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<drew> if I am doing 2 pass and I am not changing any video encoding settings, just audio, can I just run -pass 2 again without having to start with -pass 1 to use the old log?
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<aaabbb> drew: yep
<aaabbb> unless you delete the log files
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<drew> thanks aaabbb
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<nemo_magneet> what is the lowest what ffmpeg can encode in resolution and frames?
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<nemo_magneet> can it pump 144p with 5 frames?
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<furq> much less than that
<nemo_magneet> what is the bottom?
<furq> why would there be a minimum
<nemo_magneet> a person i know needs a low-resolution for his gameboy project
<vlt> nemo_magneet: I just encoded to 1 fps and 1x1 resolution. Totally fine.
<vlt> And mpv played it without any complains.
<furq> you can go much lower than 1fps
<furq> presumably as low as 2.225E-307 fps but i don't know how to type that in
<furq> or if any container would like it
<nemo_magneet> out of the whole shrek movie, he needs 300 frames
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<nemo_magneet> according to twitch, the movie has got 129575 frames
<nemo_magneet> 0.0023 frames per second
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<nemo_magneet> which makes the movie SLOW right?
<nemo_magneet> No clue how you code it, getting 300 frames out of 129575 frames
<vlt> nemo_magneet: not neccessarily. Depends on if you "stretch" the existing frames to the target rate or drop frames.
<nemo_magneet> 129575/425 would do it
<nemo_magneet> so you need to tell to skip every 425 frames
<nemo_magneet> its hard i bet?
<vlt> nemo_magneet: -filter:v "fps=300/129575"
<nemo_magneet> what would it be? ffmpeg -i {file} [Resulution] -filter:v "fps=300/129575"
<nemo_magneet> and than the parse into the idk container?
<vlt> nemo_magneet: I, personally, would define the resolution in the filter section: -filter:v "fps=300/129575,scale=<w>:<h>"
<nemo_magneet> ffmpeg -i [Filehere] -filter:v "fps=300/129575,scale=<160>:<144>" -preset veryfast [no audio!] flv [New Name].flv
<nemo_magneet> without <xx> ofc
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<irc_user> If I use the concat demuxer with multiple inpoints and outpoints for the same video, the result can end up very laggy, even if I re-encode the output. Any way to avoid that?
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<nemo_magneet> vlt: anyway to get back into 2 colours (black/white)?
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<nemo_magneet> blabla,scale,blabla, bitcolour=2 ?
<furq> -vf format=monow
<furq> but the gameboy is four colours
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<duxsco> hi, which would i use for av1 encoding with ffmpeg: libaom, rav1e or svt-av1
<duxsco> s/would/should/
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<CounterPillow> duxsco: probably svt-av1, it's the fastest these days and sees active development. I've heard rav1e has better quality at iso bitrate, but haven't verified this myself, and rav1e development doesn't seem very active
<duxsco> CounterPillow: thx
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<nemo_magneet> i forgot if ffmpeg can make avi
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<Obsdark> Hello there, a question, i'm streaming to twitch using this script but for some reason after the first movie it stops, can you guys tell me what i'm doing wrong and why is not iterating through the list than i have in the .txt
<Obsdark> ?
<Obsdark> Thank you
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<nemo_magneet> Obsdark: delete your nopaste ;P
<nemo_magneet> oh you hide your steam key nvm
<nemo_magneet> Obsdark: ffmpeg doesnt handle playlists
<nemo_magneet> it does 1 file, you can restart it every 48h to loop it, but not a playlists
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<another|> nemo_magneet: have you read about the concat demuxer?
<another|> Obsdark: what's the full output ?
<nemo_magneet> another|: i had the same setup, it didnt worked, when i asked it here people got mad because i should use bash script
<Obsdark> another | i don't have it
<Obsdark> i mean, i'm launching it through a service
<Obsdark> i check tho, when the first mp4 finished, the stream suddenly stop
<Obsdark> and i must say, the service continue running, so it wasnt by an error or so
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<nemo_magneet> another|: the whole explaination was that ffmpeg cant read .txt or where ever the concat goes
<Obsdark> But the thing is the first .mp4 that it plays is in fact in that list
<Obsdark> like, it obtain it from it
<nemo_magneet> Yes it pics the first, crashed on 2nd and follow ups
<Obsdark> if that were the case nemo_magneet, then not even the first would run
<nemo_magneet> Obsdark: it always pics the first, not the 2nd
<nemo_magneet> it's silly
<another|> Obsdark: Are your inputs same resolution, framerate, etc.?
<nemo_magneet> i don't have my code for you
<Obsdark> before this i was doing something similar with audio files and concat indeed worked properly
<Obsdark> another | that much i don't know, should i increase the buffer?
<Obsdark> can that be the issue?
<nemo_magneet> audio is less iffy than video... video is both
<nemo_magneet> plus,
<nemo_magneet> normally twitch crash between video 1 and 2 because of the dead stream (i forgot the term)
<nemo_magneet> keynote?
<another|> Obsdark: How can you not know what your input files are?
<Obsdark> i mean i know them but the specifics of each i don't
<another|> wat?
<Obsdark> What variable you think i should check on them exactly?
<another|> resoltion
<Obsdark> ok, can you develop, i will look at them right now
<nemo_magneet> CBR is also a anoying factor
<Obsdark> but what i'm looking for exactly
<Obsdark> difference between those two factors?
<another|> can I develop? what?
