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<aaabbb> when re-encoding video to a lower bitrate or audio to a lower bitrate, how can i determine the point where there is no generation loss (beside damage caused by lowering bitrate)?
<aaabbb> so if i have 500kbps audio then i reencode it down to 50kbps there is quality loss. but let's say instead i go 500->200->50kbps. i can imagine that the final 50kbps retains so much less that 500->200->50 and 500->50 would be effectively identical, right?
<aaabbb> having a hard time to formulate my exact question into english, but i want to know how to find out at what point generation loss is "masked" by a lower bitrate final encode
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<EmberCrest> good eeeeeeeeevening, ff-friends:)
<EmberCrest> my project is using libvpx-vp9 to stream files over RTSP using the -re flag. works like a charm, but *only* if I specify -compression_level=4 -cpu-used=6
<aaabbb> well, libvpx is a very slow encoder
<EmberCrest> ah, I did not realize that. yeah streaming only reaches 1x if I give it performance options like that.
<aaabbb> for streaming a lot of people either use software h264 (libx264), or a hardware encoder for hevc. you can also use av1 with libsvtav1 and although av1 is slow, it has a lot of options that make it usable to stream in real time
<EmberCrest> I'm very used to using x264 for RTMP-- I've switched to RTSP ingest -> WebRTC egress. Libvpx has been the most cooperative.
<aaabbb> the problem with libvpx is that it requires 2pass encoding to take advantage of many of its compression features, which obviously isn't possible doing real-time streaming
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<EmberCre1t> crap wifi connection, at a coffee shop. thx aaabbb!
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<vlt> aaabbb: I don’t see any benefit from going 500->200->50kbps. The contrary. I think, re-encoding to a lossy codec will *always* introduce generation loss. Or … I didn’t correctly follow your train of thought :D
<aaabbb> vlt: there's no benefit i know. but let's say hypothetical example, an extreme one. a 50mbps video->40mbps->100kbps. the end result already has sooo little left to work with that it would be just as bad as 50mbps ->100kbps
<vlt> aaabbb: My gut says 50Mbps->40Mbps->100kbps will be slightly worse than 50Mbps->100kbps.
<aaabbb> then s/100kbps/20kbps/ it's just that i imagine there comes a point where loss caused by lower bitrate overshadows generation loss
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<Kabouik> Hey #ffmpeg. I have an intro.mkv file where the audio is terrible, and a global.mp4 file where the audio is complete and good, but the first 30 seconds of the video should be replaced by that from intro.mkv (without adding the audio of intro.mkv). How would I do that?
<Kabouik> I tried that ( and it worked, except the overlaid intro.mkv now has terrible framerate and even freezes, while playing it alone was smooth
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<Kabouik> In other words, I just want to replace the beginning of global.mp4 (video part only) with the video of intro.mkv, in full.
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<aaabbb> Kabouik: unless you can cut at a keyframe and they were encoded at nearly the same settings, you can't losslessly do this. you'll have to re-encode
<Kabouik> I don't mind re-encoding
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<Kabouik> I am trying after re-encoding intro.mkv using x264, then the setpts method
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<Kabouik> Hum somehow `ffmpeg -i original.mp4 -i intro.mp4 -filter_complex "[1]setpts=PTS-STARTPTS+0/TB[fg];[0][fg]overlay=enable='between(t,0,30)'[v]" -map "[v]" -map 1:a -c:a copy final.mp4` does the opposite of what I wanted: it used the audio from intro.mp4 instead lf original.mp4, but otherwise did what I wanted on the video part
<Kabouik> Actually not, the video is still low framerate (and even frozen) on the beginning of final.mp4
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<Kabouik> Would you have an idea aaabbb? I need to send the video (conference video, deadline approaching due to timelag)
<aaabbb> unfortunately i'm a bit drunk at the moment and probably best someone else answer. just stick around and you'll get an answer with patience im sure
<Kabouik> Understood, good luck to you then! :]
<aaabbb> thaks lol
<Kabouik> I'll probably just have to use kdenlive for today, spent too much time trying to do it in ffmpeg (but I did many other useful steps for my video using ffmpeg so I'm happy still).
