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<testuser[m]> Hi
<tleydxdy[m]> doesn't even have dark mode, my eyes are violated
<testuser[m]> Hey that's called night mode
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<Guest7849> Hello!
<testuser[m]> Hi
<Guest7849> Is it a good idea to install grub from outside the kiss chroot? ive just heard that its not very reliable
<testuser[m]> just try it bruh
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<Guest7849> OK I got it installed but it says Loading Linux 5.16.2 ... and nothing else, and my caps lock button is flashing
<Guest7849> I've never seen this issue before
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<Guest7812> Hey sorry I got disconnected
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<Guest7816> Oh my it happened again, just a quick one, if I wanted to load all of the firmware in the firmware tarball, would I do "cp ./* /usr/lib/firmware" from inside the extracted tarball of firmware
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<Guest7816> hello
<soliwilos> Hello.
<Guest7816> Hmm maybe my kernel is broken
<soliwilos> That would be unfortunate.
<Guest7816> Yeah I'm getting a kernel panic, it sucks.
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<Guest7897> Oh my why does it continue to disconnect me
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<Guest7864> Got another kernel panic. Very confused by this now
<Guest7864> I have an initramfs and everything but I still get a kernel panic despite everything being built into the kernel (no modules)
<testuser[m]> Show
<Guest7864> The only things displayed on the screen is "Loading Linux 5.16.2..." and the caps lock flashes.
<Guest7864> Wait where are the kernel images stored after they are installed?
<testuser[m]> They don't install themselves
<testuser[m]> I think
<testuser[m]> u need to copy arch/x86/bzImage
<Guest7864> Oh wait really
<Guest7864> is that copy it to /boot?
<Guest7864> tried copying bzImage to /boot. same result
<Guest7864> My esp is mounted at /boot/efi if that makes any difference
<Guest7864> Apparently the vmlinuz file is the bzImage? but that was already in /boot
<Guest7864> I'm just gonna restart and follow a YouTube guide, I probably missed out something stupid
<Guest7864> Oh my ram was made to use SwapOnZRAM idk if that breaks stuff
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<dilyn> Guest7864: so you are mounting your FAT32 formatted partition to /boot/efi?
<dilyn> are you using grub or efibootmgr directly to boot?
<Guest7864> I restarted my install, im using /boot now
<dilyn> okay
<dilyn> a minimal, simple way to boot and make sure your kernel works fine is to just use efibootmgr directly
<Guest7864> Though what I overlooked is that my ram is set to function as swap space and not as regular ram so I've fixed that in my fstab and hopefully it fixes things
<dilyn> after building the kernel, move the arch/x86/boot/bzImage file /boot
<Guest7864> I thought it was vmlinuz that was the image and and it was moved by make install in kernel source directory
<dilyn> make install presumably copies all the relevant things to the relevant locations (specifically, I think the default is /boot and /usr/local/lib)
<dilyn> so if you're using modules you're right to use make install
<Guest7864> I'm specifically avoiding modules LOL
<dilyn> then you can just copy the bzImage file
<Guest7864> alright, and leave the and vmlinuz where they are?
<dilyn> mmhmm
<dilyn> you just need the bzImage file, which would be an EFI executable file (if you care to inspect it with `file bzImage`)
<Guest7864> Sounds good, was also wondering if the system expects ram to be present
<dilyn> you would certainly need RAM
<Guest7864> because my ram is swap space
<dilyn> but the settings in your fstab aren't relevant until after the kernel is loaded and execs /sbin/init
<Guest7864> My arch install loads up fine with zram, I just don't know how it interacts with other systems.
<dilyn> this is how I handled zram and zswap on KISS
<dilyn> you could also change the loglevel of your kernel (it might be set to a value where you can't actually see a panic happening?)
<Guest7864> Right, I thought RAM was wiped on a restart.
