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sahaquiel has joined #kisslinux
<sahaquiel> is possible to run Android VM in kiss?
<noocsharp> i don't see why not, but i don't think there's anything prepackaged
<sahaquiel> and synapse matrix?
<sahaquiel> i thinking in make a mstrix bridge using kiss
<noocsharp> again, you'd have to package it, but i don't see why not
dilyn has joined #kisslinux
<dilyn> Experiencing an odd bug -- if I turn off my monitors (for some period of time), it seems my GPU just turns off?
<dilyn> I don't have hibernation enabled in the kernel so it's really unclear what the issue might be!
<testuser[m]> Hi
<noocsharp> how do you know it's your gpu turning off?
<noocsharp> or i guess why do you think your gpu is turning off
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<dilyn> because when I turn my monitors back on they report that there is no display
<dilyn> or rather, they aren't connected to something which can display anything
<dilyn> tho the PC is on just fine.
<dilyn> However, my keyboard doesn't appear to be able to work either, so it's quite possible everything is off in practice /shrug
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claudia02 has joined #kisslinux
<claudia02> ahoi.
<claudia02> dilyn, since you are using wayfire, I have noticed that this compositor does turn off the monitor after some time. Like xset in xorg does. Maybe together with the keyboard not working it is a bug with libudev-zero + hotpluging.
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<maximum_yellow> acheam: re making a comment about the bug in kiss, it turns out its already fixed in master, so we need to wait for the next release i suppose
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midfavila-laptop has joined #kisslinux
<midfavila-laptop> afternoon everyone
<midfavila-laptop> been thinking of trying to rewrite kiss in rc
<testuser[m]> Hi laptop
<midfavila-laptop> -w-
<midfavila-laptop> funnee joke
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<midfavila-laptop> friendship ended with atto, se default text editor now
<midfavila-laptop> this is the second program today that I've found to be related to Kernighan's "Software Tools in Pascal"
<phoebos> good thing it tells you when you have new mail
<midfavila-laptop> yeah, I chuckled at that
<midfavila-laptop> it's got a liiiiiittle bit of bloat but it's a good basis for writing my own ed-alike screen editor
<midfavila-laptop> wanted to do that for a while
<phoebos> actually it sounds like a nice way to use ed
<midfavila-laptop> it's fuckin' awesome
<midfavila-laptop> i've always liked ed, and se fixes the one major flaw of ed, that being the cumbersome syntax for inspecting the file
<midfavila-laptop> like remembering what line you're on, what the general content of stuff around it is, etc
<phoebos> aye
<phoebos> shame it uses ncurses
<phoebos> also ./configure is so unnecessary for such a small project
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<midfavila> ncurses isn't that big of a deal considering you can use it with any implementation
<midfavila> i'm thinking of swapping GNU ncurses for nBSD on my systems
<midfavila> been on a bit of a library-swapping rampage lately
<midfavila> i agree about configure/autotools though
<midfavila> the port of rc I started using the other day also uses it, which is irksome
<midfavila> i need to patch autotools to work with a non-GNU m4 :|
<phoebos> se is very nice
<midfavila> Yeah, it's super comfy
<midfavila> I'm surprised it's only about 5k lines of C
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