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<testuser[m]> Hi
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<acheam> hi
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<compstudy> @bibliocar_ I'm not sure exactly what I've done differently but I've got the kernel booting now...
<compstudy> Read through this:
<compstudy> Also read through this which may have solved it:
<dilyn> that book is pretty neat :o
<compstudy> yeah ikr
<compstudy> had no idea what I was doing before reading this stuff... originally followed a youtube tutorial for kiss which just said to use make localyesconfig until there's no errors
<compstudy> question for anyone re: the repos
<compstudy> "ERROR xkeyboard-config Failed to download"
<compstudy> what's the best way of fixing this issue? I'm assuming the source is no longer available?
<compstudy> trying to build/install sway from the wayland repo
<testuser[m]> extract to ~/.cache/kiss/sources and verify checksums
<compstudy> thanks!
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<testuser[m]> bruh
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<bibliocar> Yay, I'm glad to hear it.
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<illiliti> is there an editorconfig implementation that doesn't require cmake?
<testuser[m]> what
<testuser[m]> isnt editorconfig a file
<testuser[m]> just `cc src/*.c` it?
<testuser[m]> seems small enough
<illiliti> not that simple
<testuser[m]> hmm
<testuser[m]> what do u need it for btw? heard of editorconfig but never saw anyone adopt it
<illiliti> just wanted to try it and realized it requires cmake. there's also a go implementation, but go is no go for me
<illiliti> well, looks like i have to hack this to drop cmake dep
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<Anonymouz> Hi
<illiliti> hi
<Anonymouz> When I updated the openssl package (installing gkisslinux), it failed
<Anonymouz> Please tell me what I'm doing wrong?
<illiliti> well your system is messed up because curl is dynamically linked against openssl
<illiliti> testuser[m]:
<illiliti> Anonymouz: try to downgrade openssl
<Anonymouz> Okay, I'll try it now
<illiliti> hmm
<illiliti> not good
<illiliti> curl *must* be statically linked because it is essential component of the system
<testuser[m]> glibc vro
<testuser[m]> It requires shared libs at runtime
<testuser[m]> So it wouldn't work either way i think
<dilyn> busybox in gkiss comes with wget, no?
<testuser[m]> Its same as normal kiss has
<illiliti> does it work with https?
<dilyn> pretty sure
<testuser[m]> Anonymouz: just rebuild curl
<dilyn> toybox's doesn't but busybox's should
<testuser[m]> The post install script was for downloading new certs
<testuser[m]> That invokes curl so it failed
<testuser[m]> But openssl was installed
<testuser[m]> Also worst case if u don't have the curl tarball, download it with netcat
<Anonymouz> Thank you so much, it worked
<testuser[m]> nice
<Anonymouz> I downgraded openssl, upgraded curl, upgraded openssl and that's it
<testuser[m]> wouldnt u have the same problem though that way
<testuser[m]> cuz curl was built against old openssl
<Anonymouz> Seems to be working
<testuser[m]> kiss l openssl says 3.0.0?
<Anonymouz> Yes
<Anonymouz> 7
<Anonymouz> ;)
<illiliti> run ldd /bin/curl
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<testuser[m]> wat
<testuser[m]> the soname for libssl is .3
<illiliti> kiss l curl
<Anonymouz> curl 7.80.0-1
<illiliti> readlink -f /lib/
<testuser[m]> readlink -f /lib/ too
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<Anonymouz> Hmm. For some reason the message is not being sent through
<Anonymouz> O
<Anonymouz> `/usr/lib/`
<Anonymouz> and readlink -f /lib/
<Anonymouz> `/usr/lib/`
<illiliti> i think kiss preserved /lib/ during upgrade for some reason
<testuser[m]> bruh
<testuser[m]> wtf
<testuser[m]> kiss owns /usr/lib/
<dilyn> :thinking:
<Anonymouz> I forgot to write that I updated curl via kiss b curl and downgraded openssl manually, without kiss
<illiliti> Anonymouz: rebuild curl and reinstall openssl
<Anonymouz> Nice, the system updated without errors
<Anonymouz> illiliti: okay
<Anonymouz> Everything came together without errors, I ran these commands:
<Anonymouz> `kiss b curl` and `kiss b openssl`
<Anonymouz> Oh, that translator.....
<testuser[m]> no
<testuser[m]> first run kiss b openssl
<testuser[m]> then do kiss b curl
<testuser[m]> now do kiss b curl
<Anonymouz> Ok
<Anonymouz> Executed, without errors
<Anonymouz> curl works
<testuser[m]> ldd /usr/bin/curl
<testuser[m]> ok
<testuser[m]> rm /usr/lib/
<testuser[m]> u got residue in ur system
<testuser[m]> of old openssl
<Anonymouz> Thank you, I will now continue to install, hopefully the sway will work :)
<Anonymouz> testuser[m]: a
<illiliti> testuser[m]: consider adding help message to post-install about how to recover from these errors
<testuser[m]> ok
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<illiliti> we need pro-capitalist license that would force corporations to pay
<dilyn> brb relicensing all my stuff
<illiliti> xd
progenyx has joined #kisslinux
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<Anonymouz> Hmm. There seems to be a broken link to pigz in the kisslinux repository:
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<dilyn> that link probably only points to the latest release and the older versions are archived somewhere else
<dilyn> dylan has over a hundred commits in the last week but *only* to private repositories. what is this mad lad doing...
<testuser[m]> Soon
<dilyn> tm
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