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<ppw> suggestions for what to do here? [in#1/rawvideo @ 0x5ae955fc5cc0] Thread message queue blocking; consider raising the thread_queue_size option (current value: 8)
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<ta71> this may not be ffmpeg specific but is there a way to create a sample video like just a single character A in big for whole frame for 5 seconds, B for 5 seconds etc
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<DeHackEd> ta71: yes, you can build a video using only video filters...a blank image to start, a text drawing on top of that, etc... there are also some testsrc filters to generate moving test patterns
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<bigtimeconfused> hi there. has anyone out there had success using vulkan / cuda / nvdec / nvenc interop using any of the ffmpeg 7 releases? works for me without -hwaccel cuda -hwaccel_output_format cuda, not so much with.
<bigtimeconfused> i've tried linux, windows, different versions of the CUDA SDK, NVIDIA drivers, Vulkan SDK, etc ... unless something fundamental has changed in the way i should be structuring commands in 7, something seems to be up. what was working fine and dandy in 5.1.3 is now toast.
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<BtbN> The Vulkan code in old ffmpeg was super busted and has been completely rewritten and is still in the process of being worked on/completed.
<BtbN> Right now the Vulkan stuff is always half-broken, cause of wonky drivers, vendor-differences, under-documentation, ...
<BtbN> best wait 5 years or so for actually using it
<BtbN> (Also, the CUDA SDK is 100% irrelevant. FFmpeg does not use it in any way)
<bigtimeconfused> that's what i've been hearing :( There was a patch that fixed things in 5.1 - 6 i believe, but then a change was made to hwcontext_vulkan that made it no longer usable in 6.1+
<bigtimeconfused> I actually use 5.1.3 in a large production environment with that patch and it works great
<BtbN> It was rewritten from scratch, cause it was unuseably broken and Vulkan itself basically completely changed
<bigtimeconfused> Just getting kind of old and looking to upgrade.
<BtbN> Vulkan in 5.x was near useless. Never heard of it working at all
<JEEB> since I know some things work, you will have to actually detail what use case doesn't work any more with a pastebin or so
<JEEB> and link it here
<JEEB> otherwise we're just discussing really generic stuff
<bigtimeconfused> sure. just a sec
<JEEB> and possibly completely unrelated to whatever you're seeing
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<JEEB> alright, two notes in general
<bigtimeconfused> these are just examples. it doesn't matter what the input is - all NVDEC decodable and works fine w/ 5.1.3 with the patched hwcontex_vulcan - same result. seems like something is trying to force that auto scale into the filter chain, and then the -40 (Function not implemented) and -22 (Invalid argument)
<bigtimeconfused> results are slightly different w/ linux but basically the same.
<JEEB> 1) `-v verbose` is the last log level that is not spammy, and it does log various filter chain things etc, so I recommend utilizing it
<bigtimeconfused> *hwcontext_vulcan
<JEEB> 2) `-noauto_conversion_filters` disables auto-insertion of the scale filter
<JEEB> 3) since BtbN is available on IRC and keeps the auto-build process public, I recommend his automated daily builds
<JEEB> and yea, when hitting an issue I recommend first testing current master since any bug fixes or improvements get handled there first, and master is supposed to be all green @ FATE ( also in various cases fixes either aren't or can't be easily pulled into some release branch(es).
<bigtimeconfused> Gotcha - yeah, still no joy with -noauto_conversion_filters. Fails, but a bit differently.
<JEEB> yes, it should actually fail with the actual error as opposed to when it attempts to auto-insert. coupled with `-v verbose` it should also log the configured state of at least some filters
<BtbN> something unrelated to keep in mind: There is no actual way to map/derive frames between CUDA and Vulkan
<BtbN> so every hwmap is basically a copy
<JEEB> right, so the hwupload is not there yet
<JEEB> oh, or hwupload is but it's not a direct import of surfacE?
