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<kmikita> Can I force to use AVI without OpenDML? Files that mediainfo report "Format profile: OpenDML" not playable on my hardware.
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<JEEB> kmikita: how large is your output? I think one limit mentioned in the code is that the opendml seeking index becomes required as the size hits 2 gigs
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<kmikita> JEEB, original size 2 339 629 056 bytes. After "-map 0:0 -map 0:1 -c copy -f avi" (throw away additional audio tracks) size decrease to 1 991 133 092 bytes, but OpenDML "flag" still persist.
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<kmikita> In libavformat/avi.h AVI_MAX_RIFF_SIZE=0x80000000LL (threshold at ~1G). Define as 0x80000000LL fix issue. Is it correct?
<kmikita> *AVI_MAX_RIFF_SIZE=0x40000000LL
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<ghodawalaaman> Hello, is there a way to split video into 4GB
<ghodawalaaman> chunks
<another|> `-fs?
<another|> ah wait. chunks.
<another|> you probably need to do the math on bitrate
<ghodawalaaman> another|: I mean "parts"
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<ghodawalaaman> mean I would be able to play those parts separately
<another|> calculate the times and split with segment muxer
<ghodawalaaman> another|: would this script work
<another|> no
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<ghodawalaaman> D:
<ghodawalaaman> another|: why
<another|> well, for starters, it always seeks to 0
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<ghodawalaaman> oh
<another|> Additionally, the data for 30s might be larger than 5M and therefor cut off
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<iconoclasthero> ffplay looks like it's receiving an rtsp stream based on it's -loglevel debug output (which, looks promsisingly green) and what the mediamtx server reports when it sees the connection attempt but there's no audio.
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<iconoclasthero> huh, it finally opened that histogram display window and logged more to the console.
<iconoclasthero> is there any way to make ffplay actually produce sound from this strem and do so in a timely manner.
<iconoclasthero> pavucontol is indicating that ffplay's registered with it, but again, no sound.
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<BtbN> Thoughts on removing rav1e from my builds? Rust is causing insane headaches, and the project seems relatively dead. The encoder seems obsolete in any way really. SVT-AV1 is the "winning" software encoder from the looks of it.
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<BtbN> I'd kinda like to add svg support, but my god librsvg has a dependency tree that is an insane headache and would double the binary size
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<CounterPillow> Safestest
<CounterPillow> I've never uses rav1e, I always use svt-av1, so in my experience dropping it seems fine
<BtbN> Well, there's assembly in rav1e, which seems to have been taken verbatim from dav1d. And they call gcc or clang to compile it. And pass rust flags to it. And recently clang started treating that as an error.
<CounterPillow> Heh
<BtbN> Got fixed upstream very quickly. But since all deps are pinned, rav1e and every other package using it needs to get active
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<Lynne> rav1e is quite good quality-wise, just that no one is tuning it further
<Lynne> svt-av1 still gets a bucket of dubious tweaks every week
<Lynne> but rav1e is sadly written in rust
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