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<dilyn> op_4: this should do it kiss b
<dilyn> uh ignore that `kiss b` bit...
<dilyn> lol
<dilyn> you can remove the commented lines, I have yet to test if the zig works but I'll do it in a sec
<dilyn> the problem was that kiss sets CC et al to some default values and it was I think fucking with the build script
<op_4> dilyn interesting, there's no way i can test this in time :P
<dilyn> ;)  24 cores spoil me
<op_4> I'm looking into streamlining/inlining the build script so that we can drop bash
<op_4> maybe i could give you something to test
<op_4> now that i know we have to unset these things
<dilyn> didn't actually need bash, they just said `bash` because it's the assumed default shell
<dilyn> they should just say sh but that would probably confuse people...
<op_4> dilyn so i think the magic might be -DLLVM_CONFIG_EXE="$ROOTDIR/out/host/bin/llvm-config" and -DZIG_PREFER_LLVM_CONFIG=ON
<op_4> but i can't really test this
<dilyn> yes that first one does indeed set the llvm-config to the right value
<op_4> that being said, if you have something that works, great!
<dilyn> but I ran into an issue after that with building zlib I believe; it couldn't "find the right C compiler"
<op_4> i'm cribbing now from a BSD build script:
<op_4> oh, also -DLLVM_INCLUDE_DIRS="$ROOTDIR/out/host/include" and -DLLVM_LIBDIRS="$ROOTDIRS/out/host/lib" seem relevant
<op_4> but yeah, i basically can't test any of this, sorry :/
<dilyn> well if this build finishes in the next... twenty minutes i'll be able to let you know if it works:)
<op_4> :)
<op_4> then we can have ncdu \o/
<dilyn> `./src/ui.zig:383:49: error: expected type 'c_int', found 'u32'` hm. fails to build ncdu
<dilyn> i'll have to look at this later :\
<op_4> dilyn oh wait so building zig worked? with the thing you pasted above?
<dilyn> mmhmm
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<testuser[m]> Hi
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<bibliocar> hi
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<Ralph1977> Hi
revilo345[m] has quit [Quit: You have been kicked for being idle]
<Ralph1977> Which browsers do you use on Kiss?
<Ralph1977> i have the problem that firefox and chromium fails to compile on virtualbox
<Ralph1977> an the webkit based browsers like badwolf fails too
<Ralph1977> because webkit have dependencies errors
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<Ralph1977> but elinks und lynx work well ;-)
<testuser[m]> Show logs for ff and chromium
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<Ralph1977> Chromium fails with ninja: subcommand failed
<Ralph1977> FF fails with gfx/skia/target-objects] Error 2
<testuser[m]> Bruh
<testuser[m]> I asked for logs
<testuser[m]> In ~/.cache/kiss/logs
<testuser[m]> That's just the final generic error
<testuser[m]> Ur probably running out of memory
<Ralph1977> Sorry but the fQ
Ralph1977 has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
<testuser[m]> Bruh
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<Ralph1977> Sorry but i cant send the logs is to many for kirc and line by line make no sense
<testuser[m]> upload to termbin
<testuser[m]> nc 9999 < /path/to/file
<Ralph1977> and how can i share the link after uploading ?
<testuser[m]> Copy it
<testuser[m]> wut
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<phoebos> dns is bloat anyway
<phoebos> is that their local machine please no
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<midfavila-laptop> >inb4 that *is* their local machine
<midfavila-laptop> also good morning #kisslinux
<testuser[m]> hi laptop
<sad_plan> hi mid
<midfavila-laptop> hurr funny maymay
<midfavila-laptop> what are you guys up to?
<sad_plan> messing with xfsprogs. Im reluctant to even include gnu's m4, aswell as autotools on my static build, so im vendoring 6 pkgs :')
<midfavila-laptop> rip
<midfavila-laptop> i'd love to replace GNU m4 but unfortunately I rely on a lot of autotools packages
<midfavila-laptop> once I'm an 31337 4@xx0r$ i'll get around to rewriting most of them though, methinks
<sad_plan> yeah, I use obsd's m4 on my build, and I suppose its fine, but gnu's tools just doenst work with it unfortunatly..