<JEEB> but rather a VRAM memcpy
<BtbN> Yeah, you can't just map, it's a memcpy
<JEEB> gotcha
<JEEB> vulkan did get extensions for d3d11 import etc, not sure if they have that for cuda yet
<BtbN> Nvidia is extremely efficient with those though
<JEEB> yea
<JEEB> bigtimeconfused: anyways feel free to post the log without auto conversions and with verbose
<bigtimeconfused> will do in just a sec, just wanted to find the patch that magically made all of this stuff work in 5.1.3
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<bigtimeconfused> here's the verbose output without auto conversions
<JEEB> cheers
<bigtimeconfused> thanks. i've been banging my head on this for weeks, lol. this is my last stop before filling out a bug report, basically
<JEEB> > trim_in_0:0
<JEEB> auto-insertion of trim by fftools?
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<JEEB> did not think trim cared about pix_fmts...
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<JEEB> bigtimeconfused: while I'm checking the logic can you check you get the same with BtbN's master build that I linked earlier?
<bigtimeconfused> happy too, sure. appreciate it
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<JEEB> ok, so I have just completely missed the (a)trim stuff
<JEEB> that is as old as 2013
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<JEEB> and since it isn't doing anything to those frames it failing between the input and it sounds really wonky
<JEEB> ok no, so first failure is on the audio side since auto-conversions are disabled. you basically need a `-af aresample` to just have something that converts from input to output config (as they differ)
<JEEB> as AAC decodes as planar float 44.1kHz and the default audio encoder for null muxer is pcm_s16le
<JEEB> so a conversion between those two needs to be allowed
<JEEB> (by adding an aresample filter)
<JEEB> (or just doing `-map 0:v` which will just map all video streams from input 0 to output
<JEEB> and thus skipping audio
<bigtimeconfused> results w/ BtbN's version look, to my untrained eyes at least, basically the same
<JEEB> yup, so remove the audio from the equation just in case
<JEEB> by just mapping the video
<bigtimeconfused> would -an accomplish the same thing?
<JEEB> yes and no. it would make the auto-selection not select audio, but it would still pick other types of stuff. I like being explicit. that disables auto-selection and picks only what gets mapped
<bigtimeconfused> with -map 0:v -
<JEEB> cheers
<JEEB> I think at this point you can start raising the log level
<JEEB> `-report` should create a text file in the current working directory
<JEEB> which utilizes `-v debug`
<bigtimeconfused> will do :)
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<bigtimeconfused> w/ -report:
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<JEEB> ok, so nothing but trim input
<JEEB> did this work with 6.1 branch?
<bigtimeconfused> never tried it, as the change to hwcontext_vulkan in 6.1 specifically made that patch i mentioned which fixed things stop applying.
<JEEB> well that patch seemed linux specific (mentions drm modifiers which are a linux thing), and not generic avfilter or ffmpeg cli related stuff
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<JEEB> the BtbN link has current state of 6.1 branch build there as well
<JEEB> so should be simple to test
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<JEEB> and the error we're getting doesn't seem to be pointing at all towards the hwcontext
<JEEB> or well, at this point you are getting
<bigtimeconfused> Yes, that patch was applied and used in linux.
<bigtimeconfused> will try that 6.1
<JEEB> cheers
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<JEEB> since the trim stuff has been there since 2013, it suddenly failing means that something somewhere changed and it would be nice if that range could be limited somewhat
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<bigtimeconfused> here's the attempt with BtbN's 6.1-latest
<JEEB> and 5.1-latest? if I go by what you are saying that in theory should work
<JEEB> ah no, libplacebo is disabled on 5.1
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<JEEB> but hwupload to vulkan from cuda should be a thing
<JEEB> since we're not even getting that far as libplacebo
<bigtimeconfused> and now you see why i've been going nuts over this for 3 weeks ... lol. as i recall, it was that patch + one magic version of libplacebo
<bigtimeconfused> however, think libplacebo could be taken out of the mix. i bet you any vulkan filter would fail.
<bigtimeconfused> *i think
<JEEB> yea
<JEEB> esp. since the error is way before that
<viric> damn vaapi...
<viric> I don't know why it picks a wrong default frame format
<viric> I'm trying to make sense of the hw sw_formats and hw_formats
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