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<BtbN> ok, fixed it
<BtbN> You might simply be the first person trying to combine varstreams with subtitles. Cause right now it's busted, and might have been for a long while.
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<BtbN> The fix is super simple and obvious
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<tmm360> you are great man, thanks! I'm curious, I'm learning. You said that probably I'm the first one doing this thing, but how would you add some subtitles into hls? Are there a better way?
<BtbN> It's not about subtitles in HLS
<BtbN> it's about using the varstream feature in combination with subtitles in any but the last set of streams
<BtbN> And you're apparently not the first, someone reported it over two years ago, but nobody investigated
<tmm360> I see.. I try to explain what I have to do. I've to encode into different resolutions, with different bitrates h264, packed with vod hls. I want that all resolutions shares some tracks of subs that I'm currently importing from the source mp4. How would you do this?
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<MisterMinister> Greetings and Salutations! Would anyone be familiar with building zmqsend in 7.0.2 please? Got few issues building it:
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<psykose> g++ instead of gcc would fix it prolly
<psykose> or more accurately you are missing the flags you need to link with zmq which are conveniently in Libs.private in libzmq.pc which you are not using from (probably) /usr/local/lib/pkgconfig/libzmq.pc
<psykose> which would put -lstdc++ in that link and fix it
<another|> BtbN: lul. apparently this fixes two tickets at once. good job
<EmberCrest> woah!!!!!
<EmberCrest> has anyone tried ffplay --help on the latest windows build??
<EmberCrest> it endlessly spits out text haha
<EmberCrest> oh wait nvm.. it's just really, really, really helpful, so it spits out a LOT of text haha. it did eventually end. wow.
<MisterMinister> psykose: thanks. That worked.
<MisterMinister> `gcc -static -o /tmp/zmqsend tools/zmqsend.c -I./ -L/usr/local/lib -Wl,--start-group /usr/local/lib/libzmq.a /usr/local/lib/libavutil.a /usr/local/lib/libavformat.a /usr/local/lib/libavcodec.a -Wl,--end-group -lstdc++ -lm -lrt -lpthread -ldl`
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<MisterMinister> Any advice to put overlay on top of live stream at ZMQ command please? Only option seems to be to add at start with enable=1, all other varians fail to execute on "enable 1"
<MisterMinister> ` -i "$rtp1" -i "$overlay1" -filter_complex '[0:v]format=yuva420p[bg];[1:v]format=yuva420p,fps=30[fg];[bg][fg]overlay@1=x=0:y=0:enable=1' ` < this works ok. zmq and sendcommand are not working.
<MisterMinister> -filter_complex "[0:v]setpts=PTS-STARTPTS,format=yuva420p[bg];[1:v]setpts=PTS-STARTPTS,format=yuva420p,fps=30[fg];[bg][fg]overlay@1=x=0:y=0:enable=0:eof_action=pass,sendcmd=c='5 overlay@1 enable 1'" << overlay not working. And zmq the same (even though it shows reciving command via console).
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<BtbN> You can't alter the filter chain at runtime like that. only send commands to existing filters
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<MisterMinister> BtbN: just looking for a method to start playback of a file in overlay filter at ZMQ trigger.
<BtbN> Sounds to me like you're looking for OBS, not ffmpeg
<MisterMinister> Yeah heard that one before ) Why wouldn't FFmpeg be able to do it?
<BtbN> Cause it's not something it's designed for
<BtbN> You can probably hack together something, somehow
<MisterMinister> So, not possible?
<BtbN> But it won't be great or pleasant
<BtbN> while live composition of stuff is literally what OBS is designed for
<MisterMinister> Any references to an unpleasant method (assume set PTS of overlay to infinite future and then change it to ovelray event timestamp?).
<BtbN> doubt it, you'll have to cook it up yourself somehow
<MisterMinister> ok
<kepstin> specifically, this is not something the ffmpeg cli tool is designed for. obs certainly uses the ffmpeg libraries internally for some of its functionality.
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<Lynne> I wrote a scriptable wrapper which can drain&switch filters at runtime, but yeah, you need to write Lua to use it, and ffmpeg's cli doesn't support it
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<MisterMinister> Lynne: would you share a link to your script? I'm thinking adding VLC and stream alpha channel through it to FFmpeg over UDP and ovarlay that... But that's pretty heavy process to manage on top of FFmpeg.
<Lynne> its not a script, its a program,
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<MisterMinister> Thanks! Will check it out
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<theprofessor> Hi, I'm trying to convert MOV (hvc1 codec) to MP4 (avc1 codec) to compress the video. I want to also copy all of the metadata.
<theprofessor> I used the following command:
<theprofessor> ffmpeg -i "/home/to_convert/one.mp4" -map_metadata 0 -movflags use_metadata_tags -crf 30 -vf format=yuv420p "/home/converted/two.mp4"
<theprofessor> I verified all of the metadata match using ffprobe (although some of the metadata is sorted differently).
<theprofessor> The problem is that when I view the video using Windows Photo Viewer, it does not show the "location" map. Does anyone know why this is and how to fix it?
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<BtbN> the container and codec are laregely unrelated
<BtbN> also hvc1 is hevc I assume?
<BtbN> Cause converting that to h264 while also making it smaller won't go well, quality wise
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<BtbN> No idea about the metadata. That could be something Apple-Proprietary or something.
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<theprofessor> yes, hvc1 is hevc.
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<theprofessor> Actually, this happens with any files that are compressed (either compressing MP4 or converting MOV to MP4)
<theprofessor> so it cannot be apple proprietary (it happens with videos recorded with Android phone too)
<theprofessor> All of the metadata from fprobe looks the same as the original vs compressed
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<BtbN> yes, which makes me think the location stuff is proprietary tack-on
<JEEB> I think I've seen ffprobe print out the gps location, but I have no idea what that is parsed out of. and whether it is a key-value kind of string metadata field which is what most likely use_metadata_tags ends up doing (?)
<JEEB> in other words, if FFmpeg parses some structure, then exposes it as a string and then of course when writing a string metadata does not write it in similar vein
<JEEB> something like L-SMASH's boxdumper or AtomicParsley might help one figure out what sort of box it is
<JEEB> probably not :P
<JEEB> 3GPP defined loci (doing ctrl+F "loc" in
<JEEB> yea, I would check if the input contains loci
<JEEB> and yes, loci gets parsed to a string
<JEEB> hmm, but movenc does have loci writing from string metadata
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