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soliwilos has joined #kisslinux
<phoebos> happy new UTC year you guys
<acheam> as to you, mr. phoebos
<acheam> how superior do you feel not having to setup timezone stuff on your computer?
<phoebos> very very
<phoebos> thanks mr. armaan
<ella-0> It's great here in the UK for half the year.
<phoebos> ^
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mahmutov has joined #kisslinux
<acheam> oh yeah I forgot about daylight savings
<phoebos> tbf my server in germany uses utc
<phoebos> fight me
sad_plan has joined #kisslinux
<acheam> all my servers run utc
<acheam> and I use privacy.resist_fingerprinting so my browser is in utc too
<noocsharp> my vps in seattle runs on cst
<acheam> just to be in the same time zone as you? that makes sense I guess
<noocsharp> yeah
<noocsharp> i guess i should say central time, not cst
akira01 has joined #kisslinux
<akira01> Hi guys
<akira01> Happy new year
<akira01> 0/
<sad_plan> happy new year
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mtj has joined #kisslinux
<testuser[m]> Hi
<sad_plan> hi
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Denshi has joined #kisslinux
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midfavila has joined #kisslinux
<midfavila> happy orbital everyone
soliwilos has joined #kisslinux
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<acheam> why thank you mr. mid favila
<midfavila> that's what people call my father - please, call me mid
<acheam> sorry sir
bibliocar has joined #kisslinux
<bibliocar> so, you see, I have problem. I was supposed to be writing for my lexer, because I wanted to write that picture format stuff. But now it seems I got distracted and am trying to write my own lexer...
<bibliocar> "have a problem", even.
<bibliocar> I always get frustrated with the tools I'm using, but in the end get nothing done.
op_4 has joined #kisslinux
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sad_plan has joined #kisslinux
akira01 has joined #kisslinux
<akira01> Hi
<sad_plan> hi
<akira01> do we have a solution to transfer files via usb for a android device in kiss?
<sad_plan> android-tools is packages iirc.
<sad_plan> so yes
<midfavila> your phone should be able to mount as a mass storage device
<midfavila> not sure why anything special would be necessary
<acheam> mtp stuff is also packages.... somewhere
<akira01> Need it
<akira01> my android device cannot be found normally
<sad_plan> custom rom?
<sad_plan> if yes, Ive never gotten mtp to work at all with custom roms. only adb
<sad_plan> so if thats the case, adb is your friend
<midfavila> could also just install termux and run an ftp server on your phone or something
<sad_plan> thats also a great tip.
<midfavila> you wanna hear my greatest tip?
<midfavila> le biggest life hack?
<midfavila> banish smartphones from your life and only use Real Computers:tm:
<midfavila> become a luddite
<midfavila> go live in the woods and rear cattle
<sad_plan> lol
<sad_plan> tbh, I actually enjoy using actually computers more than my phone, so I can stand behind that
<sad_plan> however, im unsure as to what a luddite is. imma have to look that up
<midfavila> person who is ignorant and possible anti-intellectual
<sad_plan> ah. why not become an amish? just without the religious fanatic nonsense :')
<sad_plan> oh lol
<midfavila> if you're an $x luddite, then, you reject advances in a given field because... bad!
<midfavila> at least, that's how it's generally used
<sad_plan> wiki sayd something else though :')
<sad_plan> ah ok
<sad_plan> yes, advancements = bad
<midfavila> new bad because bad
<sad_plan> yes
mmatongo has joined #kisslinux
<mmatongo> Happy new year
<sad_plan> happy new year
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<sad_plan> damn. velox was seriously one line away from being static. I was missing a pkgconf flag appearantly.