan> in static build, its 5.5.28
<dilyn> f
<sad_plan> what? isnt that the latest?
<dilyn> yeah
<dilyn> i'm using 5.5.27 tho
<dilyn> :P
<sad_plan> ah. same in my chroot
<sad_plan> yep, same on all of them
<phoebos> noocsharp: cool
<sad_plan> dilyn: why do you use the earlier version anyway?:p
<dilyn> dylan has a tendency to rework a variable number of things when he updates kiss
<dilyn> and maintaining two patches for kiss... I don't feel like updating them to conform to whatever he's changed
<dilyn> for instance he changed that git sources are cached; which means he probably modified chunks of source retrieval. I don't feel like rereading a fair bit of shell just to ensure all the variables line up properly etc
<dilyn> i'm fine where I am :v
<dilyn> i'll update after a new release which incorporates all the stuff done between september and now tho
<sad_plan> I get that. maintaining patches can at times get tedious if the source changes all the time, especially drastically
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