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<phinxy> isnt wget nicer than curl?
<phinxy> curl -fLO .. Am I doing it wrong?
<phinxy> wget can be typed with one hand and doesnt require -O, and is built in to busybox! :P
<dilyn> it's far more limited tho:P
<acheam> wget is fine for getting files
<acheam> but for anything more advanced
<acheam> curl is great
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<testuser[m]> Hi
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<Anonymouz> testuser[m]: Hi!
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<Rohan> yo guys
<Rohan> anyone ever tested anbox in kiss?
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<illiliti> someone needs to rewrite polkit in rust
<dilyn> polkit is unbased
<illiliti> looks like musl is unaffected(?)
<illiliti> > To convert messages from UTF-8 to another
<illiliti> charset, g_printerr() calls the glibc's function iconv_open().
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<dilyn> lmfao
kinozawa_ is now known as kinozawa
<testuser[m]> Bruh how could you get basic bounds checking wrong
<illiliti> > we note that OpenBSD is not exploitable, because its kernel refuses to execve() a program if argc is 0.
<illiliti> this is good hardening option tbh. linux should adopt this
<noocsharp> testuser[m]: everybody gets basic bounds checking wrong
<noocsharp> the more important question is how did it take them 13 years to realize
<dilyn> i like to think that a lot of these have been bugs which have been quietly exploited for years and years
<testuser[m]> noocsharp: u can avoid most of them by using asserts
<testuser[m]> I mean detect
<noocsharp> if only c did this by default...
<testuser[m]> But vro my nanoseconds
<noocsharp> and had an option to disable it if performance was critical
<testuser[m]> Nothing's stopping the brogrammer from putting them in though
<testuser[m]> I put asserts everywhere, most of the time i get an easy to fix assertion failure instead of segfaults
<noocsharp> but placing the burden on the programmer to do this is a point of failure if you're trying to write secure software
<illiliti> why assert if i have gdb
<noocsharp> ^
<noocsharp> why assert if i always write correct code the first time
<illiliti> i think assert can be useful for users, so they can easily report bugs, but for dev it's useless
<illiliti> imho
<omanom> that's essentially how assert statement is treated in python
<illiliti> i hate the fact that posix and iso c allows argv[0] to be NULL
<illiliti> it's just wrong and error-prone
<illiliti> at least openbsd did the right thing
<dilyn> as they always do
<noocsharp> go submit an rfc or whatever they call it for the next edition of posix
<illiliti> skip to rationale
<illiliti> > Early proposals required that the value of argc passed to main() be "one or greater"
<illiliti> > This requirement was removed from the ISO C standard and subsequently removed from this volume of POSIX.1-2017 as well
<maximum_yellow> what do people use for controlling volumes of pipewire?
<maximum_yellow> the only things i've found that do this are secretly pulseaudio clients, and require most of pulseaudio to be built and installed, even though they connect to pipewire-pulse
<tleydxdy[m]> shouldn't they only need the headers of some sort?
<maximum_yellow> tleydxdy[m] afaict they needed some .so's against which to link, but i could be doing this poorly
<tleydxdy[m]> if you have piperwire-pulse installed, it still won't build?
<tleydxdy[m]> I have not tried this very much tho
<maximum_yellow> tleydxdy[m] it would seem so, at least this particular one (and a few others iirc) want /lib/
<maximum_yellow> which is not provided by pipewire-*
<dilyn> if you have pipewire set to manage your devices, you can use the usual tools you have always used to change volume
<maximum_yellow> or maybe it's which is problematic
<maximum_yellow> dilyn but they seem to depend on pulseaudio being (mostly) present
<dilyn> for instance, I have pipewire setup with just alsa, and I use alsamixer
<maximum_yellow> at least to dompile
<tleydxdy[m]> very fun
<dilyn> pulseaudio is not required for pipewire to build
<maximum_yellow> dilyn true, but it is for the common volume management tools that use pulseaudio
<maximum_yellow> pamix, ncpamixer, pavucontrol, pactl, ...
<dilyn> sure, but you don't need those to manage your volume if you've always used alsa
<dilyn> you can use amixer and alsamixer as always
<maximum_yellow> does alsamixer allow for changing of individual application volume levels?
<maximum_yellow> if so then my problem is solved
<dilyn> I'm pretty sure that's what you would use pipewire to accomplish
<maximum_yellow> but through which interface
<dilyn> in either case the answer is probably "yes, if you do some documentation"
<dilyn> well I don't know; whatever interface is set up to do such a thing
<dilyn> s/some documentation/some documentation reading/
* maximum_yellow is doubtful that alsamixer understands per-connection levels for pipewire clients
<maximum_yellow> but i'll give it a go
<tleydxdy[m]> fedora seems to have pipewire-libpulse
<tleydxdy[m]> not sure how they do that
<maximum_yellow> oh cool, thanks for the tip!
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<omanom> based on this: that makes me think per-application volume control would be something within Pipewire's configuration, and alsamixer/amixer would just be like a "master" volume control
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