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<vlt> Ingvix: I didn’t (and still don’t) know, either, but I ended up using Python and pillow to automatically work on exported frames.
<vlt> Hello, everyone! When I use trim and tpad, how can I keep the audio in sync to the video stream?
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<Ingvix> vlt, thanks. Perhaps I'll take a look at that direction
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<ciphrCat> I am trying to play an AAC stream this way → curl -v ''; | ffmpeg -i - -acodec aac -f wav - | play -
<ciphrCat> it seems ffmpeg accepts the input but produces output that /play/ chokes on, IIUC
<ciphrCat> I get this output → play FAIL formats: can't open input `-': WAVE: RIFF header not found
<furq> -acodec aac would go before -i there
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<furq> but apparently you don't need it at all
<aaabbb> you ddon't need to use curl, ffmpeg supports http
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<furq> you also don't need to use play, you can use one of the audio output devices
<ciphrCat> someone just told me about ffplay and indeed that works. But ffplay does not support proxies so anytime a proxy is needed then there would need to be a curl pipeline
<furq> ffmpeg does so i would imagine ffplay does
<aaabbb> you can probably use proxychains
<ciphrCat> certainly it’s not documented in the ffplay man page
<furq> assuming it's not a socks proxy
<furq> you don't need ffplay for just audio anyway
<ciphrCat> i tried this → ffplay http_proxy='' "$stream" and got: Argument ''; provided as input filename, but 'http_proxy=' was already specified
<ciphrCat> so i guess the ffmpeg options are not automatically passed through by ffplay
<ciphrCat> well, not even ffmpeg likes the proxy option. I tried: ffmpeg http_proxy='' -acodec aac "$stream" | ffplay -
<ciphrCat> and got Unable to find a suitable output format for 'http_proxy='
<Ingvix> perhaps try defining the format with -f? I dunno but I had to use that when I piped video from ffmpeg to ffplay
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<ciphrCat> i tried adding '-f aac' to ffmpeg and separately tried supplying that to ffplay. Both cases failed
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<ciphrCat> well, i can simply curl and pipe the stream to 'ffplay -'
<ciphrCat> not sure why that failed the first time.. maybe I left off the '-'
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<nemo_magneet> what is ffplay?
<ciphrCat> nemo_magneet: it’s a media player. for a demo run this: ffplay
<ciphrCat> that’s a nice light 32kbps stream. It’s the most lean stream i’ve found so far.
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<ciphrCat> glad to have found it because until now i've been doing various gymnastics with curl and mpg123 and ffmpeg with each station I want to hear
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<aaabbb> 32k for aac must be pretty bad quality, not even opus
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<nemo_magneet> ciphrCat: does it work if i ssh to the terminal
<nemo_magneet> like does the audio goes through ssh?
<aaabbb> nemo_magneet: the audio will be played by the computer ffplay is running on
<nemo_magneet> so it goes not through ssh? the audio?
<aaabbb> no audio will not go through ssh
<nemo_magneet> i just used ti on my pc then
<ciphrCat> nemo_magneet: i would be surprised if audio would go over an SSH terminal session.. i think that’s just text. But you could setup an SSH tunnel that would work as long as you have a local media player
<nemo_magneet> funz, we see grapics too
<aaabbb> but you can transfer the file over ssh
<aaabbb> and then play it on your local computer
<nemo_magneet> aaabbb: you can stream video by ssh
<nemo_magneet> so i was wonder, can we stream audio by ssh?
<aaabbb> nemo_magneet: via X11 forwarding yes
<aaabbb> but X11 does not do audio
<nemo_magneet> x11 yes
<nemo_magneet> x11 did video? not sure if i can remember if the video came with audio
<aaabbb> X11 is the name of a protocol tht is exclusively graphical
<nemo_magneet> I watched Le Mans by X11
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<nemo_magneet> How do you host that radio?
<nemo_magneet> I wanna build a simple AI_Radio haha
<ciphrCat> 32 kb AAC sounds fine. It wouldn’t likely pass some persnickety sound engineer’s standards but it’s fine for low volume PC speakers.
<aaabbb> what is AI_Radio?