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<Kabouik> Damn, Kdenlive created a 600MB file where ffmpeg did fine with a 40MB one, the only difference being these 30 seconds I need to change at the beginning, but can't do with ffmpeg so far
<furq> did you try just concat without setpts
<furq> you really shouldn't need to reencode the whole thing
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<furq> if you're reencoding the intro then you can make it match all of the parameters that need to match for concat to work
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<Kabouik> I tried concat furq but probably did it wrong, it resulted in a file of nore than one-hour long while it should have been 15 minutes
<Kabouik> I probably failed to re-encode the first part properly, didn't know which exact parameters I needd to replicate and I admit I'm far (far) from being fluent with ffmpeg, I am only good enough to replicate posts I see on SO.
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<Kaybi__2> Hello folks! I can't seem to find a way to achieve something so I came here to ask a little bit of help X)
<Kaybi__2> I'm trying to create segments on-demand  of a video file to create a HLS stream.
<Kaybi__2> I'm extracting keyframes from my file using ffprobe which gives me this sample output:
<Kaybi__2> - 0.000000
<Kaybi__2> - 4.963000
<Kaybi__2> - 9.927000
<Kaybi__2> - 13.096000
<Kaybi__2> - 16.266000
<Kaybi__2> When I run this ffmpeg command:
<Kaybi__2> > ffmpeg -i sample.mkv -c:v copy -c:a copy -hls_time 1us -hls_list_size 0 output.m3u8
<Kaybi__2> I get segments that are cut precisely at these keyframes which is good and expected!
<Kaybi__2> But when I run this ffmpeg command:
<Kaybi__2> > ffmpeg -i sample.mkv -c:v copy -c:a copy -ss 13.096000 -to 16.266000 -f mpegts segment-003.ts
<Kaybi__2> The segment generated is not the same that the upper command generated (duration is 3s vs 0.1s) as if my keyframe was not being used..
<Kaybi__2> So the question is: How can I create a single segment using the exact same keyframes that ffmpeg is using when generating the whole playlist?
<Kaybi__2> Hope this is clear enough and that someone will be kind enough to help me out, thanks for reading! =D
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<GooseWing> Hello everyone, I'm currently digging ffmpeg's docs about two-pass h264 encoding and came to a question: does specifying -b:v parameter automatically means two-pass encoding?
<GooseWing> Because I can use it without specifying -pass (hence don't run ffmpeg twice) and it results in a same file
<furq> no it doesn't
<intrac> anyone with knowledge about libvidstab? I'm trying to see if there's a way to calculate the motion (first pass) on a low resolution copy of the video, then apply the calculated motion (transforms) back to the original HQ video
<intrac> but it seems the resolution can't change between the first and second passes
<GooseWing> Then what the point of using two-pass encoding, if I still can specify target bitrate (and hence get desired file size) and use single-pass?
<GooseWing> Docs and the internet says like I need to use two-pass to be able to control target file size
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<intrac> GooseWing: you can control quality and filesize with either; 1. two pass encoding, 2. direct bitrate control (-b:v) (one-pass) , 3. constant quality (-crf option) (also one-pass)
<GooseWing> 1. and 2. will be the same?
<intrac> no, I don't think so.
<intrac> two-pass should give better estimation/calculation of the filesize and bitrate, especially for content with a lot of variation in movement and complexity
<intrac> by comparison, one-pass encoding (option 2. above) can sometimes struggle to stay close to the bitrate given by the user
<intrac> it might over or undershoot the target given with -b:v
<GooseWing> Well, I just figured out why I get two same files between "direct bitrate control" and two-pass encoding - it is because of h264_nvenc
<intrac> so if I understand these options correctly, two-pass should give more control and better allocate the bitrate to slow/fast sections of the video
<GooseWing> I just tried libx264 and it gives two different files plus two-pass result is bigger
<intrac> aah
<intrac> I'm not really familiar with h264_nvenc other than I use it to take the load of my CPU
<intrac> "Multipass in nvenc is internal and not like x265, if you use p7 its already enabled, p7 is the highest quality, slow is depricated. "
<intrac> I'm not sure what 'internal' means, but it suggests it doesn't work in the same way
<furq> 2-pass means something different in nvenc
<furq> it's something like lookahead in x264
<furq> i think some of the quality profiles enable 2-pass which might explain the identical files
<furq> oh yeah you said that
<GooseWing> Yeah, .log file is 0 bytes after the first pass and I don't get .mbparts file like with x264
<GooseWing> So it probably does it internally or it just process single-pass twice
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<GooseWing> Alright, I think it all makes sense now, thanks for the help and links
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