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ella-0 has joined #kisslinux
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bibliocar has joined #kisslinux
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<bibliocar> HyperbolaBSD doesn't seem to be very active. Shame they didn't try working with openbsd instead of against, I bet ambiguously licensed code is as much a headache for them as much as everybody else.
<bibliocar> besides, they probably have better ways to get in touch with the original authors.
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<testuser[m]> Hi
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<noocsharp> o|
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an3223 has joined #kisslinux
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<testuser[m]> Does anyone Here use a terminal that doesn't support mouse
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<phinxy> eek, `file` command not found. isnt it supposed to be a core utility?
<testuser[m]> no
<testuser[m]> kiss b file
<phinxy> How would you identify if a file is a binary or not without it?
<phinxy> I guess any text editor.
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<jslick> Probably `od -s thefile -N64` and visually inspect the first few bytes for header magic or non-readable characters
<jslick> * `od -c` I mean
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<claudia02> ahoi
<claudia02> I found this patchset for FF96 to build without X. If someone is curious
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<testuser[m]> Rich
<op_4> for those following along at home, attempt 5 at building extra/firefox succeeded!
<op_4> all it took was -lwayland-client in LDFLAGS apparently
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<mmatongo> does anyone know how to make sway default to stacking instead of tiling
<testuser[m]> U can ask on the sway channel too BTW
<testuser[m]> They have one
<mmatongo> I'm using dylans fork
<testuser[m]> U can still ask, since its not a bug report
<mmatongo> I don't think they'd respond
<mmatongo> Lemme try
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opalvaults[m] has joined #kisslinux
<phoebos> tfw #kisslinux is literally a support channel for anything mildly related to computers
<opalvaults[m]> case in phoebos point ;): Curious what #kisslinux users think: what language would you personally learn after C (given that you're proficient in sh/bash as well)? I've been playing around with picolisp and it's quite fun with low dependencies. Any other recommendations?
bibliocar has joined #kisslinux
<bibliocar> Michael Forney likes Lua. I wonder if nooc is any good. It seems a fine language as long as you never make anything complicated.
<bibliocar> but, yeah, language discussions are the stereotypical bikeshed topic.
<bibliocar> Mid likes lisp
<bibliocar> er, whatever that name is.
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