<aaabbb> ciphrCat: i've been spoiled by good headphones, now the sbc in he-aac bothers me
<aaabbb> sbr*
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<aaabbb> once you hear it you can't un-hear it
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<nemo_magneet> aaabbb: AI music, on radio
<nemo_magneet> like your ciphrCat guy foes
<nemo_magneet> now my laptop is synced in the russian database lol
<aaabbb> idk what AI music is, like machine learning-generated music?
<nemo_magneet> computer made music, like
<ciphrCat> i found a 24 kb/s mp3 channel. But it still chews through limited GSM bandwith a bit too fast
<ciphrCat> though to be fair i can only listen to this stuff in small doses anyway:
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<aaabbb> you really should try opus, it can do at 24k what mp3 cant even do at 64k
<aaabbb> if you have limited bandwidth it is amazing
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<ciphrCat> i found this for opus → ffplay ''
<ciphrCat> but that’s some old timer music.. not good for testing an algo
<ciphrCat> opus is apparently not recognised as a codec by radio browser →
<ciphrCat> opus seems quite uncommon. I can only search for it if opus is a tag (not a codec), but then in all the hits the codec is named as OGG. Does that make sense? I wonder if opus has another meaning in this db.
<ciphrCat> there is one 24 kb/s station and one 32 kb/s station that mentions opus, then the listings shoot up into higher bitrates from there
<ciphrCat> this is the only 24 kb/s opus station → ffplay ''
<nemo_magneet> what wrong with oldtimer music lol
<ciphrCat> it has snaps, crackles, and pops
<ciphrCat> if the source has hiss and pops it’s hard to know what artificts are introduced by the compression algorithm
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<ciphrCat> NPR radio streams at 96 kb/s (mp3). Seems a bit excessive for a news channel
<nemo_magneet> time for a 12kb/s
<nemo_magneet> channel
<ciphrCat> yup
<nemo_magneet> a friend of mine had a trance channel 24/7 radio with low bit music
<nemo_magneet> cant remember the link anymore either
<nemo_magneet> Someday, i will broadcast my AI music
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<nemo_magneet> I am slowly thinking about a timed stream, 00:00 - 12:00 play video 1, 12:01 - 23:59 play video 2 stuff
<nemo_magneet> but how is that possible with ffmpeg?
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<nemo_magneet> 15:02 < nemo_magneet> I am slowly thinking about a timed stream, 00:00 - 12:00 play video 1, 12:01 - 23:59 play video 2 stuff
<nemo_magneet> 15:02 < nemo_magneet> but how is that possible with ffmpeg?
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<another|> make a 12 hour video?
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<nemo_magneet> another|: kinda
<nemo_magneet> not sure if ffmpeg explodes then
<nemo_magneet> the thing is that i can loop, without issues but changing videos will break loop
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<Curid> do you want to know how to kill and restart a process?
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<nemo_magneet> Curid: kinda
<froyo> Complete noob here at anything video-formatting. I recorded a 6 min video (2GiB) on my Google Pixel4a phone camera. I'm looking for a good way to compress them (or encode them) so that it takes up reasonably less space. Maybe 60MiB?). I tried this and while it works, MPV doesn't play it so well.
<nemo_magneet> The thing is that it needs to use another video
<nemo_magneet> so Day 1: video 1, day 2: video 2
<nemo_magneet> Since playlists wont work in ffmpeg i need to do it in code
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<Curid> froyo: maybe it doesn't like the mkv conversions
<nemo_magneet> froyo: noob here too, what file is it? .mp4?
<Curid> there's no way you got a 20x size reduction without losing quality
<nemo_magneet> 3060fx into 480p :P
<froyo> "without losing quality" -- I couldn't tell the difference. Apart from the somewhat choppy video and mpv not playing it right.
<Curid> try making the output mp4
<froyo> Alright but doing this each time takes about 4-5 hours on my PC. Is there anything else I can try before doing this? Does the command look legit btw?
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<Curid> test it on the first 5 minutes `-t 300`
<froyo> The whole video is 6 minutes...
