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<phoebos> when you try out a different layout, do you switch your keycaps or get a new keyboard or just use what you've already got and try to remember where everything goes
<bibliocar> Heh, when I first started on dvorak, I switched around all the keycaps manually, except it was originally contoured, so all the keys had wrong angles.
<bibliocar> probably should have gotten a new keyboard
<acheam> I didnt switch caps for the profin rnason bibliocar mentioned. I usually use blank caps anyways. I do have a picture of the layout pinned on my deshtop though
<acheam> man that toook forever to write
<bibliocar> a picture is a good idea
<op_4> acheam you should try mod-dh!
<op_4> the positions of d and h are really not great in the default layout
<acheam> already using it!
<op_4> nice :[
<op_4> * :D
<acheam> :)
<op_4> has anyone here wrangled the kiss-tex repository?
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<noocsharp> phoebos: turns out to get isync to with with libtls, you just need to use mpop instead
<phoebos> lol
<phoebos> is that from the same guy as msmtp
<acheam> does anyone still adtually use pop?
<noocsharp> me
<noocsharp> it works fine if you don't really touch remote email
<noocsharp> just pull it to work with it locally
<acheam> why not imap that you just sync and work offline with?
<noocsharp> there's no advantage to doing that the way i use email, and pop is a much simpler protocol
<noocsharp> to be clear, i've used imap for a long time
<acheam> nice
<acheam> do you deiete from server? and how do you handle multiple devices?
<noocsharp> on some accounts i delete from server, and i only check email from my laptop
<testuser[m]> Hi
<acheam> hl
<op_4> noocsharp what's your preffered programme for doing this? I'm currently reimagining my email setup
<noocsharp> for pulling email i now use mpop
<op_4> cool, thanks
<op_4> hmm, my search engine of choice doesn't generate anything useful. You wouldn't happen to have a link handy?
<op_4> ah brilliant, thanks
<acheam> op_4: what search engone?
<op_4> acheam ddg, searched ``mpop email'' and found nothing useful on first two pages
<op_4> noocsharp great that was fun and easy to setup
<op_4> thanks
<op_4> noocsharp any interest in putting this in kiss-community?
<op_4> i see msmtp is there already
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<noocsharp> sure, now that i know it's more than me that uses it
<op_4> \o/
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<Acid-Bong> in browser there's error 404 for pigz v2.6
<Acid-Bong> should i open an issue on kisslinux/repo?
<testuser[m]> kiss fork pigz; cd pigz; echo "2.7 1" > version; kiss b
<testuser[m]> old tarball was deleted
<testuser[m]> yeah u can make an issue t
<testuser[m]> but dylan is gone for now
<Acid-Bong> isn't Dilyn the boss now?
<testuser[m]> no
<Acid-Bong> <testuser[m]> "kiss fork pigz; cd pigz; echo "2..." <- should it be `kiss-fork`?
<testuser[m]> any thing
<Acid-Bong> ta, mate, it worked
<testuser[m]> nice
<Acid-Bong> and then `kiss b *[!pigz]`, i suppose?
<testuser[m]> no just kiss b in that directory
<testuser[m]> no more arguments
<testuser[m]> and kiss c too, to generate checksums for the new tarball
<Acid-Bong> i forked pigz in a separate folder
<testuser[m]> yea just cd into that and type kiss b
<testuser[m]> cuz its not in ur kiss path
<Acid-Bong> i mean, i'm on the step where i need to rebuild all the packages
<testuser[m]> thats optional
<Acid-Bong> and do `kiss b` within kiss/install
<testuser[m]> that one uses a glob
<testuser[m]> > cd /var/db/kiss/installed && kiss build *
<testuser[m]> u just cd into /tmp or whatever and fork pigz there then cd to /tmp/pigz and type `kiss b`
<testuser[m]> kiss b without arguments means build the package in the current directory
<testuser[m]> u want to do this to make kiss use your forked package and not the one in your repos
<Acid-Bong> and i did that, althoug in /var/db/kiss/forks
<testuser[m]> so its fine
<Acid-Bong> damn, i like Kiss Linux
<Acid-Bong> if Arch is a Lego kit, Kiss is a Lego factory you have to build first
<Acid-Bong> btw, since 2.6 is still in the repos, won't `kiss u` replace 2.7 with it?