<sad_plan> lol, what does that even mean?
<midfavila-laptop> it's leetspeek brah
<sad_plan> yeah now that you mentioned it, I see it
<sad_plan> lol
<midfavila-laptop> :P
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<sad_plan> I forgot about that. used to use it alot i my teen years or something
<midfavila-laptop> jej
<sad_plan> was really cool if you could read it
<midfavila-laptop> just memorize the arrangement of letters with ROT13
<midfavila-laptop> then nobody will be able to crack what you're saying
<sad_plan> I actually used rot13 the other day. I stumbled upon some challenge for shell scripting, and one of them was figure out a way to use unix tools to convert text from rot13
<midfavila-laptop> just abuse bc's math library really heavily
<midfavila-laptop> iirc it can add and subtract ASCII values and will return the appropriate one in the case of a wrap
<sad_plan> you can probably use bc too, but I used tr actually
<midfavila-laptop> tr would work but I feel like that'd be kinda clunky
<midfavila-laptop> i mean, the naive solution would be to write a gargantuan case statement that covers the entire ascii table
<sad_plan> not too shabby actually
<sad_plan> lol
<sad_plan> its actually not worse than tr 'A-Za-z' 'N-ZA-Mn-za-m'
<midfavila-laptop> huh
<midfavila-laptop> didn't know tr could accept ranges
<sad_plan> me neither
<midfavila-laptop> guess I need to spend more time reading the manual
<sad_plan> I could link you the challenege if you want. its shellscripting in general, but not posix, so you probably encounter alot of bash stuff
<sad_plan> its 30 or so challenges. Ive gotten to 14 iirc
<sad_plan> im sure its made for begninners, but i suppose people who already know some shell could have fun with the challenge aswell
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<midfavila-laptop> my new maths books are here :OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
<midfavila-laptop> and yeah I guess I'll take a look at it
<midfavila-laptop> bandit is decent
<midfavila-laptop> i think I was up to 27 before I lost interest
<sad_plan> yeah, it can get tedious when you go too far with it. lots of reading, to get through the levels if you arent familiar with the tools already
<midfavila-laptop> oh, it wasn't the reading that was a problem
<midfavila-laptop> it was that I was at a point where I had to bruteforce a telnet password using shell tools
<midfavila-laptop> and I calculated that it would take an average of four hours to break it
<midfavila-laptop> so I was like
<midfavila-laptop> "fuck this shit"
<midfavila-laptop> and quit
<midfavila-laptop> aaaaaa I can finally start doing my maths studies in order now. just realized that
<sad_plan> wtf, is that seriously one of the steps? lol
<sad_plan> nice
<midfavila-laptop> for the one that I was working on, yeah
<midfavila-laptop> you had to bruteforce a password on a telnet server
<midfavila-laptop> just a four-digit PIN between 0000 and 9999 inclusive but considering one attempt took a good five-ish seconds..? yeah
<midfavila-laptop> as for why if you spammed passwords at it it would lock you out for half an hour
<nerditup> any idea why you would want to set a variable with `:` like this: ?
<midfavila-laptop> smells like bashisms
<sad_plan> damn, that would take ages..
<midfavila-laptop> i imagine it's a conditional variable setting though?
<midfavila-laptop> like, "if $THING not set, set THING to STUFF"
<nerditup> I'm thinking it's a shorthand for VAR_NAME="${VAR_NAME:-default_value}"?
<midfavila-laptop> yeah no it's a conditional binding
<midfavila-laptop> just checked
<midfavila-laptop> also I was wrong it's not a bashism
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<nerditup> nice, thanks for looking into that midfavila-laptop
<nerditup> I've never seen it done like that
<midfavila-laptop> np
<midfavila-laptop> i think I've actually used it in exactly one (1) build script I wrote...
