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<op_4> noocsharp: word on the street is that you use vis. I want to become a recent convert, let's not dwell on my past. I tried reading the man page, but its mostly a reference document. Anything you could point me to?
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<noocsharp> if you're familiar with (vi)m, the best way to learn it is probably to just mess around with it
<noocsharp> i mean vi(m)
<noocsharp> you'll pick up on the differences pretty quickly
<noocsharp> i personally don't use it's more advanced features
<noocsharp> its*
<op_4> thanks, it's mostly the selection wrangling stuff that's a bit mysterious, but maybe it can be learnt by trying
<phinxy> I'm trying out elvis, never heard of vis but it seems similar in that its trying to be less of a monolith of features than vim
<phinxy> vis source = 7M, elvis source = 4M
<phinxy> plus i dont see elvis using any external dependencies
<acheam> it does have deps
<acheam> libtermkey is the only needed one
<acheam> but you'll also want curses, lua, and maybe LPeg
<acheam> oh whoops misread elvis as vis
<acheam> my bad
<op_4> phinxy: the thing that interests me most about vis is "structural regular expressions"
<op_4> iirc elvis is vi more or less?
<phinxy> multiple curses sounds awesome
<acheam> elvis isnt extensible though, right? That's what sets vis apart from other vi-clones to me
<phinxy> cursors*
<acheam> IMO multiple cursors is only needed because there isnt a visual mode
<acheam> I've always found multiple cursors to be more finnicky than a visual/visual block/visual line mode
<noocsharp> vis has visual mode
<noocsharp> i don't even use multiple cursors
<acheam> sorry, meant to say visual block mode
<noocsharp> actually the one thing i use multiple cursors for is performing the same actions on a bunch of lines
<noocsharp> which is extraordinarily useful
<noocsharp> you could do the same things with commands, but the interactivity is nice
<phinxy> op_4: Its pretty much vim.
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<dilyn> "nil pointer dereference" uhoh
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<testuser[m]> Hi
<testuser[m]> dilyn: rewrite it in c
<dilyn> lol
<phoebos> ^
<dilyn> the real key is to make sure you start your index at the right place
<dilyn> 0 != 1 rip
<dilyn> mfw it's marked as an 'easy' exercise and I absolutely thought it was an impossible task
<dilyn> I finished writing everything and then was immediately met with unfathomable range when I discovered that the tests provided to me for this exercise assumed I would name the fields of my structs in a very bad way that I don't like (:
<phoebos> oof
<phoebos> i think i did that one a while ago when i tried exercism
<phoebos> haha it doesn't work
<dilyn> lol
<phoebos> stack overflow
<dilyn> watch your heaps
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<acheam> wow theres a lot of gophers in this channel
<phoebos> i haven't really touched go since learning c
<noocsharp> it has to be a pointer because a struct has to have a fixed size
<phoebos> tbf the executable sizes of go always made me uncomfortable
<dilyn> but doesn't it already have a fixed size noocsharp?
<noocsharp> i think the array can be variable size
<noocsharp> get rid of the pointer and see what happens
<dilyn> we'd have to change the type of the return then yes?
<dilyn> which means the tests will failXD  the reason is unknowable!
<noocsharp> bruh just play with it locally
<dilyn> never
<noocsharp> how do you expect to learn then
<testuser[m]> Soon
<dilyn> by asking instead of doing obvi
<dilyn> perhaps it's just because manipulating a pointer is more efficient...
<testuser[m]> Only copying is
<noocsharp> only one way to find out
<dilyn> looking at examples, some people are sorting the records list and then just appending nonroot records to the child list of the node's parent. cute. wish I'd thought of just presorting...
<dilyn> feels like cheating XD
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<testuser[m]> Rich
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<noocsharp> at long last, my compiler uses an ir
<testuser[m]> Rich
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<claudia02> Ahoi! I recently started to toy with KISS again.
<testuser[m]> hi
<claudia02> Tried to build webkit but it failed with "Scenegraphics.h" bla not found. Sb mentioned it some time before.
<claudia02> The two patches from gentoo mentioning "opengl" fixed it for me. Wanted just throw it here so it is useful.
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<dilyn> fast headers v2 patchset was just launched; clang built kernels see 88% compile-time improvements
<dilyn> how do you like me now, gcc plebians
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<soliwilos> Do they work with 5.15 kernels or only 5.16?
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<noocsharp> the v2 tree is based on v5.16-rc8
<dilyn> ^
<noocsharp> linux's git repository would be extremely painful to work with if you don't know how to use git
<noocsharp> imagine if someone screwed up their repo and decided to delete it and reclone it
<dilyn> shallow is the only way to go lmao
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<noocsharp> i have the whole thing
<noocsharp> my .git is 3.1G
<vulpine> sparse-checkot ftw!
<vulpine> s/o/ou/
<noocsharp> huh, didn't know that was a thing
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<Guest20> Hi all
<Guest20> Go or Rust for backend?
<jslick> Does sparse checkout affect the size of .git though?
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<noocsharp> jslick: no, just time to checkout a tree probably
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<op_4> firefox takes oh, ~6hrs to compile on my machine :/
<op_4> unfortunately the current official repo doesn't build correctly, is there one that does so that i don't have to experiment too much with this build?
* op_4 is aware of but unsure about the resolution, if any
<op_4> perhaps -lwayland-client is enough in LDFLAGS?
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