<Obsdark> i mean if you can tell me a little bit more about that
<Obsdark> develop like develop about the topic, not doing development or any of the sorts
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<another|> well, if the resolution of your video streams is different it will most likely crash on twitch
<nemo_magneet> Obsdark: can you share me your code, what do you use to play your playlist?
<Obsdark> that exact code you see there
<another|> because I don't think they or flv supports changing on the fly
<Obsdark> in the nopaste
<another|> not sure about framerate. that could possibly be variable
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<nemo_magneet> it needs to be steril
<nemo_magneet> same framerate, same framesize, same CBR,
<nemo_magneet> no audiotype diff
<nemo_magneet> Obsdark: i think we should make a script swap because ffmpeg is nearly OCD'ing with concat's
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<another|> nemo_magneet: can you please stop with your nonsense?
<another|> bitrate is irrelevant here
<nemo_magneet> You say so, but the most people here keep repeating it, so do i
<another|> you might be leaving out important details
<another|> as Obsdark is reencoding, source bitrate is irrelevant
<nemo_magneet> if you and i missed things and both of what we say isn't complete... does your words doesnt reflects on your own too then?
<nemo_magneet> another|: reencoding is the other part of it, but it first needs to be loaded as a whole.
<nemo_magneet> another|: besides, the best what we could say is: copy video 1 and add it as video 2 / 3 /4 and test it then again
<nemo_magneet> because than you have 4 copies of 1 source wiht the only diff is the name
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<another|> <nemo_magneet> if you and i missed things and both of what we say isn't complete... does your words doesnt reflects on your own too then?
<another|> I cannot parse that sentence. ^^
<nemo_magneet> you claim that i miss details, but if i miss details and you havent said it already.... so did you
<nemo_magneet> another|: why don't you advice the person to copy the first video and add it a few time in his list?
<another|> I am referring to a specific issue with a specific command. Which does reencode.
<nemo_magneet> the most stable way to test things is to clone your first entry
<nemo_magneet> The best advice, i should test the next time
* nemo_magneet has got no hate towards you :P
<Obsdark> ok, i copied and restart the service
<Obsdark> if in 1 hour or so the problem persist, then is something of the script
<Obsdark> otherwise there is a difference between the movies
<Obsdark> Doubt is something with the movies tho
<another|> Why don't you test with shorter files?
<Obsdark> but who knows, it may so, i would appreciate if i could have some specific or specifics culprits
<another|> Did you probe the files for essential information?
<Obsdark> If i don't know the specific variable that can change, should i make a new file than inadvertedly could not have that issue?
<Obsdark> i check some values, yes
<Obsdark> i notice some small differences
<Obsdark> nothing too harsh
<another|> ... "Cool."
<another|> Please don't bother sharing anything about that. /s
<Obsdark> The FPS are barely different
<Obsdark> both are 29.970 but one is (30000/1001) and the other one is (29970/1000)
<Obsdark> There is also a difference between Stream size 69.8 one and the next 67.0
<Obsdark> there is a different duration of last frame (-14ms vs -21ms)
<another|> what about framesize?
<Obsdark> it doesn't says
<Obsdark> but beyond the obvious (time and file size) there are different encoding settings i think
<Obsdark> not certain about that
<Obsdark> it's kinda a lot of text
<Obsdark> the first one is:
<Obsdark> ok i cannot copy it, i'm gona upload an image, one sec
<another|> I'm sorry what? What tool are you using that shows all this information but does not show one of the most basic properties of video?
<another|> ffprobe <file>
<Obsdark> the OS?
<Obsdark> it's an ubuntu
<Obsdark> let me show you the data through a picture
<another|> No.
<another|> just run ffprobe on it.
<Obsdark> ffprobe?
<Obsdark> the one on the left is the first one, the one on the right is the one that play next
<another|> both show the same width and height
<Obsdark> indeed they show that
<another|> what's in your playlist.txt
<Obsdark> the absolute addresses of each file
<another|> just that?
<Obsdark> indeed, just that
<Obsdark> i add the ffprobe result there too
<Obsdark> not in the txt, i mean between the images
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<another|> then it's wrong syntax
<another|> i.e. `file <path>\nfile <path>`
<Obsdark> i would think they are correct, aren't it? i update the imgur
<Obsdark> with the playlist
<Obsdark> Taking all of what you said, then is a command issue
<Obsdark> some option in the ffmpeg aren't it?
<Obsdark> some wrong instruction i'm doing
<Obsdark> but then, which one? or is it some mistake in the playlist?
<another|> Oh. So it isn't just the file path. So you lied. Cool.
<Obsdark> i didn't lied, as i said, it only contains the absolute locations
<Obsdark> the first line is literally the same than apparead in the file you send me
<Obsdark> you know "ffconcat" and such
<Obsdark> and that is before the first line of files, therefore if that was wrong, it wouldn't work and it woudln't appeard in the very same examples you send me
<Obsdark> therefore is redundant
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<another|> ...
<another|> good luck
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<intrac> I'm trying to convert a video from a Twitch VoD. It has a third stream called Menu #1 of Format 'Timed Text'
<intrac> it seems to be causing the video to be interpreted as 5 hours long, even though the video and audio streams are an hour
<intrac> I tried forcing the mapping of just the first two streams with: -map 0:0 -map 0:1
<intrac> during encoding, the 'Stream mapping:' info just reported:
<intrac> Stream #0:0 -> #0:0 (copy)
<intrac> Stream #0:1 -> #0:1 (copy)
<intrac> but this additional Timed Text remains
<intrac> how can I get rid of it?
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