<Guest7864> I would rather not use Zram as I have more than enough RAM to handle my system. I just don't know how to revert it back
<dilyn> either way from there I would just use efibootmgr real quick to test, and do `efibootmgr -c -d /dev/sda -p 1 -L KISS -l '/bzImage' -u 'root=/dev/sda2 rw'`, assuming your device is /dev/sda and your ESP is /dev/sda1, you named your kernel in /boot bzImage, and your root filesystem is on /dev/sda2
<Guest7864> thanks for that link though, its very useful
<dilyn> your zram should be turned off when you poweroff :V
<Guest7864> Yeah but is it zram forever because I used genfstab for my fstab and it reports zram
<Guest7864> I'm sorry if these questions are redundant, I really don't know a whole lot about ZRAM
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<dilyn> zram is just some block device -- optimally, you would have some number of zram devices which total together to equal your total amount of RAM
<dilyn> for instance I wrote that zram article on an 8GB laptop, and so my example creates 4 zram block devices of 2G in size
<Guest7864> Yeah I think my RAM is all one device
<Guest7864> its all /dev/zram0
<dilyn> it doesn't so much matter how many devices you have nowadays anyways
<Guest7864> is there not a way I can revert my zram to work as normal ram again
<dilyn> it was more relevant during earlier releases but it's become far more efficient nowadays
<dilyn> or just disable it in the kernel
<Guest7864> If I disable it in the kernel does it ignore that its made to be zram and just functions as normal RAM?
<dilyn> well it's not made to be zram until you hit userspace and init mounts all the filesystems specified in /etc/fstab
<Guest7864> Oh thats super weird, maybe my livecd mounted my ram as ZRAM automatically then?
<dilyn> presumably your live cd didn't build zram as a module and instead built it in, in which case only a single block device is created unless some other number is specified in the kernel command line
<Guest7864> It's Fedora I don't know if they are big advocates of zram
<Guest7864> Oh thats interesting
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<zazpro> Hey guys is there anyone who's using Nvidia gpu?
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<jslick> idk about "big advocates", but I'd say advocates to some degree -
<testuser[m]> zazpro: what do u wanna know
<zazpro> testuser[m]: Just installed system on my main pc. When trying to run sway I get. EGL_NOT_INITIALIZED error
<zazpro> DRI2 failed to create server
<zazpro> I guess problem is in missconfigured kernel or in the driver?
<dilyn> I can't believe there isn't a rewrite of wl-clipboard in go...
<dilyn> Guess I have a project
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<Guest7864> Hey this is probably stupid but in /usr/lib/firmware am i meant to have the contents of the linux firmware folder i extracted or the linux firmware folder?
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<acheam> contents
<Guest7864> Thanks
<acheam> testuser[m]: bruh
<acheam> > blackout
<acheam> since when was this word race related?
<dilyn> Most English words which incorporate 'black' are negative, pejorative, or derogatory, and can be contrasted with their counterpart words; these words are almost assuredly identical with black swapped out for white, and these antonyms are just that
<dilyn> Essentially, black{foo} is associated with a negative thing
<dilyn> From there, you can analyze it however you want; psychology, history, etymology...
<dilyn> it's less about racism than it is about "We can describe this scenario without using a term that clings to historically codified tropes in white countries where black == bad && white == good, so why wouldn't we do that"
<dilyn> I like their point at the end about idioms: "Prefer descriptive and factual statements instead of idioms." This I think is a more salient argument for those who merely think that these sorts of requirements are purely that "racism bad and {slave,blackout,...} are racist because {history,black,...}"
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<testuser[m]> zazpro: ur using gkiss? Did u enable the modeset parameter
<testuser[m]> dilyn: why in go?
<dilyn> because I don't like rust
<dilyn> neither building rust itself, nor the things written in it
<testuser[m]> Bruh wl-clipboard is in c
<dilyn> and the C implementation is GPL:P
<testuser[m]> Bruh
<zazpro> No I am not using gkiss as I don't know what's that. And which modeset stuff should I do?
<testuser[m]> Are u using nouveau?
<testuser[m]> Wat gpu
<zazpro> I have enabled nouveau in the kernel I think. Gpu: gtx1080
<testuser[m]> dilyn: what do you think of stuff like crazy -> unexpected, incoherent
<testuser[m]> zazpro: Bruh i don't think nouveau will work at all for that card
<testuser[m]> U need proprietary driverd
<zazpro> Understood, thanks :)
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<noocsharp> seems like a good idea to use more precise terms than crazy in technical discussions
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<acheam> dilyn: are there no permissive compilers?
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<phinxy> Any pointers on how to install a python module "properly"? Should it be done with kiss?
<phinxy> Perhaps I'll go with PIP.
<phinxy> Pip put stuff in /usr/bin, not sure what I feel about that
<acheam> venvs