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<Curid> compare the keyframe interval of both videos first then
<froyo> Interesting. No clue what keyframes mean, but I'll read up, look into it and get back to you.
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<froyo> Curid: I'm sorry I'm not going to be able to run all of this right now, but will do in a few days. Thanks for the help!
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<phantomics> A question - I'm aiming to write a video processing program that will interface with ffmpeg. For each frame of the video, I want to take an array of 8-bit ints representing the RGB values of each pixel, transform them in some way and output an altered array of the same length to be the output
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<phantomics> Is there any way to get this kind of interaction through an API or FFI with ffmpeg? My goal is for the transforming tool to receive the RGB input array and then return the output array to ffmpeg and have that encoded as video in the desired way
<phantomics> I could dump the video into .ppm files, process and reintegrate them into the final video, but that seems extremely slow and inefficient and I don't know if there's a more piecemeal way to do it
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<JEEB> phantomics: ffmpeg cli is after all just an API client for libavformat (reading inputs into packets or writing packets into outputs), libavcodec (decoding and encoding packets to/from frames) and libavfilter (filtering) etc
<JEEB> so yes, there are libraries :P
<kepstin> phantomics: you can absolutely put your rgb data into an AVFrame and use ffmpeg's apis to encode in process.
<JEEB> in the git repository there's examples under doc/examples (such as the transcoding one)
<furq> the format you're describing is rgb24 rawvideo
<furq> no need to wrap it in any way
<furq> you could do that by piping to the cli so you can definitely do it with the apis
<furq> to/from
<phantomics> I wouldn't want to write raw video files due to the massive size, I would want to write in RGB frames and have them encoded as something more efficient
<furq> you don't need to write anything
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<kepstin> if you want to use an external ffmpeg cli process instead of using libavcodec et all, you can pipe raw rgb24 format between processes without writing anything to disk. Will have more overhead than doing it in process tho.
<furq> start there i guess
<phantomics> Thanks
<JEEB> do note that the very specific examples only touch that very specific area
<phantomics> Looking at the transcode files too
<JEEB> I've found people then crying that they don't understand the rest :P thus I usually end up pointing people at the transcode one, and then people can filter out the stuff that they don't care about
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<phantomics> So AVFrame and write_frame in there are where it happens, but I could also pipe the byte arrays from another program into ffmpeg? That would be simpler for a proof of concept
<phantomics> I could also write the rawvideo files to disk and then call ffmpeg to encode them into something smaller, I suppose
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<DHE> I've done video encoding using raw video pixels, but through a (named) pipe to avoid hitting the disk... is that usable?
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<nemo_magneet> active people ho ho
<nemo_magneet> how do they end as video? what quality?
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<furq> phantomics: ./myapp - | ffmpeg -f rawvideo -pixel_format rgb24 -video_size 1920x1080 -framerate 25 -i - ...
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<phantomics> Thanks furq
<phantomics> Not hitting the disk would be ideal for sure
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<phantomics> Does the rawvideo/rgb24 encoding mean that it expects the input to simply be an array of 1920x1080x3 bytes, no other information encoded per frame?
<furq> right
<phantomics> Cool
<furq> and no headers hence the need for the other arguments
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<phantomics> So then could I use one ffmpeg invocation to encode a video to raw/rgb24, send each frame to namedPipe1, fetch it from there with my program, process it, then send it to namedPipe2 which sends it to the ffmpeg encoding invocation that furq posted?
<furq> that would work
<phantomics> I'll try that then
<furq> it would also work with just stdin/stdout and no named pipes
<nemo_magneet> Sounds voodoo, but what is the end product? a light video?
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<phantomics> I'm experimenting with some array processing tools and thought I'd try video editing
<nemo_magneet> Can you explain me, the noob, what it does and looks?
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<phantomics> I wrote a compiler for a language that's used for processing arrays:
<phantomics> Arrays are rectangular shapes of numbers, which is what a frame of video is when displayed using a computer
<phantomics> So I wanted to try using the array processing tools in this language to generate and alter videos
<phantomics> So it could look like anything, I could use this for example to paste one image over another and put a logo bug in the corner of a video, or mess with color levels, or lots of other things
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