<testuser[m]> yeah
<testuser[m]> u can add ur forks repo before main repo in kiss path
<testuser[m]> export KISS_PATH=/var/db/kiss/forks:/home/user/bla/repo
<Acid-Bong> btw, since I'm still in chroot and running as root, can i then just copy or move cloned repos in $HOME/kiss after install? (and set it accordingly in my user's $KISS_PATH, ofc)
<testuser[m]> yea
<testuser[m]> and chown them
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<Acid-Bong> does it matter how old a Kiss tarball is (apart from how many packages became obsolete and have to be downloaded and installed)?
<testuser[m]> No
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<Acid-Bong> if `kiss i` is run as user (from $HOME based repos, ofc), where is the package gonna be installed?
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<noocsharp> globally
<Acid-Bong> so i still need sudo/doas for this, right?
<testuser[m]> Yea
<op_4> so how do i fix kiss (the package manager) so that it works with my umask? My user has umask 077, but this means that whenever i build/install something the permissions are just that, root rw(x) and nothing else.
<op_4> I feel i should be able to judiciously drop umask 022 somewhere in /usr/bin/kiss but i'm not sure where
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<Anonymous1> Hi. Does anyone know an alternative to for vis?
<Acid-Bong> for wifi to work do i need only wpa_supplicant or is dhcpcd also required? and if i'm using eiwd+openresolv, are those enough and is dhcpcd required with them?
<dilyn> openresolv takes the place of dhcpcd with eiwd
<dilyn> you need some way to get an IP address from the access point, so you will always need dhcpcd (or openresolv)
<Acid-Bong> ah, so openresolv is also a manager
<Acid-Bong> does it not have a service tho?
<dilyn> it does
<dilyn> it's installed to /etc/sv/dhcpcd
<dilyn> to enable a service to `ln -s /etc/sv/dhcpcd /var/service`, and then you can start/stop/etc it with `sv up dhcpcd`
<dilyn> assuming you're using busybox
<Acid-Bong> i mean, openresolv
<dilyn> oh, no i don't think so; i'm pretty sure eiwd just calls it directly
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<Acid-Bong> When i'm booting Arch ISO not in VM and i need to connect to wifi, iwd doesn't work. Instead i'm running `# wpa_supplicant -B -i wlan0 -c <(wpa_passphrase "SSID" "PASSWORD")`.
<Acid-Bong> Does the latter work the same way on Kiss? (considering dhcpcd and wpa_supplicant services are enabled and running)
<dilyn> the wpa_supplicant service just reads from a configuration file; if you want to just use your command (which works just fine), you'd want to disable the wpa_supplicant service
<Acid-Bong> iirc on Arch ISO wpa_supplicant service is running
<Acid-Bong> maybe it's systemd who works different
<dilyn> I assume the systemd unit file doesn't perpetually try to bring up wpa_supplicant, but the service would just constantly exit and get reexeced here
<Acid-Bong> > disable the wpa_supplicant service
<Acid-Bong> > and then enable/start it after i'm connected, right?
<dilyn> no, because the -B just forks wpa_supplicant to the background so it will stay running
<Acid-Bong> s/>//
<dilyn> the only issue with not having it be run as a service is that if wpa_supplicant crashes it won't restart, you'll have to rerun the command
<dilyn> you could add your own service that runs your command if you'd like, instead of using the service bundled with the wpa_supplicant package
<Acid-Bong> doesn't the command save the credentials? or is it only for a running instance?
<Acid-Bong> or can i just run wpa_cli and call it a day?
<dilyn> I don't think those credentials get saved anywhere except in your shell history file
<dilyn> wpa_cli is just a cli interface to do what you're doing in that one-shot command
<dilyn> if you want to save the credentials you can use wpa_passphrase to output the info into a file /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf and then just make use of the service
<Acid-Bong> should it be `# wpa_passphrase SSID PASSWORD >> /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf`?
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<dilyn> I believe so
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