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<phoebos> o/
<noocsharp> \o
<noocsharp> i sort of figured out my executable segfaulting problem
<noocsharp> for some reason it wants the text section to start at 0x401000 instead of 0x1000
<noocsharp> no idea why tho
<midfavila-laptop> hello phoebos, noocsharp
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<midfavila-laptop> been thinking a lot about trying to cut the web out entirely lately
<midfavila-laptop> i find that unless you use chrom* it's more hassle than it's worth
<midfavila-laptop> maybe I should set up a KISS repository over gopher
<midfavila-laptop> that would be neat
<phoebos> that would be neat
<phoebos> despite its flaws, i've been enjoying gemini recently
<midfavila-laptop> gemini is...
<midfavila-laptop> an interesting experiment
<phoebos> i know
<phoebos> but the community is nice
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<midfavila-laptop> i mean, i guess
<midfavila-laptop> iunno
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<midfavila-laptop> it would be interesting to experiment with gopher as a filesystem
<midfavila-laptop> or gemini
<midfavila-laptop> i feel like since they're both text protocols they could be represented as such fairly easily
<noocsharp> 9p
<phoebos> > 9p
<natris1979[m]> wait ew, no
<natris1979[m]> 9p++
<phoebos> make a git gemini protocol backend
<cem> phoebos: what do you think the flaws of gemini are?
<natris1979[m]> I haven't tried Gemini yet
<natris1979[m]> seems interesting.
<phoebos> cem: nothing original. mandatory tls, and gemtext not having semantic linebreaks
<phoebos> but otherwise, i'm ok with it
<natris1979[m]> you see mandatory tls as a downside?
<cem> Yeah, I'm not a big fan of the markup myself
<phoebos> it's refreshingly simple and i find it easier to write content for
<cem> natris1979[m]: it's harder to debug at home
<phoebos> natris1979[m]: my blog posts don't need to be encrypted
<natris1979[m]> I can see that
<phoebos> and there's plenty of old hardware which can't do it
<phoebos> optional tls, fine
<natris1979[m]> oh, that does seem to be a flaw
<midfavila-laptop> mandatory TLS is garbage
<natris1979[m]> seems like an otherwise light protocol should be pretty timeless
<midfavila-laptop> afaik gemini is just for serving static content. there's no need for that to be encrypted
<phoebos> midfavila-laptop: cgi is supported, but yes
<midfavila-laptop> that's new since the last time I looked at it
<natris1979[m]> I mean there is static content that would be good to keep secured, but I get what you're saying
<midfavila-laptop> if it needs to be secure you probably won't be hosting it on a public gemini server
<midfavila-laptop> just saying
<natris1979[m]> maybe. Not yet.
<phoebos> i like the idea of a read-only protocol, so not having PUT et al is ok. although client certificates are a neat way to provide personalised content
<phoebos> see: astrobotany
<midfavila-laptop> i think you could argue that gopher is a read-only protocol
<cem> midfavila-laptop: wait, it isn't?
<natris1979[m]> I don't know the protocol intimately but it seems like it is
<noocsharp> can't you do queries?
<midfavila-laptop> well, the only time I've run into a gopher system accepting input is Veronica, Jughead or Archie
<midfavila-laptop> and yes, you can, but
<midfavila-laptop> the catch is that the queries aren't sent using an analogue to POST or PUT or anything
<midfavila-laptop> they're the same as every other request
<phoebos> it's like this with gemini also
<natris1979[m]> right. So it's a query parameter, but analagous to SELECT in SQL right? No INSERT or UPDATE
<midfavila-laptop> i suppose you could make that statement, yeah
<midfavila-laptop> veronica and jughead probably use SQL for their backend
<natris1979[m]> I'm not saying anything in etiher stack uses SQL, I'm using it metaphorically
<midfavila-laptop> yes, I know
<midfavila-laptop> i'm remarking that it's an accurate metaphor and that it wouldn't be surprising if gopher search engines used SQL
<natris1979[m]> ah, I see
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<testuser[m]> Hi
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<noocsharp> o/
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<nmeum> hey, quick question regarding the kiss linux firefox package: my understanding is that with current versions of firefox, firefox IPC only works when dbus is installed (see do you have solution for this issues since you don't package dbus?
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<natris1979[m]> nmeum: I don't know much of anything about ipc or dbus, but you might try searching the community packages over at kiss makes it really easy to create and maintain your own packages so if something you need isn't in the core repos chances are someone else has made repo files for it. And if not it's not hard to make them. If you can build something from source, you can make a kiss package
<testuser[m]> yeah if u want that then u can package dbus and rebuild ff
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<nmeum> I don't want to package dbus, I was just wondering if kiss has a solution for the firefox IPC thingy which doesn't require dbus
<testuser[m]> no
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<bujeddhazeus> nmeum: also, even if you packaged dbus, the Firefox no-x11.patch used in kisslinux completely disables dbus support in Firefox
<nmeum> so it's entirely build without ipc support and you can't open an url in a running firefox instance, yes?
<bujeddhazeus> Indeed
<nmeum> unfortunate
<bujeddhazeus> I have a separately worked on patch that I began working on in May
<bujeddhazeus> Which has working dbus afaik
<bujeddhazeus> It's almost identical to the kisslinux patch, because I based myself on the same old patchset from
<bujeddhazeus> I've tested it in gentoo only though
<bujeddhazeus> nmeum: if you need/want it I'll paste it somewhere again
<bujeddhazeus> But that's going to require dbus
<nmeum> what does your patch do?
<bujeddhazeus> nmeum: it's the same thing as that no-x11.patch as in it rips out X11 dependencies from Firefox code so they don't need to be installed on your system (i.e. pure wayland)
<bujeddhazeus> But, with dbus / ipc / remote code left more intact
<nmeum> ah
<nmeum> I don't have a use for it then but ty
<bujeddhazeus> Ah ok :>
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