well, appart from the previous mentioned one, I had some issues with actually getting it statically in the first place. if you use waf, it seems to not wanna statically link libc.so.
so meson is your best bet in this case.
meson is not available in the latest relase, so have to use git untill a new release is pushed
I also tried to use sdl2 for some time to get sound, but it doesnt seem to matter. I got sound working with just alsa-lib now, using tinyalsa aswell
I also recently had some issues with missing references to libxml, which is disabled. which I found abit strange
but appart from waf not meeting ones excpections with the '--enable-static-build' flag not actually linking it fully statically, it was straight forward
acheam: with sh >/dev/tty you should get all the exported variables anyway
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noocsharp: re IPv6 on obsd, it's taken me all day to realise i needed an inet6 default gateway (i only had one for inet previously)