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<noocsharp> supply vs demand
mobinmob has joined #kisslinux
<testuser[m]> Hi
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<Guest4> Hi! Can anyone share their bzImage (kernel)?
<Guest4> My Kiss won't even boot in GRUB, and I suspect it's because of the wrong kernel
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<phoebos> non-arbitrary precision dc is fun
<phoebos> i mean, it is arbitrary in the sense that it depends on your machine's int size
mobinmob has joined #kisslinux
<omanom> noocsharp this might be a fun read after your summer of pinephone work
<op_4> meh, i fell kiss ruined me for gentoo
<op_4> what have you people done
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* op_4 can't go back to binary dists, glibc, or package managers which can't be held in ones head
op_4 is now known as maximum_yellow
Rohan has joined #kisslinux
<Rohan> Someone have a source for bri program?
<testuser[m]> bri what
<Rohan> Just bri
<Rohan> Simple program to control brightness
<phoebos> just interface with /sys
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<Rohan> Thanks
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Rohan has joined #kisslinux
<Rohan> someone ever tried john the ripper in kiss?
<Rohan> i works but slower
<Rohan> kiss is about 19 seconds in a job
<Rohan> tried manjaro liveusb
<Rohan> 5 seconds
<Rohan> dont know if is missing package or something with kernel
<phoebos> is that jack's brother
<Rohan> kinda something lol
<Rohan> is a program used in pentest general
<Rohan> crack passwords
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<phoebos> how is that useful for pentesting
<phoebos> passwords are a vulnerability if you can guess them, you don't need a program to tell you that
<Rohan> but if you cant guess
<Rohan> you need something
<Rohan> i used this to a pdf from a friend
<Rohan> you cant guess the password if you dont know anything about the target
<phoebos> that's not pentesting though
<phoebos> that's just breaking a password
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j`ey has joined #kisslinux
<j`ey> anyne know about the busybox build? I see it uses make CONFIG_PREFIX="$1/usr" install
<j`ey> I was doing a similar thing locally/manually, and I got a bunch of stuff in $1/usr/usr
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<j`ey> ah it uses CONFIG_INSTALL_APPLET_DONT=y
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<maximum_yellow> does busybox mdev work with libudevzero-helper for others?
<maximum_yellow> For some reason hotplugging in sway doesn't seem to work, but it does with mdevd and the same config file (the default one, to be sure)
<noocsharp> iirc mdevd has hotplugging capabilities, so it doesn't need libudevzero
<maximum_yellow> i see that mdved supports the `-O 4` flag which is somehow special to libudev-zero. Is there something like this for busybox mdev
<maximum_yellow> hmmm
<maximum_yellow> noocsharp ok, indeed, mdved does do hotplugging
<maximum_yellow> so what's up with busybox mdev?
<maximum_yellow> the last two lines of the busybox mdev.conf file in KISS are about libudev-zero, but this doesn't seem to work? Stuff like SUBSYSTEM=drm;.* root:video 660 *libudev-zero-helper
<maximum_yellow> oh
* maximum_yellow should rtfm, drm feels like != wayland
<noocsharp> the compositor does use drm
<noocsharp> but i don't think that would cause hotplugging issues
<maximum_yellow> noocsharp ok, thanks, that saves some time. I wonder what mdevd is doing that mdev is not.
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