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<tistatos> Hi - I'm struggling with decoding my h264 (yuv420p) frame and converting it into RGBA without the colors shifting.. I think what is causing it is my use of sws_scale perhaps? here are two frames: first one is via ffmpeg CLI and the other one is my libav result. there is a slight tinting of the image (easiest is to look at the phone on the left hand side and the green swatches)
<tistatos> how can i avoid this colortint? should I do my YUV<>RGB conversion in another way?
<tistatos> My latest attempt i used these flags: BILINEAR | ACCURATE_RND | FULL_CHR_H_INT | FULL_CHR_H_INP,
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<viric> hello! I can't get VAAPI mjpeg decoding to work
<viric> other things like vaapi encoding work fine
<viric> for example: ffmpeg -hwaccel vaapi -i mjpeg.avi -f null x
<viric> [AVHWFramesContext @ 0x7f1548010740] Failed to read image from surface 0x4000005: 20 (the requested function is not implemented).
<viric> is it broken?
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<viric> it is vaGetImage that returns the "not implemented".
<CounterPillow> Does vainfo say you have an entry point to jpeg decoding?
<CounterPillow> AMD removes it on recent hw iirc
<viric> VAProfileJPEGBaseline : VAEntrypointVLD
<viric> It's an Intel I3
<viric> It's an old computer. I used mjpeg hw decoding many times in the past. So I guess something happened in more recent software.
<viric> hm I have a ffmpeg 4.4.x around. Maybe I could try it
<viric> I forgot how to do mjpeg vaapi decoding in it
<viric> hm same problem with ffmpeg 4.4.4
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<viric> maybe the problem is in libva or the intel va driver
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<viric> AH -hwaccel_output_format vaapi makes all work
<viric> I'll try to set the output pixfmt of av_hwframe_transfer_data in my code then
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<viric> I don't understand why I have to choose a dst format in av_hwframe_transfer_data. The API says it will pick the best format.
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<viric> I don't understand why '-hwaccel_output_format vaapi' makes the vaapi decoding work.
<viric> It's not only setting vaapi as dst format, it's some other side effect
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