<midfavila-laptop> to check for $EDITOR
<nerditup> how's the kiss community these days?
<midfavila-laptop> dunno, I don't really hang around here much any more
<midfavila-laptop> been too busy studying
<nerditup> I've been stuck in a Windows VM for work... :(
<midfavila-laptop> gross, sorry to hear that
<nerditup> it's really awful
<sad_plan> rip
<midfavila-laptop> completely unrelated, do any of you guys know if oBSD handles polaris 10 GPUs?
<sad_plan> I dunno, but isnt there a list somewhere you could possibly find to check for supported harware?
<midfavila-laptop> probably. quick search didn't turn anything up though
<sad_plan> hmm
<midfavila-laptop> looking at whether or not hBSD will support my hardware when it releases
<midfavila-laptop> since it forks from oBSD
<nerditup> is this relevant?
<midfavila-laptop> nah, don't think so
<midfavila-laptop> radeon is for ancient cards
<midfavila-laptop> polaris 10 chips are recent
<midfavila-laptop> uses AMDGPU
<nerditup> what will you be using the new GPU for?
<midfavila-laptop> well, it's not new, I'm using it in my workstation because it has no iGPU
<midfavila-laptop> it's just a WX5100
<midfavila-laptop> basically an RX480 with extra memory, fewer floating-point processors, and more general-purpose compute units
<nerditup> ah, I was hoping for some details on some interesting research or something
<midfavila-laptop> lmao no
<midfavila-laptop> i'm super boring
<nerditup> :D
<midfavila-laptop> although once I understand mathematics more I intend to write a program to optimally plan my grocery runs
<midfavila-laptop> will probably run on my GPU
<midfavila-laptop> if that's something you would find interesting :P
<midfavila-laptop> travelling salesman time
<midfavila-laptop> nice, iwd just kicked the can
<midfavila-laptop> very cool, thanks intel
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<midfavila-laptop> and we're back
<midfavila-laptop> although now I actually have to go do stuff
<sad_plan> me too. I had to do some actuall work, while being at work. now Im back doing nothing, or rather, figuring out how to beat level 14. subit a password to a port on localhost. lots of manpages to read I suppose
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<phoebos> nerditup: `:` just ignores its arguments, so it lets you use the ${foo:=bar} expression, which is identical to foo=${foo:-bar}
<nerditup> phoebos: that was my thought, thanks for confirming
<nerditup> I like that syntax, looks clean
<phoebos> :)
<nerditup> I might adopt it myself
<phoebos> oh yeah, noocsharp: sfeed 1.1 was released
<phoebos> incidentally that release includes sfeed_curses with it
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<dilyn> op_4: okay so no changes to zig and instead remembered that I was using netbsd-curses instead of ncurses...
<dilyn> install ncurses, did zig build on ncdu, builds
<dilyn> doesn't exec; segfaults immediately
<dilyn> so i suppose I can try to strace/gdb this bad boy but... man oh man does this hurt XD
<jslick> ncdu 3.0: rewrite in C
<dilyn> right
<dilyn> odd... building ncdu in a build script results in the binary only ending up in the cache, but building it myself ends with it in zig-out...
<dilyn> zig-out isn't even made when I make a kiss package...
<dilyn> zig is dum
<jslick> what is a zig-out ?
<dilyn> it's the output directory for zig compiled binaries I suppose?
<jslick> oh, that makes sense
<midfavila-laptop> >in chat with someone who claims they're a UEFI developer
<midfavila-laptop> >they then claim that there are trials of Rust in UEFI
<midfavila-laptop> time to abandon x86
<sad_plan> arm here you come?
<dilyn> fuck me sidways
<dilyn> building zig without -march=native -mtune=native results in no segfaults
<dilyn> zig be weird
<dilyn> op_4: you can take this zig-bootstrap build and package it up as zig and submit a PR to community if you'd like
<dilyn> mfw static zig is 125MB